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Strains Medicinais - California


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  • Usuário Growroom
  cabelo disse:
vc planta indoor???

eu naum tiro mais de 100g a cada 2 meses com 250 w naum cara.

100g eu chego a tirar com 400w, um pouco mais as vezes. eu uso organico, nada d superfertilizantes gringos...

e se eu fumo 50g do verde por mes???

ce ta brincando comigo.... hehehe

olha uma coisa é vc se guiar pelas teorias q tem por ai, que da pra tirar 0.5, 1g por watt...outra coisa é a pratica. e eu fumo mto mais de 50g por mes, até pq naum fumo sozinho cara ;)

mas a pergunta continua, vc planta indoor?

eu faço indoor também, só que eu disponho de uma área relativamente pequena, 50x70.

com boas madres, acho que dá pra tirar tranquilo 100 g com 250 W, com orgânico.

não fumar sozinho é realmente um "problema" hehehe. depois que comecei a cultivar, não compartilho mto. é foda todo o trabalho e dinheiro investido, pra ficar 'dando' maconha para os outros e depois correr o risco de ficar sem pq fumaram a minha maconha. claro que ainda apresento vez ou outra, pra alguns brothers, mas não como na época de prensado.

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  • Usuário Growroom
  pernola disse:
eu faço indoor também, só que eu disponho de uma área relativamente pequena, 50x70.

com boas madres, acho que dá pra tirar tranquilo 100 g com 250 W, com orgânico.

não fumar sozinho é realmente um "problema" hehehe. depois que comecei a cultivar, não compartilho mto. é foda todo o trabalho e dinheiro investido, pra ficar 'dando' maconha para os outros e depois correr o risco de ficar sem pq fumaram a minha maconha. claro que ainda apresento vez ou outra, pra alguns brothers, mas não como na época de prensado.

Né não?

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  • Usuário Growroom


agora o papo do canadense é outra história, uso medicinal, mas pode ser mentira o papo de 8.000 w, da pra florir bastante erva com isso


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  • Usuário Growroom
  Ravi - El Matador disse:

agora o papo do canadense é outra história, uso medicinal, mas pode ser mentira o papo de 8.000 w, da pra florir bastante erva com isso


ele pode trabalhar com uma strain ou uma mãe pouco produtiva

pq na Europa só tem um rendimento pífio desse, quem quer

o PeterTocha, se não me engano, tirou mais de 100 g com 150 W, com solo e Peters.

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  • Usuário Growroom
  Ravi - El Matador disse:

agora o papo do canadense é outra história, uso medicinal, mas pode ser mentira o papo de 8.000 w, da pra florir bastante erva com isso


Ta gastando essa grana pra conseguir isso ?! Se eu fosse ele revia meus investimentos... será que as plantas tão precisando/usando mesmo esse Co2 extra, ou será q os nutri tão dando vazão ? Ou será que esses ferts são caros demais ? Ou será que ele super dimensionou algumas e outras não... porque de boa... maluco botou esquema profi pra colher que nem newbie.... Me lembro no Overgrow nego colhendo beeeemmm mais que 0.5g/watt ainda na epoca do General Hydroponics/Dynagro.

Eu só me calo em uma questão que ainda quero ver... a potencia e tempo de maturação de tricomas, mas pelas fotos de macro dos gringos hj em dia... não vai afetar muito.

  Canadense disse:
Né não?

Tu divide porque tu qué... se tu sair pra um bar tu vai ficar pagando a conta dos amigos ? Normalmente cada um poe o seu para ficar equilibrado e ninguém gastar mais do que pode. Se teus parceiros são growers, é bem mais facil de rolar essa relação... principalmente no Brasil, mas se não for grower e trocar "ouro por latão" é sacanagem... sem falar na noia de ficar apresentando teu maior segredo para os outros.

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  • Usuário Growroom
  Need Weed disse:
Tu divide porque tu qué... se tu sair pra um bar tu vai ficar pagando a conta dos amigos ? Normalmente cada um poe o seu para ficar equilibrado e ninguém gastar mais do que pode. Se teus parceiros são growers, é bem mais facil de rolar essa relação... principalmente no Brasil, mas se não for grower e trocar "ouro por latão" é sacanagem... sem falar na noia de ficar apresentando teu maior segredo para os outros.

falou TUDO...

agora, mudando o assunto mas ainda em medicinais... uma coperativa me ligou hj pra ir la e pegar o material pra fazer clones... Querem vender meus clones!!! agora vamo ver como vai ser... vou ficar depenado por um mes... menos mal, elas crescem pracaralho...

e vender clones no brasil...??? seria trafico tb???

