Usuário Growroom bWd Postado October 27, 2009 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado October 27, 2009 O Departamento de Justica do Governo Obama "publicou um memo no diario oficial" kkk, fazem duas semanas pedindo que autoridades Federais nao investiguem pacientes e growers legitimos de Cannabis Medicinal em Estados que votaram pelo uso Medicinal. Em resposta esta semana o DEA respondeu dizendo serem bem vindas as declaracoes do Departamento de Justica. Disseram que este comunicado nao legaliza a Maconha, e que o DEA nao persegue pacientes com doencas serias, que agem dentro das leis de cultivo Medicinal de cada estado. Disseram que continuariam perseguindo organizacoes criminosas que usam a Cannabis e outras drogas perigosas para ganhar dinheiro. Tambem continuarao prendendo pessoas com armas ilegais, que vendem pra criancas e que tem vinculos com organizacoes criminosas. E terminam o comunicado dizendo que os carteis Mexicanos continuam seu dominio e caos no Mexico e na fronteira sudoeste e que continuariam atras dessas pessoas tambem." Nao disseram muito de novo sobre a forma com que agiriam, mas so de eles reconhecerem o uso medicinal da Cannabis ja eh um passo a frente. Recently the Department of Justice issued new guidelines regarding the use of federal resources in investigations and prosecutions in states that have passed laws authorizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes. In response to the new guidelines, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) issued the following statement: “DEA welcomes the issuance of these clarifying guidelines pertaining to the use of federal investigative and prosecutorial resources in states that have enacted laws authorizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes. "These guidelines do not legalize marijuana. It is not the practice or policy of DEA to target individuals with serious medical conditions who comply with state laws authorizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Consistent with the DOJ guidelines, we will continue to identify and investigate any criminal organization or individual who unlawfully grows, markets or distributes marijuana or other dangerous drugs. Those who unlawfully possess firearms, commit acts of violence, provide drugs to minors, or have ties to other criminal organizations may also be subject to arrest. "As these guidelines point out, marijuana remains a top revenue source for the Mexican drug cartels that are wreaking havoc in Mexico and along the Southwest Border. Accordingly, DEA will continue to disrupt and dismantle these drug trafficking organizations.” Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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