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stoned junior

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Tudo que stoned junior postou

  1. A Ducksfoot original provavelmente voce so vai encontrar la mesmo, ate porque por tras do Overgrow apesar de ser um site referencia para growers existe um enorme comercio e o dono de Seeds Direct é um dos principais patrocinadores do Overgrow e o WallyDuck pode ter dado exclusividade para ele!!! O Maple Leaf com certeza existe em outros seedbanks vou me informar e posto aqui novamente!!! Alias o Wally Duck foi preso a uns dois anos atras!!!
  2. Aqui a reportagem inteira sobre a planta descrita pelo autor da facanha: Breeders report on Ducksfoot. Plant structure: Up to 8 ft in height and can be as wide, average around 6 ft. Very large, bushy webbed leaved plant . . . tends to like to spread with training to produce masses of large tight and very heavy, smelly buds. Buds have been as large as my leg... The Ducksfoot seems to be a very hardy plant. It begins to show its webbed traits on the second set of leaves, that come out quite wedged shaped and usually single bladed. The following leaf is the typical 3 fingered Ducksfoot leaf. Successive leaves will continue up to seven apparent points, and can be very large, dinner plate size. The leaves progressively lessen in points as the plant ripens as with other varieties. Yield: I have yielded huge amounts from my ducks, up to and over 2 pounds, due to its quick growth it is able to support hundreds of fat buds. Maturing times: I am still working on what sort of time it matures in climates different to mine; in my climate it is planted anywhere between October and December, and is harvested late March to mid April. I have seen a few plants grown in the U.K. that veged well, but I don’t believe the ripening time was long enough to produce the same thing I get here, he said it was still going into November. Climates similar to Australia have had no problems at all, as far down as Perth in western oz... Indoors: I have grown duck indoors a few times, they veged very well, but the buds were wispy and airy and didn’t seem worth the trouble. We had 2 plants that were successful out of 20 tested, the successful ones were very good, but I haven’t seen another suited one since and would recommend that it is not grown indoors, after all why hide a plant that has its own camouflage specially suited for the outdoors?.. Bud size and form: Some of the fattest and weightiest buds I’ve come across, green in colour... Bud formation can vary a little . . . have had them up to 4 inches in diameter and very solid, sometimes causing problems here with mould due to that fact... Uniformity: All plants are webbed, but some variations can occur in bud formation, i.e. , some more looser Sativa type buds, and others will resemble the tighter Indica formation... All plants have a similar smell and taste, a little stronger in some than others. It has not bothered me to have some variation in the plants, but will breed out the Sativa-looking ones and stick to the tighter fatter buds in the near future. It is nice to see all the characteristics though and all plants have performed very well in my location. Smell and taste: The duck has a very strong smell, even when quite young and a mature bush can be smelled from many meters away, kind of lingers in the air... Fresh buds smell very strong and will stink your house out, when dry and cured it has a very pleasant, to strong odors; a sweet hashy, spicy smell. The taste is the same as the smell, lingers on the palate for a long time afterwards and is very sweet and refreshing. Stone: Nice smooth stone, very steady up and relaxing and happy, very little couch lock, but still quite the powerful smoke, happy weed would describe it perfectly... My opinion: I really love growing the duck, it’s a really fun plant to grow and I always have some growing. The taste is just amazing and the stone brightens my day, even if it starts a little glum. I have bred many generations of this wonderful plant, and am really taken by its unique structure, growth pattern and fantastic smell... Potential: The duck has shown a huge potential in the area of hybridization, its vigor is added to the cross very well, as well as the smell. The hybrids have been of good size, up to average of 1 pound, with huge heads, some up to 5 inches in diameter and tight; some buds were so robust they looked as though they were growing inside out... The recent addition of a webbed Indica to my seed collection may realize some fantastic potential with webbed plants... Spare a thought for the many Ducksfoot plants that gave their lives to bring you this report. -Wallyduck
  3. Me desculpe se nao me expressei direito; a Duksfoot foi desenvolvida a partir da hibridizacao de MAPLE LEAF com plantas 100% indicas (tais como mazar etc e tal) , que como todos sabem tem as sua folhas bem arredondadas para que ficassem como a planta da foto! Ou seja a MAPLE LEAF original ja possuia folhas bem arredondadas(dai o nome maple leaf, pra quem nao sabe as folhas da arvore maple e aquela folha da bandeira do Canada), depois foi sendo hibridizada pelo WallyDuck ate chegar a essa forma totalmente inusitada!!! Pra todos verem ate onde vai a criatividade dos "maconheiros", a especie foi desenvolvida justaente para que nao apresentasse as folhas caracteristicas da cannabis !
  4. Esta variedade se chamava inicialmente "MAPLE LEAF", desenvolvida no Canada no inicio dos anos 80, se nao me engano na World Wide Seeds ainda tem essa variedade para vender!!
  5. Nao existe nenhuma especie denominada Purple Haze em qualquer seed bank, as fostos acima sao de uma especie chamada Shamman da Dutch Passion! Purple Haze um tipo dentre os milhares criados na decada de 70!!! A segunda foto que alias causou a maior polemica no overgrow o ano passado e de uma planta que devido a uma alteracao genetica tinha os pistilos rosa!
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