Hemp car is an alternative-fuel project car that utilizes hemp biodiesel for fuel. Industrial hemp would be an economical fuel if hemp were legal to cultivate in the United States. Industrial hemp has no psychoactive properties and is not a drug. Hemp Car demonstrates the concept of hemp fuels on a national level and promotes the reformation of current law.
The car is touring America, with stops in Canada, frequenting alternative-energy, environmental, and hemp-legalization events. The car departed from Washington D.C. on July 4, 2001 and will return on October 2, 2001. The car is generating publicity, emphasizing the utility of industrial hemp to modern society. We are providing the public with information about biofuels, hemp, their uses, and current American laws. We wish to establish a world distance record for a vehicle utilizing hemp for fuel: 10,000 miles.
A network of hemp activists provides us with the hemp oil at planned intervals throughout the country. Funding, sponsorships, and networking are necessary for Hemp Car to succeed. There is promotional space on the car for organizations that contribute to Project Hemp Car. If you or your organization is interested in contributing to this project please contact: