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Tudo que marie420 postou
Anonymous Declara Guerra À Proibição Da Maconha
topic respondeu ao marie420 de marie420 em Ativismo - Cannabis Livre
Se eles continuarem o seu bom trabalho como eles estão fazendo ... Espero que eles vão fazer manchetes de notícias em breve. -
Anonymous Declara Guerra À Proibição Da Maconha
um tópico no fórum postou marie420 Ativismo - Cannabis Livre
Eu realmente aprecio e agradeço grupo anônimo para fazer um trabalho maravilhoso. Em uma frente pessoal gostaria de dizer, eles realmente merecem ser Herói Nacional. Eles educar as pessoas sobre a maconha medicinal. Depois de conhecer todos os fatos corretos sobre a maconha medicinal, as pessoas podem decidir se quer ou não apoiar o movimento pró-legalização da maconha medicinal. Leia mais sobre eles aqui. 1) Exclusivo: hacktivistas Anônimos Para Batalha Maconha medicinal Proibição 2) Anônimo declara guerra à proibição da maconha -
Concordo plenamente com você! Não é um GM. Precisamos manter nossa discussão relacionada com os OGMs.
Concordo plenamente com você é uma planta maravilhosa. Estamos realmente abençoado por Deus para conseguir que como um presente.
San Francisco, Califórnia, e você?
aqui, a maioria de nós são maconheiros. Eu acho que fumar maconha medicinal é uma grande experiência. Abre meus olhos para um mundo totalmente novo e me ajudar a lutar contra a minha doença. Eu gostaria de agradecer a "Deus" para a planta da maconha.
Não, eu não sou português, mas para expressar meus pensamentos eu uso tradutor Google. Se houver qualquer problema, então deixe-me saber sobre ele.
Diga-nos, como você vai comemorar este dia especial? Além disso, descobrir como 4/20 se tornou um símbolo de poder e de conectividade para a nossa comunidade aqui: http://bigbudsmag.com/lifestyle/arts-entertainment/article/what-are-you-doing-today-420-april- 2012
Riqueza um afinal é Saúde. E eu acredito que todos vão concordar com este.
Eu acho que fumar maconha medicinal é uma grande experiência. Abre meus olhos para um mundo totalmente novo e me ajudar a lutar contra a minha doença. Eu gostaria de agradecer a "Deus" para a planta da maconha. Mas, se encontrar a maconha é perigosa à sua saúde, então eles não vão apoiar a legalização da maconha.
Como OGM representam graves riscos de saúde para nós, então a questão não se trata de legalizar a maconha.
OGM são nada além de "organismos geneticamente modificados" criados pelo cientista. Especialistas dizem que os OGM representam graves riscos de saúde para nós, nossas plantas de maconha, e os ecossistemas do mundo. Descubra como você Pare de OGM prejudiquem a maconha medicinal
Eu concordo com o que você disse, mas fumar maconha não é o resultado final para os adolescentes. Se usar maconha para fins medicinais, então eles podem podemconsumi-lo através de algumas receitas de maconha.
Se você está sempre confuso enquanto a tomada de decisão ... Você considera isso como um desafio ou um problema? Eu considero isso como um problema. Eu não tenho certeza sobre u?
Mesmo que eu não tenho certeza se o cara é neurobiologista ... Mas o artigo transmite uma mensagem científica. E isso é mais importante para nós. Em adolescentes, verifica-se que o uso pesado de maconha atrapalha o desenvolvimento do cérebro. Cérebro sub-desenvolvidos, pode ter algumas alterações, como falta de atenção e confuso enquanto a tomada de decisão para citar alguns.
Como dizemos todos os dedos não são iguais. Da mesma forma, se você nãosofreram qualquer doença ou efeito colateral que não significa que não vai acontecercom outros também.
