The latest Cataclysm screenshot from Blizzard is Biqcupwlk shown above, featuring another look at wow power leveling Gilneas. They seem to be on a Gilneas kick recently, but I really can't complain. It's easily one of the coolest Cataclysm environments we've seen yet. So delightfully moody. If you've missed any of the previous Cataclysm screenshots of the day or you want to see wedding dresses a hi-res version of today's screenshot, check out the gallery below. Every Tuesday, Shifting Perspectives explores issues affecting feral/restoration druids and wow power leveling those who group with them. This week, Allie hopes she is too unimportant and destitute to be worth suing. While finishing the bear, tree and cat gearing guides, I dickered over whether it'd be worth it to examine the Cataclysm talent changes. It's kind of dumb to devote a column to changes that, for all we know, Blizzard slid into the upcoming beta just to scare data wow gold miners, but I finally decided ... what the hell. I enjoyed watching Wrath's development during its beta and often wish I'd written more about the class changes as they evolved. Anyway, this is a snapshot of what we know in May 2010. There is the minor matter of the, uh, Cataclysm talent changes no longer being publicly available. As with all alpha leaks, there's the ever-present threat of Blizzard raining lawyers on your head like some Biblical plague, but then I thought rolex -- what good is working for an evil corporation if I can't marshal our own soulless legal tyrants? And how much fun would it be to watch Blizzard legal battling Aol legal? Aol's lawyers hate life and themselves, and this is the stuff of great entertainment. Why not haul out the deck chair, pack a lunch and have the traditional American day out at the Ninth Circuit Court enjoying the Fisticuffs of the Damned? Every week, we present you with the WoW Insider Show podcast -- an hour's worth of wow gold WoW community discussion, covering everything from the week's top stories here on to emails from our readers to what's been going on with our particular characters in Azeroth.zcy