Green Knight Postado September 18, 2012 Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 Fala Growlera, Como procurei aqui no growroom e não achei, segue uma reportagem que conta o porque mitos e fatos do numero da cannabis 420. Quem tiver mais vai completando! What does 420 mean? There are varying theories on the origin of 420. Some say that 420 originated from a police code that announces marijuana use is taking place. Yet another story is that a group of guys (Waldo's) in the 1970's made 4:20 their official meeting time to smoke marijuana after school. Whether or not 4:20 p.m. is the best time of day for your first hit depends on your own body, your own needs. Some folks feel that waiting until 4:20 enhances ones appreciation of the herb. Of course, your mileage may vary. In the 21st Century, 420 is firmly established as a code amongst tokers, a time of day and even sort of a toker's New Year's Day. It's in our culture now and only time will tell where it ends up. April 20th (4/20) is another usage, meaning that it is time for to plant before the summer. Whatever the real story is, 420 has been an important part of the marijuana culture since the 1970's. The significance of 420 has been kept underground and is mostly known only among marijuana smokers. Many non-smokers aren't aware of the symbolism when they see someone wearing a T-shirt or baseball cap that says 420 across the front. When the 420 icon is somehow discreetly worked into a mainstream product like a film, marijuana users take notice. The film Pulp Fiction is rumored to have had all clocks throughout the movie set to 4:20. Marijuana smokers familiar with the symbol picked up on it—most people, however, did not. While some marijuana smokers are using 420 as a code that enables them to openly speak about marijuana in front of parents or teachers. 420 has been to some, a sacred symbol for nearly 30 years. Simply put, 420 is a symbol of cannabis and its culture. Today, April 20th events are international, and 4:20 pm has become sort of a world wide "burn time". Known 420 Myths Police dispatch code for smoking pot is 420. The number 420 is not police radio code for anything, anywhere. Checks of criminal codes suggest that the origin is neither Californian nor federal. For instance, California Penal Code 420 defines as a misdemeanor the hindrance of use of public lands. There are approximately 420 active chemicals in marijuana. Actually, there are approximately 315 active chemicals in marijuana. This number goes up and down depending on which plant is used. April 20th is National Pot Smokers Day. Well, it is now ; but that wasn't the origin. April 20th is Hitler's birthday. Yes, it is his birthday. But, as 420 started out as a time, not a date, his birthday had nothing to do with it. The date of the Columbine school shootings. This happened after the term was already in use. 4:20 is tea time for pot-smokers in Holland. Tea time in Holland is at 5:30 pm, or is it 2:30 pm? Seems no one is quite sure when the wonderful people of Holland drink their tea. <a href=""> How 420 came to be a marijuana day (the real story) Published on Friday April 20, 2012 Share on twitterShare on facebook Lesley Ciarula Taylor Staff Reporter Today is April 20 and, perhaps not surprisingly, history is a little hazy about its origins as the high holidays of stoner culture. At 4:20 p.m. on what is 4/20, thousands of people across North America will light up joints to celebrate getting high and advocate, for the 41st year, for the legalization of marijuana. Related: Are you dressed for 420? Why “four twenty”? Let’s ask the Allman Brothers Band guitarist Warren Haynes. “I don’t know the real origin,” he tells Ryan Grim, who has written about the history of drugs in the U.S. “I know myths and rumours.” Let’s try someone else. “It has become a giant urban myth and it’s a lot of fun,” attorney Keith Stroup, executive director of the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws, or NORML, told the San Francisco Chronicle. “Folks who smoke have a lot of fun with this code word, and the rest of the country doesn’t know what the hell we’re talking about.” The New York Times, which takes everything seriously, purports to have to real story. Steven Hager, the creative director and former editor of High Times, “said the significance of April 20 dates to a ritual begun in the early 1970s in which a group of Northern California teenagers smoked cannabis every day at 4:20 p.m. “Soon, cannabis aficionados were using “420” as a code for smoking and using it as a sign-off on flyers for concerts where the drug would be plentiful.” Where else would you read “cannabis aficionados” and “the drug would be plentiful” in the same sentence? This being 2012 and not 1971, a lot of URLs and domain names try to claim proprietorial rights. A man called “Waldo Steve” who says he was part of that original 1971 San Rafael High School pot-smoking tribe, told the Chronicle, 420 was shorthand for the time they would meet at the statue of Louis Pasteur to light up. “We have proof, we were the first,” Waldo Steve says. As further proof, they started the website From the Waldos, it spread through California counterculture to the Grateful Dead, where High Times magazine picked it up and popularized it. High Times bought the domain name in the 1990s. Hager used to think it was police code for “marijuana smoking in progress.” After a delegation of Waldos told him he was wrong, he’s changed his mind, he told ABC-TV in 2002. Now, he says, it separates the “smart stoners” from the “stupid stoners.” “It points us in a direction for the