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Growroom Na Reform Conference


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Ainda está sendo muito proveitos

Mais tarde vou estar participando de um mesa sobre o momento cultural da maconha.

Devo gravar em video e depois disponibilizo. Nervoso pra caramba. Falar já é dificil, em ingles entao....

Se o Brasil não tem uma conferência dessas, ta na nossas mãos começar a pensar em organizar algo, mesmo q em menor escala.

Em 1989 qdo teve a primeira conferencia da DPA tb não eram tantos como hoje.

Hoje são 1500 participantes de todas as partes do mundo

Experiência fabulosa que quero poder compartilhar com todos daqui do GR.

Abração e em breve mais noticias

Tá de parabens cara. É bom pra caralho ver o criador do Growroom dentro dessas conferencias cara, catando e analisando as melhores informações relacionadas ao tema.. é disso que precisamos mesmo.

Valeu por disponibilizar todo esse material referente a conferencia cara, do caralho mesmo...

valeu Bas, boa sorte aí nas gringas cara..

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  • Usuário Growroom


sei que é pedir muito né.. mas tem transcrição disso ae ?

consigo entender o cara falando não.. lendo acho que é mais fácil, pelo menos pra mim, pode ser que seja para outras pessoas também. Me pareceu legal o discurso dele, sendo que acho importante a galera se informar e ouvir discursos bons e que fomentem e criem agitação!


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  • Usuário Growroom

o bas iradissimo isso ai!! aquilo na outra pagina sao fotos de adesivos ou folders?? traduz se for folder pra gente!! parece vi e achei q fossem explicativos, regulate marijuana!! muito bom!! Ideias vamos copia las e por em acao!! Botei muita fe conferencia growroom a favor da regulamentacao...a gente pode comecar a discutir as regras pra plantio caseiro e servir de base pras leis!! irado!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Consultores Jurídicos GR

Tem um episódio do The Family Guy chamado Bag Of Weed tbm.

Na minha mesa redonda rolou esses videos antes. Apresentados pela Deborah para ilustrar como a Maconha esta cada vez mais no dia a dia das pessoas, na TV, nos seriados

The View - sobre o Phelps

Snoop on Weeds

Muito boa a parte em que pergunta se a maconha era de verdade, kkkKKKK

Sex in the city

E claro, na minha mesa tinha que rolar um Bob Marley!

Tinham mais uns, mas nao me lembro. Se me lembrar vou postar aqui

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  • Usuário Growroom

O audio do BAS começa la pros 32 minutos... Parabens pela conferencia, representou... Tentei fazer uma transcrição, não ficou igualzinho, mas acho que ajuda, qualquer coisa podem mudar ae:

The story in brasil is very different from here, we have a big enforcemnt against drugs in brasil, lot of violence going on because the drug traffic, lot of people dying...

last year we built a network of 40 cities organizing of marijuana march in brasil, and 3 days before it, it was prohibited in salvador and after that all the cities was also prohibited and just one city, Recife, was able to made the march, there was about 3000 persons marching....

This year we came with attorneys who helped us to made the march possible and some cities were still prohibited but in RJ we were able to march, there was about 2000 persons this year and other cities were still prohibited and this cities continuing fighiting to make the march and we want the right to make it now in salvador. In the 15 december we will be marching to demonstrate that we want the right to make it. lot of lawers are against the prohibition (da marcha da maconha) because if we are a democracy we have the rights to march and to change the laws. Lots of people accused us of suportting the crime because we are doing the march but actually we are fighting to changing the laws and they said we are supporting people to smoke marijuana but it´s not the case... I was arrested ( :blink: ) because i was distributing flyers... it was riddiculous (concordo), they took us with about 1100 flyer and in the comming day the flyer was imprinted in the biggest newspaper in brazil; with about 1,5 millions readers and it was so nice to us, it was not our strattegy but it worked but unfortunately last year we were not able to make it...

Now about, it´s a project that I began in 2002, its a growing community that was inspired in the extinct overgrow, since 2002 more people begging to grow as a alternative for the traffic, because people is aware that in brazil we have a lot of violence because the traffic... Every people that buys cocaine or marijuana is giving money to buy a weapon to a 15 years old child to be there selling and making the security of the others dealers... Every day in SP and RJ dies more than 20 persons because the war of drugs so I think the growing culture in Brasil is a big punch in the traffic, I have old friends that have children, they are planning to grow their own grass...

Dai chega um outro cara (moderador??)

- I was wondering if (não entendi o que ele fala) it was so prohibited, so restrictived, and you´ve got arrested just for passin some flyers, how the internet helped your community to grow?? (+- isso)

- The communityspreading the truth about marijuana, our users are aware that growing is better than buying from the traffic, we also spread news about marijuana...

daí um cara faz uns comentarios finais

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