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  • Usuário Growroom

aí acaba sua maconha pq os amigos fumaram e faz o que?

prensado eu não quero mais fumar. não vou ter todo esse trampo pra dar maconha boa pra vagabundo e depois ficar de mãos abanando.

com maconha as pessoas são mto folgadas, ficam parasitando mesmo, acho que é inconsciente. até brother, se fica com camaradagem de mais com fumo, neguinho vira parasita, sempre quer que coloque um, que descole um fino.

eles que plantem também.

  cabelo disse:
ah mano, dexa disso vcs e po um ai pragente queimar!!! hhaha q isso rapá, tem q fortalecer os amigos po!

claro sempre lembrando daqules q fortalecem, a vida na selva de pedra tem seus codigos e suas éticas hehehe

sempre lembrando as raizes!

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  • Usuário Growroom

Eu acho que dá pra colher bem com hps 250w no cultivo organico sim...

não adianta ter 1000w e por um feno que não é produtivo ....

já um feno selecionado rende clones que em hps 250w irão engordar sem miséria....

No ICMAC tem um clube da HPS 150w que aparece cada coiza linda...

sendo assim se a planta saiu gostosa e forte mais não produz bem já planta outra seed pra

subistituir esse strain logo+...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Usuário Growroom

po pra mim eh como o cabelo falo maconha eh uma planta...tipono meu ver acaba sendo supervalorizada por alguns ou tratada como produtão msm

eu acho q d boa fumar com os outros mas claro n com td mundo...tem gente q eh parasita msm tem q se ligar...mas sempre tem os brow firmeza ...qm sabe numa dessa n surge mais um grower e tals..

mas tb tem gente q trata como se fosse sei lah eh uma´´sangria desatada´´como diria minha vó...parece q saiu da infancia dexou de brincar de lego e videogame (qdo ficava pirando em ter tds os jogos , alcançar a max pontuação ) pra transferir a mania pra maconha, dai tem q ter 3 mil wats, 60 plantas sendo 6 strains diferentes se n abusa de fumar o msm sk , tem q ter e saber tds as novidades do mercado cannabico...viajo nessa n..

podem me achar atrasadao vei mas ate as parada de strains pra mim eh uma comedia...2000 strains com nomes diferentes, mas qdo o cara vai ler eh td palhaçada dos seed bank mudando de nome, cruzando cruzando pra conseguir o bud mais atomico de tds...parece q eh pra alimentar essa ansia do consumismo...tem q ter a maconha com o nome mais doido ja lançado..claro q tem os tipos q realmente tem suas caracteristicas marcantes e q apartir deles sairam mt outros, mas tirando esses q sao padrão..

se for pra gastar tanta grana com umas plantas embaixo de uma luz, preferia mt mais alugar um sitio ou uma casa no campo e fzr minha cannabislandia lah


p.s desvirtuou o topico ne.......

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  • Usuário Growroom
  anthrax disse:
...aluga um sítio e depois planta prensado????

  Canadense disse:
é como ir pra Paris e só comer arroz com feijão

nem 8 nem 80...

n ia plantar puro prensado mas tb n ia gastar uns 2 salarios minimo comprando sementes de ´´superbubblecheesehazeskunkbluehashcalifornia´´ tipo pra mim erva eh erva...plantaria uma genetica de boa qualidade sim, ja estabilizada, atendendo certos requisitos se quizesse uma planta mais sativa ou mais indica, preservaria a genetica pra n comprar sementes mais...

mas com certeza faria experiencias com os prempas e com os soltinhos do sertao...ver oq sai dessas sementes qdo cuidadas com carinho...dou valor as land race tb...

