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  1. heheh... de volta pra 95! "I believe with the advent of acid we've discovered a new way to think... and it has to do with piecing together new thoughts in your mind. Why is it that people think it's so evil? What is it about it that is scares people so deeply? Even ... and if one is ... because they are afraid that there's more to reality than they have confronted. That there are doors that they're afraid to go in and they don't want us to go in there either because, if we go in, we might learn something that they don't know. And that makes us a little out of their control." - Ken Kesey no documentário da BBC "The Beyond Within: The Rise and Fall of LSD" (1987) ...nem tanto! rs ...pra filosofar, por Terence McKenna
  2. olha só, o brocolino tbm curte uns psicodélicos.. rs Mama Indica - Radioactive Rain de volta para 1996 no bom e velho TB-303!
  3. Fala Nitro, já respondi! confere lá!


  4. Fala irmão!! pô curto demais as ideias do terence..

    tenho uma playlist no meu canal do youtube:

    ps: faz tempo q não atualizo a lista, se souber de mais vídeos!


  5. Heeerreeee we goooooo000!!!

    d[=.=]b ! @ # % % # @ !

  6. quando acender da um toque!! meu bong já está pronto!!! huauahua 8D

  7. Paz irmão!!! d[=.=]b ! @ # % % # @ !

  8. Paz irmão!!! d[=.=]b ! @ # % % # @ !

  9. E aeee madruga!!! d[=.=]b @#$%^&*()_-+

    PaZ irmão!!

  10. Paz irmão!!! d[=.=]b ! @ # % % # @ !

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