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Tudo que BadMotherFucker postou

  1. Sr. Branco, não sei se vc leu a reportagem em inglês até o final, mas o final mesmo não tem na tradução e o pior é que eles cortam bem em uma parte importante. (link direto do site da universidade) Vejam: Tradução: "O abuso da maconha é comum entre os esquizofrênicos, e estudos recentes mostraram que o princípio psicoativo da maconha pode provocar sintomas de esquizofrenia em indivíduos sãos", explicou Jones. Original: Dr Jones, lead author and MRC Senior Non-clinical Fellow at the University, said: “Marijuana abuse is common among sufferers of schizophrenia and recent studies have shown that the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana can induce some symptoms of schizophrenia in healthy volunteers. These findings are therefore important for our understanding of psychiatric diseases, which may arise as a consequence of ‘disorchestrated brains’ and could be treated by re-tuning brain activity.” Michal Kucewicz, first author on the study, added: “These results are an important step forward in our understanding of how rhythmic activity in the brain underlies thought processes in health and disease.” The research is part of a Medical Research Council (MRC)-supported collaboration between the University and the Eli Lilly & Co. Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience that aims to develop new tools and targets for treatment of brain diseases like schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  2. BadMotherFucker

    Hempy Bucket

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