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  • Usuário Growroom
  Agreste disse:
nem 8 nem 80...

n ia plantar puro prensado mas tb n ia gastar uns 2 salarios minimo comprando sementes de ´´superbubblecheesehazeskunkbluehashcalifornia´´ tipo pra mim erva eh erva...plantaria uma genetica de boa qualidade sim, ja estabilizada, atendendo certos requisitos se quizesse uma planta mais sativa ou mais indica, preservaria a genetica pra n comprar sementes mais...

mas com certeza faria experiencias com os prempas e com os soltinhos do sertao...ver oq sai dessas sementes qdo cuidadas com carinho...dou valor as land race tb...

é exatamente isso que a galera costuma fazer

compra as genéticas com as características que procuram e preserva clones dos melhores exemplares

sem contar que sai mais barato fazer compras eventuais de sementes, do que comprar fumo. e a qualidade é uma coisa de outro mundo.

é tudo uma questão de prioridade de gastos. tem gente que gasta mais com gasolina, tendo um carro 2.0; celular com conta; tênis; roupas... tem gente que gasta com sementes das melhores genéticas pra fumar o que não se vende por aqui.

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  • Usuário Growroom

Olha outras strains medicinais que hay:


AAAA Quality, Taste and Potency

This category of cannabis strains represents the very best in terms of quality and exclusivity. Super Premium Buds are:

Exotic, hard-to-find connoisseur strains, including multiple Cannabis Cup winners

100% Organically-grown, without the use of chemicals or pesticides - Buds grown organically often taste better, and can be more potent than buds grown non-organically

Expertly grown - The best representation of a particular strain

Grown in small batches from low-yielding operations



Hempstar from Dutch Passion Seeds is a Indica / Sativa cross.

This strain is a potent mix of Northern Lights #5, and other Haze genetics. It has a solid, strong long lasting high, combined with a well balanced, soft smoking experience.

It starts off with a strong mental high, and as time wears on, a strong body stone sets in. It is very relaxing, and yet the high encourages activities and creative thinking.

Himalayan Gold


This strain was originally grown high in the Himalayan Mountains where it was able to take advantage of intense UV rays. Green House Seeds has refined this remarkable strain into an indoor prize winning hybrid.

Its parents are Nepal and North Indian (Indica and Sativa). Himalayan Gold creates a clear, creative high and a very strong body feeling.

The buds are large throughout and have strong yellow hairs that are long and flat. The smell is a blend of alpine flowers with a hint of the tropics.

Island Honey


Island Honey is a secret strain bred by an experienced, old-school grower on one of BC's Gulf Islands.

It has an intense, tropical, lemony-lime taste and smell.

This weed is so POTENT, that it is hard to distinguish whether it's an indica, sativa, or all of the above!

Be sure to smoke this skunky weed in a well-ventilated area, as the aroma is pungent.

Jack Herer


Jack Herer is the result of many years of selective secretive breeding, combining 3 of the strongest varieties known to man.

This strain was presented at the High Times Cannabis Cup in honour of Jack Herer, one of America's greatest Cannabis activists and author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes. It also won the overall 1995 Cannabis Cup.

It is mostly sativa, producing a hazy, euphoric stone of the highest quality.

OG Kush


OG Kush is one of the “ultimate” kush strains. Very few other strains seem to compare to OG’s intense scent, taste, and mental & physical effects.

OG Kush's unique aesthetic is simply great to gaze at, with a copious amount of crystals covering every inch. The buds are colorful and break apart with ease, leaving your fingers sticky and aromatic for a while afterwards.

When smoked, the first shock wave hits hard. You'll already be feeling its effects from just one or two hits. A few hits of this OG and the effects are long-lasting and intense. The taste turns you into a fiend, and the high soars you into places you've never been.

Purple Kush


Hands down, our most potent indica. This is a smooth but heavy couch-lock strain. Classic kush taste and smell, with pungent fruity overtones.

A recommended medicinal strain for evenings and bedtime.

Bubba Kush


Bubba Kush. The high is body numbing (mostly indica), very happy, super strong with just a touch of sativa spaciness. Truly a world class high of extreme potency. The smell is dynamic; coffee/berries and of course that enticing "kush" smell which is always delightful. The buds are lighter in color than most kushes and are covered in crystals which is always worth mentioning.

This is a great strain for medicinal purposes, very numbing and warm pain relief.

Agora na ala de resinas:


OG Kush Bubble


Pollinator ice hash, locally made from the OG Kush strain

It is 100% Organic, and mostly Indica.