OMG -- you read the headline and you’re shocked that a medical marijuana grower would say something that sounds so “anti-marijuana.” So like the fried eggs “This is your brain on drugs” commercials. But I’m glad you’re taking the time to read below the headline, because it’s important that teenagers not use marijuana. One way I know this is because I started using marijuana when I was 14. I used marijuana to get rid of my pain. What pain? Growing pains. And the pain of growing up poor, with parents who hated each other and screamed at each other night and day, in a dangerous neighborhood on the down side of town. I was shy and worried. Couldn’t sleep at night. When I went to school, I got the shakes. Hated life and twice cut my wrists (it’s a lot harder to kill yourself than you might think). But the first time I got high, I suddenly felt wildly optimistic, exuberant, on top of the world. On marijuana, I was a completely different person. No more insomnia. Confident around people. Even had an appetite. I became a bud-carrying member of the dazed and confused Stoner Nation. We put the high in high school, slipping off at lunch to hit the bong, laughing at non-stoners, noticing that 420 culture and non-420 culture were worlds apart. But I didn’t realize until later that we were doing a brain experiment. I vaguely suspected it when I was a teenager, because I noticed marijuana had bad effects to go along with its good effects. The bad effects were that if I ran out of pot, I got irritable, sad, shaky, and lost my appetite. And when I was high, I forgot what I’d just heard, blew off my schoolwork, couldn’t carry a coherent conversation, fell asleep a lot during the day, I was physically weaker and I coughed a lot. But only later when I studied neurobiology, neuroendocrinology, and adolescent psychology did I get the full details of the damage my teenage marijuana use had done me. Start with the fact that when adolescence hits, Nature reconfigures your brain and body to transform your structure from child to adult. Brain sub-organs and cellular-level processes involved directly in memory, sex drive, mood, appetite, anger, grief, stress response, muscle tone, metabolism and learning are changing fast. So are the neurological networks connecting the sub-organs to the rest of the brain and the body. When you regularly insert THC and other cannabinoids into your brain during this crucial transitional phase, you’re blindly toying with this natural, genetically-programmed, adolescent restructuring processes. Marijuana also disrupts natural hormonal development, especially if you’re a guy. Sure, every teenager who uses marijuana has unique genetics, experiences and use patterns. But if you’re a heavy marijuana user when you’re a teenager, you’re creating physiological and psychological mistakes in your brain, hormone systems, and personality. Chronic teenage marijuana users find that their brain and personality don’t learn to handle stress, change, challenges, adversity, growth and new information the way Nature and culture intended. I’d admit to myself: You’re high. You’re not sober. You’re hiding behind THC to deal with life’s realities at a time when you’d be better off facing them head on and learning to cope and win. Your brain and body have feel-good neurotransmitter systems intended to reward you only when you do something useful…such as making all A’s in your classes, exercising, learning to deal with the real world, helping your parents pay the bills, successfully dating the girl you’re in love with. Instead, stoner teens use THC to artificially activate reward circuitry. Suddenly you feel good (because you’re high), but you did nothing to earn that feeling. Pretty soon you find that any time you want to feel better, instead of actually doing something productive to feel better, it’s easier to turn the clock to 420 time. And over time, I become dependent on THC—without it, I didn’t ever feel really good. Without it, I felt really bad. You notice yourself and stoner friends always saying: Let’s get high before we go to the concert, park, beach, club, restaurant, party, movies, etc. When I look at the life success of people in my high school graduating class who did and did not use marijuana, I easily see how marijuana choices affected us during our teenage years and later in life. Kids with otherwise normal, happy, well-adjusted adolescent development, and who either never smoke marijuana at all during their life, or wait to smoke marijuana until they’re in their 20’s or older, almost never have problems from or with marijuana. Why? Because they already had healthy brains free of inherited defects or personality disorders, they matured without relying on marijuana. People who start using marijuana as adults usually have far less problems with cannabis than people who started too early. Fact is, all my friends who were chronic 420 heads during junior high and high school are now dependent on marijuana in our adult lives. We admit that our early chronic marijuana use robbed us of crucial physiological and psychological development that would have made our brains and our personalities healthier and more successful. Of course, in rare cases when a teenager has cancer or some life-threatening disease, marijuana is medically indicated-- because whatever negative side effects it has are outweighed by the good it does. But for those of us whose only pain is just that life sometimes sucks when you’re a teenager, it’s best not to use marijuana until about age 20, until your brain has matured out of adolescence, until you’ve learned to face the real world without using THC as an escape hatch. The bottom line: I’m someone who loves to grow and use medical marijuana, someone who disdains the criminalization of plants, and yet I can assure you…if you’re a child or teenager, marijuana is not for you. I say the same thing about tobacco, alcohol, mind-altering pharmaceuticals—avoid them. Learn to cope with life by developing winning skills and strategies, not by dosing yourself. When you get older, you can enjoy marijuana responsibly, and it won’t wreck your head. But if you use marijuana a lot when your brain and body are in their adolescent growth phase, I gotta tell you…you’re certain to regret it later. I do.