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  1. Faz tempo que nao fumo um basiado largado mesmo, cansei de bolar fino...

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    2. Ganjaman_SP


      neh, o objetivo é esse mesmo, colher colher, para sobreviver.. mas no momento isso nao eh a realidade, mas brevemente será.!

    3. black flag

      black flag

      Eu só fumava fino de prensado, depois que colhi meu primeiro green, nunca mais bolei nenhum fino.

      Até porque eu acho que fino de green não queima direito. hehehe!!

    4. diegrow


      prox vez me chama capeta ahuahuhuaa

  2. fala cara, beleza? vi no tópico do show do planet hemp que vc era um dos interessados em armar uma van. eu e mais um amigo também vamos no show do dia 14 e estamos interessados em armar um esquema desses, será que podemos combinar algo?

    1. Ganjaman_SP


      po cara, to na finalidade de colar, mais ta osso ainda nem comprei o vc souber de alguma coisa ae da um salve...

  3. Hoje é dia de finados. Parabens pelo seu dia porquinhas rosadas....


  5. eh nois mano, satisfaçao total saber q estou ajudando alguem... qdo vc for la me chama...
  6. certo, obrigado. não estou me auto diagnosticando, fui diagnosticado por um profissional da area, no caso um psiquiatra... ele me diagnosticou com transtorno bipolar do humor...mas nao fiquei satisfeito com esse diagnostico e pesquisei por conta propria... de fato eu tenho algum transtorno nao me conhece, nao convive comigo, nao sabe oq acontece aqui... eu sei mas nao queria ver, agora aceitei o fato de que o problema pode estar em mim e nao nos outros... eu me identificava(aceitava) com o transtorno bipolar mas nao completamente, dae pesquisando achei esse transtorno explosivo e as semelhanças das caracteristicas sintomaticas sao gritantes... estou buscando ajuda medica profissional, nao se preocupe... mais uma vez obrigado pela participaçao no topico PPerverso.
  7. ae mano, vc pode ateh ter perdido uma batalha, mais nao perdeu a guerra... nao desista dos seus ideais, faça uma guerrilha...hehe
  8. sou desinformado no assunto quando se trata de Ayahuasca, falei aquilo com base noq eu sei, que no caso eh muito pouco. oque eu sei eh q sao usados cipos e raizes nao eh? eh facil achar os igredientes pela cidade? ou ateh mesmo cultiva-los em casa? em uma breve pesquisa encontrei a seguinte informaçao: Jagube & Rainha A preparação da ayahuasca faz-se combinando o cipó 'Jagube' (Banisteriopsis Caapi) com as folhas do arbusto chamado 'Rainha' (Psychotria Viridis). Estes dois ingredientes são fervidos juntos durante várias horas, à fim de liberar as suas substâncias ativas. Enquanto a folha do Rainha contem naturalmente a substância psicoactiva DMT (dimethyltriptamine), o cipó do Jagube do seu lado contem MAOI (harmine, harmaline), que juntos produzem o efeito espiritual conhecido. O jagube é considerado pelos xamãs como a alma do chá, o guia ao fio da experiência.
  9. Alzheimer’s by Jack Herer Around 1983, when my mother was 75 years old, she was in the first stages of Alzheimer’s disease. She came out to California from Miami Beach for six weeks to visit my children and me. My son, Barry went into the airport to get her, while I waited in the car. Although she had just seen him the year before, she didn’t recognize him and thought he was trying to pick her up. My older sister, Marlene, explained to me that was a symptom of the disease. At that time, I was just beginning to write a book called “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” about the history of hemp, including the medical history of cannabis. I had read many reports about diseases being treated with cannabis, including the first reports on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. One report said that if you smoke marijuana morning, noon and night you won’t have a problem with Alzheimer’s. It won’t go away but it won’t progress and may even go backwards a little bit. My mother didn’t smoke except for maybe 10 tobacco cigarettes a year. When she came to California I gave her marijuana morning, noon and night. She smoked it and ate it. She had never tried it before. Prior to this, I was never able to really talk to my mother. Our conversations always consisted of her telling me to “don’t do this” or “don’t do that.” Now, for the first time, I was able to talk to my mother about everything including politics, family and about when she first came to the U.S. from Poland 60 years before. It was the most wonderful time in my whole life being able to talk with my mother like that. My only regret was that I didn’t give it to her when she was 45 or 55. After six weeks she had no symptoms of Alzheimer’s whatsoever. Then it was time for her to go back to Miami Beach to my stepfather. I sent her back with about 60 joints. I was planning on sending her 60 already rolled joints a month. When she got home she showed her husband what she was doing and he had a fit about her smoking so she quit. He said “You can’t smoke marijuana. I don’t care if you think it’s good for you or not. It’s against the law.” They threw away the 60 joints. Two years later my mother got so bad she was put into a hospital. One year later she didn’t recognize me or my children at all. She died in 1990. The last 4 years she didn’t recognize me at all when I came to visit. When I wrote the first edition (106 pages) of my book, I wrote that Alzheimer’s disease is best treated by using marijuana morning, noon, and night (not once in a while). Everyone thought I was crazy, including my brother and sister. I have kept up on all the information about marijuana for the last 30 years. I’ve known about the preliminary studies for Alzheimer’s since the early ‘80s. It was recently reported on CNN and newspapers throughout the world that using marijuana is the best treatment for Alzheimer’s. If you use marijuana morning, noon and night it won’t progress. You may even get better. If you start using it when you’re 20 or 30 or 40, your chances are high you will not get Alzheimer’s. Cannabis has been proven to be many times more effective than the drugs currently being used to treat it. But marijuana is illegal in most places. fonte: EH JACK HERER, "Cannabis has been proven to be many times more effective than the drugs currently being used to treat it. But marijuana is illegal in most places." REVOLTANTE.!
  10. nao duvido das suas palavras, mas vc consegue cultivar os igredientes da Ayahuasca em casa? e a Cannabis vc consegue cultivar em casa? vc consegue ateh mesmo dentro de um PC...
  11. Eh horrivel isso neh cara, quando vc surta vc fica tremendo de raiva e "precisa" quebrar alguma coisa pra satisfazer esse surto, mas logo em seguida vem a depressao e o arrependimento. Nao adianta fugir da realidade, temos q assumir que somos doentes e precisamo de tratamento. Nao podemos viver escravos desse transtorno e/ou escravos do sistema medico com seus remedios venenosos. Ainda bem que temos conhecimento que a Cannabis eh o remedio mais seguro do mundo. E ainda bem que temos espaços como Growroom para nos ensinar a cultivar nossa Cannabis.
  12. pode crer cara, vou ter que me tornar um autodidata em tudo mesmo. ja fui atras de meditação para ver se ajuda no meu transtorno, vou pesquisar sobre yoga tbm. Pq dinhero para fazer aulas de yoga nao tem, isso eh coisa de bacana...
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