Intense creamy, fruity smell and the classic yet unique kush taste.

Smoking a small amount of this hash results in a clear yet very chill stone. Smoke larger amounts, and you might literally float away. Extreme potency!


Master Kush Pollen


This potent hash is made locally with Master Kush genetics.

Master Kush Pollen is an Indica-based hash of great physical power, without the mind-numbing 'stoney' effect typical of other Indica-based hashes.

This light-colored hash easily crumbles between your fingers without applying flame. It is powdery and resinous, not sticky or oily.

It burns quickly with the rest of the bud in your bong and doesn’t smolder like the more gooey, malleable and dark hashes.

Bubble Pucks


"Uncle John's" amazing Bubble Pucks

Our "Uncle John" makes this product for us using his secret extraction method. The end product is similar to bubblehash, but is not made with bubble bags.

The taste and smell is quite fruity. Once produced, the hash is pressed into "pucks" that weigh approx. 8-10 grams each.

The colour of the pucks varies from light to dark gold, depending on which strain was used to make them.

The Pucks can be smoked alone with a pipe or vapourizer. Or crumble some up to super-charge your joint.

Ice Pucks


This mostly Indica, pressed hash is perfect for bong rips, hot knives, or crumbling into a joint.

Made with leftover bubblehash powder mixed with an indica kif, this moderately potent hash provides excellent bang for your "puck".

Ice Pucks are a great way to stay cool (and baked) for the summer.

Each puck averages approximately 28 grams in weight, making this the most value-priced hash we sell.

Arabian Caramello


You won't want to miss out on this imported delight. This rare type of Hash, smuggled from Pakistan, is traditionally produced by rubbing marijuana flowers with hands and other instruments. The resulting yield in this particular harvest has been pressed into bricks and stamped with a camel.

This Caramello has a dark brown surface and a lighter brown interior. When inhaled, this sticky rubbed hash fills your lungs with an earthy, resinous smoke and once exhaled leaves a soft and pleasant aftertaste. A tasty middle eastern treat indeed!

Indian Charas


Direct from India - Rare Charas Hash

Cannabis is cultivated nearly everywhere around India. Charas is produced by carefully rubbing the female buds between the hands. The resin is rolled in Hash-Balls, then pressed into flat "fingers".

This Charas is black on the outside, and dark greenish/brown inside. It's also quite soft, and can be kneaded easily.

The taste and smell is intensely spicy. We found it a bit tingly on the throat but definitively less so than our Afghani.

This hash provides a very stony, physical and narcotic high. Potency is up there with the best of our imported hashes.

Indian Charas is super rare, and hard to come by. Enjoy it while it's available!



Legendary Mazar-I-Sharif is Afghanistan's finest

Earthy, spicy and dank. Full-on potent indica body stone.

Softer and more malleable than our regular Afghani hash. Just like Silly Putty.

The high cost of this hash reflects limited availability. The war in Afghanistan has drastically reduced the amount of fine hash making it out of the country.

This hash has been transported across Asia and Europe, likely handled by a variety of methods including mules, camels, trucks, and intermediaries.


Uncle John's Honey Oil


Pure, stoney, sweetness

"Uncle John" makes our Honey Oil for us with a custom device, similiar to the Honey Bee Extractor. He has perfected his technique over the last 20 years, and the final result is extremely tasty and potent!

The oil is butane extracted, primarily from a Hashplant Indica strain from the Sensi Seedbank in Amsterdam, and is of the highest quality.

Dark greenish / yellowish / brownish in colour, it is extremely thick, and resembles more of a paste than an oil. One tiny drop on a hot knife produces a lot of stoney smoke!

Occasionally, we will have Honey Oil in stock made with other strains. If you like, we can indicate with your order which strain is used to make the oil you receive.

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  • Usuário Growroom
  Need Weed disse:
Com meio salário minimo você compra um ou até 2 pacotes de strains medicinais da california, raxa com um amigo as sementes e depois faz clone a doidado

Ola Need, me interessa muito comprar boas strains medicinais, me indica por favor um seed bank legal pra essa compra e quais seriam boas para ansiedade e depressao por exemplo?? Agradeceria a ajuda

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  • Usuário Growroom

essa Hempstar agora é chamada de Brainstorm

  CBD disse:
Olha outras strains medicinais que hay:


AAAA Quality, Taste and Potency

This category of cannabis strains represents the very best in terms of quality and exclusivity. Super Premium Buds are:

Exotic, hard-to-find connoisseur strains, including multiple Cannabis Cup winners

100% Organically-grown, without the use of chemicals or pesticides - Buds grown organically often taste better, and can be more potent than buds grown non-organically

Expertly grown - The best representation of a particular strain

Grown in small batches from low-yielding operations



Hempstar from Dutch Passion Seeds is a Indica / Sativa cross.

This strain is a potent mix of Northern Lights #5, and other Haze genetics. It has a solid, strong long lasting high, combined with a well balanced, soft smoking experience.

It starts off with a strong mental high, and as time wears on, a strong body stone sets in. It is very relaxing, and yet the high encourages activities and creative thinking.

Himalayan Gold


This strain was originally grown high in the Himalayan Mountains where it was able to take advantage of intense UV rays. Green House Seeds has refined this remarkable strain into an indoor prize winning hybrid.

Its parents are Nepal and North Indian (Indica and Sativa). Himalayan Gold creates a clear, creative high and a very strong body feeling.

The buds are large throughout and have strong yellow hairs that are long and flat. The smell is a blend of alpine flowers with a hint of the tropics.

Island Honey


Island Honey is a secret strain bred by an experienced, old-school grower on one of BC's Gulf Islands.

It has an intense, tropical, lemony-lime taste and smell.

This weed is so POTENT, that it is hard to distinguish whether it's an indica, sativa, or all of the above!

Be sure to smoke this skunky weed in a well-ventilated area, as the aroma is pungent.

Jack Herer


Jack Herer is the result of many years of selective secretive breeding, combining 3 of the strongest varieties known to man.

This strain was presented at the High Times Cannabis Cup in honour of Jack Herer, one of America's greatest Cannabis activists and author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes. It also won the overall 1995 Cannabis Cup.

It is mostly sativa, producing a hazy, euphoric stone of the highest quality.

OG Kush


OG Kush is one of the “ultimate” kush strains. Very few other strains seem to compare to OG’s intense scent, taste, and mental & physical effects.

OG Kush's unique aesthetic is simply great to gaze at, with a copious amount of crystals covering every inch. The buds are colorful and break apart with ease, leaving your fingers sticky and aromatic for a while afterwards.

When smoked, the first shock wave hits hard. You'll already be feeling its effects from just one or two hits. A few hits of this OG and the effects are long-lasting and intense. The taste turns you into a fiend, and the high soars you into places you've never been.

Purple Kush


Hands down, our most potent indica. This is a smooth but heavy couch-lock strain. Classic kush taste and smell, with pungent fruity overtones.

A recommended medicinal strain for evenings and bedtime.

Bubba Kush


Bubba Kush. The high is body numbing (mostly indica), very happy, super strong with just a touch of sativa spaciness. Truly a world class high of extreme potency. The smell is dynamic; coffee/berries and of course that enticing "kush" smell which is always delightful. The buds are lighter in color than most kushes and are covered in crystals which is always worth mentioning.

This is a great strain for medicinal purposes, very numbing and warm pain relief.

Agora na ala de resinas:


OG Kush Bubble


Pollinator ice hash, locally made from the OG Kush strain

It is 100% Organic, and mostly Indica.

Intense creamy, fruity smell and the classic yet unique kush taste.

Smoking a small amount of this hash results in a clear yet very chill stone. Smoke larger amounts, and you might literally float away. Extreme potency!


Master Kush Pollen


This potent hash is made locally with Master Kush genetics.

Master Kush Pollen is an Indica-based hash of great physical power, without the mind-numbing 'stoney' effect typical of other Indica-based hashes.

This light-colored hash easily crumbles between your fingers without applying flame. It is powdery and resinous, not sticky or oily.

It burns quickly with the rest of the bud in your bong and doesn’t smolder like the more gooey, malleable and dark hashes.

Bubble Pucks


"Uncle John's" amazing Bubble Pucks

Our "Uncle John" makes this product for us using his secret extraction method. The end product is similar to bubblehash, but is not made with bubble bags.

The taste and smell is quite fruity. Once produced, the hash is pressed into "pucks" that weigh approx. 8-10 grams each.

The colour of the pucks varies from light to dark gold, depending on which strain was used to make them.

The Pucks can be smoked alone with a pipe or vapourizer. Or crumble some up to super-charge your joint.

Ice Pucks


This mostly Indica, pressed hash is perfect for bong rips, hot knives, or crumbling into a joint.

Made with leftover bubblehash powder mixed with an indica kif, this moderately potent hash provides excellent bang for your "puck".

Ice Pucks are a great way to stay cool (and baked) for the summer.

Each puck averages approximately 28 grams in weight, making this the most value-priced hash we sell.

Arabian Caramello


You won't want to miss out on this imported delight. This rare type of Hash, smuggled from Pakistan, is traditionally produced by rubbing marijuana flowers with hands and other instruments. The resulting yield in this particular harvest has been pressed into bricks and stamped with a camel.

This Caramello has a dark brown surface and a lighter brown interior. When inhaled, this sticky rubbed hash fills your lungs with an earthy, resinous smoke and once exhaled leaves a soft and pleasant aftertaste. A tasty middle eastern treat indeed!

Indian Charas


Direct from India - Rare Charas Hash

Cannabis is cultivated nearly everywhere around India. Charas is produced by carefully rubbing the female buds between the hands. The resin is rolled in Hash-Balls, then pressed into flat "fingers".

This Charas is black on the outside, and dark greenish/brown inside. It's also quite soft, and can be kneaded easily.

The taste and smell is intensely spicy. We found it a bit tingly on the throat but definitively less so than our Afghani.

This hash provides a very stony, physical and narcotic high. Potency is up there with the best of our imported hashes.

Indian Charas is super rare, and hard to come by. Enjoy it while it's available!



Legendary Mazar-I-Sharif is Afghanistan's finest

Earthy, spicy and dank. Full-on potent indica body stone.

Softer and more malleable than our regular Afghani hash. Just like Silly Putty.

The high cost of this hash reflects limited availability. The war in Afghanistan has drastically reduced the amount of fine hash making it out of the country.

This hash has been transported across Asia and Europe, likely handled by a variety of methods including mules, camels, trucks, and intermediaries.


Uncle John's Honey Oil


Pure, stoney, sweetness

"Uncle John" makes our Honey Oil for us with a custom device, similiar to the Honey Bee Extractor. He has perfected his technique over the last 20 years, and the final result is extremely tasty and potent!

The oil is butane extracted, primarily from a Hashplant Indica strain from the Sensi Seedbank in Amsterdam, and is of the highest quality.

Dark greenish / yellowish / brownish in colour, it is extremely thick, and resembles more of a paste than an oil. One tiny drop on a hot knife produces a lot of stoney smoke!

Occasionally, we will have Honey Oil in stock made with other strains. If you like, we can indicate with your order which strain is used to make the oil you receive.

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  • Usuário Growroom

Grande contribuição andré...

Só achei minha Bubba Kush mais agitante que calmante... vai ver foi o feno...

  Aromabuds disse:
Ola Need, me interessa muito comprar boas strains medicinais, me indica por favor um seed bank legal pra essa compra e quais seriam boas para ansiedade e depressao por exemplo?? Agradeceria a ajuda

Po bixo, não vou te indicar nada.... ainda estou procurando minhas strains e não me atrevo a "receitar" assim pros outros. Eu estou procurando as strains de acordo com as informações do breeder + meus conhecimentos sobre o uso medicinal que adquiri lendo pesquisas pela net ou em livros. Como não existe um consenso sobre tipos de cannabinoides mas apropriado para cada doença e as proporções destes, ficamos no "tentativa e erro"....

Boa sorte ;)

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  • Usuário Growroom
  Aromabuds disse:
Ola Need, me interessa muito comprar boas strains medicinais, me indica por favor um seed bank legal pra essa compra e quais seriam boas para ansiedade e depressao por exemplo?? Agradeceria a ajuda

Dá uma olhada no, é um site dedicado a usuários medicinais com preços bem acessíveis.

Tb tem o Elite Genetics com excelentes strains medicinais só que o preço é mais salgado, mas a qualidade compensa e sempre tem um desconto se vc pedir, ainda mais se for usuário medicinal. Ele pode ser encontrado no

Ambos estes lugares que indiquei poderão te orientar melhor sobre quais strains poderão melhor atender as suas necessidades. Mande um e-mail pra eles!

Boa sorte!


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  • Usuário Growroom

Space Bars


New Stronger Space Bars

Due to popular demand, our supplier has re-vamped the Space Bar recipe. The new Space Bars have an increased potency with the same great taste.

Space Bars are super potent, super tasty, pot granola bars. All ingredients - including the pot used to make them - are 100% Organic.

They are made from a standardized dose of cannabudder and are equivalent in potency to 2-3 standard pot cookies.

Odourless and innocuous, this is one of our most stealthy items. You simply cannot tell from smelling or looking at this item that it contains pot.

It takes roughly an hour to feel the effects of ingesting these bars, and moderation is strongly suggested.

Be sure to keep them out of your children's reach!

We suggest you start eating a quarter bar, and then waiting to see how it affects you. A half bar is considered one dose, but some experienced tokers can consume 2 or more full bars for a profound effect.

It is always a fine line with ingesting cannabis products between too much and too little, so please follow our advice and exercise caution and moderation.



THC - Now Available in Pill Form

Each Canna-Gel contains a standardized dose of a specially treated form of Budder (our 99.7% pure THC extract), and organic first cold-pressed grape seed oil. These pills are mainly intended for pain relief for our medicinal users.

Canna-Gels have been designed to optimize the absorption of THC into the bloodstream in a manner that attracts no attention, nor causes any mess, smoke, or odour. This makes them the ultimate harm-reduction method. They are specially formulated to be much more effective for pain relief than simply eating marijuana or other cannabis edibles.

Effects are mild for heavy tokers, but perfect for medicinal users. Pain relief is usually noticeable within 30-45 minutes of ingestion, with full effects within 2 hours. However, the onset rate can differ depending on a number of variables, including individual metabolic rates, stomach contents etc. For optimum results, we recommend ingesting them on an empty stomach.

The effects last 3-6 hours, depending on the individual and how many capsules are ingested. Expect a light, fun, clear, and productive stone with minimal burnout.

For first time tokers, we recommend taking one Canna-Gel capsule, and waiting to see how it affects you. Regular or heavy tokers can consume up to 5 capsules and more. The standard dosage is two capsules.

Canna-Gels can be used to treat asthma, glaucoma, tumours, nausea, epilepsy, MS, back pain, muscle spasms, arthritis, herpes, sleep-disorders, insomnia, emphysema, stress, migraines, loss of appetite, anorexia, AIDS, colitis, crohn’s disease, and many other ailments.

DO NOT drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence!



Lab Tested - 99.7% Pure THC

Budder is an ultra-high potency cannabis extract made by The Budder King, and is the same product that sold at Vancouver's famed DaKine Cafe.

Cannabis Culture's Dana Larsen, who has sampled some of the best cannabis extracts from around the world, says Budder ranks at the top of the list.

A little Budder goes a long way. One gram contains approximately 40 hits. Each hit is the equivalent of 1-2 full joints, making this product dollar-for-dollar the most economical way to experience the full medical benefits of cannabis.

It takes 28 grams of premium buds (not leaf or shake) to make 3 grams of Budder.

Budder tends to get slightly runny at higher temperatures. Freezer storage makes Budder easier to handle.

Dutch Moonshine


This is a strong pollinator ice hash. Our version of Dutch Moonshine. It is very potent.

It is made locally from Dutch Treat and Dutch Passion's Blue Moonshine strains.

This dark hash has a wonderfully sweet aroma and the strains used to make it were grown organically so the hash burns clean and has a delightful earthy taste.



Authentic, old-school, gold seal Afghani Hash of the finest quality

It is fairly soft and malleable. Dark brown on the outside, lighter chocolate on the inside.

An amount the size of a match head produces about 3-4 good-sized tokes. The resulting indica high is like a warm blanket overwhelming the senses.

The high cost of this hash reflects limited availability. The war in Afghanistan has drastically reduced the amount of fine hash making it out of the country.

This Afghani Hash has been transported across Asia and Europe, likely handled by a variety of methods including mules, camels, trucks, and intermediaries.

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