responsible use of cannabis. The stupid stoners wake and bake on exam days. The smart stoners are the ones who use cannabis as a creative tool to enhance their lives. “It means it’s better to wait to start smoking pot until 4:20 p.m.” For the thousands who annually congregate at the University of Colorado at Boulder to light up, authorities have said they intend to spread fish manure on the gathering grounds to discourage them. In Toronto, the Yonge-Dundas Square is again the ritual gathering spot for the 420 “hash mob.” Although the traditional 420 smoke-in is expected on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, it’s scheduled this year for 12:30 p.m. In Vancouver, where it’s been an annual ritual since 1995, there’s a map and a website, to get people to the Art Gallery in time. Coincidentally, April 20 is a “noninstructional day” of the Vancouver School Board. 4 Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Castilho Postado September 18, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 Legal =} a historia que eu conhecia era a contada la no começo mesmo, do grupo de amigos que criou a hora oficial de fumar um baseado, 4:20AM....acredito que hoje virou uma especie de corrente ahsausha, quem nunca ficou de olho no relogio pelo menos uma vez pra acender a bomba exatamente as 4:20..^^ gostei do texto, vlw Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Canadense Postado September 18, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 the dutch don't drink tea... hence the COFFEESHOPS and CAFÉS Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom BeckDF Postado September 18, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 Tem como traduzir? Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Canadense Postado September 18, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 tem sim... google translate facil porem as vezes fica bem tosco... mas da pra ter uma idiea Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom ricco y locco Postado September 18, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 por acaso meu relogio so mostra essa hora tb.. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom rsfan Postado September 18, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 A história que sempre ouvi da galera da High Times e etc era nesse horário um grupo de alunos iam fumar vários baseados e procurar um suposta plantação de maconha. Depois foi pegando... Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom BGUN Postado September 18, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 é 4:20 da manha? ou 4:20(16:20) da tarde? Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
alabhamagrower Postado September 18, 2012 Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 é 4:20 da manha? ou 4:20(16:20) da tarde? qualquer 420 que tu encontrar, é 420... Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom JuniorSativa Postado September 18, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 é do dia 20/4 dia da maconha no pais do tio sam como fica ao contrario 4/20 Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Ruas Postado September 18, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 GR tb é cultura !! É a hr mais esperada do dia eheheh Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Shaggy Postado September 18, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 Primeira coisa que fiz foi abrir o Pulp Fiction aki hhahaha. N é td hra q tem o 4:20 rs, mas legal as outras histórias! Edit: Estórias rs.... Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom bonogrow Postado September 18, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 18, 2012 é 4:20 da manha? ou 4:20(16:20) da tarde? isso dependo do onde você esta, nos EUA é sempre 4.20 AM/PM Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Guest Pinga_hemp Postado September 19, 2012 Denunciar Share Postado September 19, 2012 Eu já vi a versão politica nacional.... mais segue ai o video com uma explicação gringa ... Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom ricco y locco Postado September 20, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 20, 2012 gostei da peitucinha! Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Yanomãmi Postado September 20, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 20, 2012 Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Shaggy Postado September 20, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 20, 2012 Kra, fumo a mais de 3 anos e nunca parei pra verificar se era 4:20 na hora de estorar um rs... Amanhã vou tomar essa previdência! Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom soulivre Postado October 11, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado October 11, 2012 Tô doidão, mas mesmo que não estivesse diria que não entendi porra nenhuma deste texto, tá mal redigido, mas a intenção é boa. De qq forma continuo sem saber o significado 4:20, na dúvida fico: é a hora oficial da Maconha. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom soulivre Postado October 11, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado October 11, 2012 Esse texto foi traduzido por isso, juntando com o quê fumei, não entendi porra nenhuma, mas mesmo em inglês não cheguei a nenhuma conclusão objetiva... e continuo:é a hora oficial da Maconha Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Biruta Postado October 14, 2012 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado October 14, 2012 Pelo que eu sei 4:20 vem do ÁCIDO e não da maconha, foi a hora em que o cara que sintetizou o LSD, Albert Hoffman percebeu que estava na "viagem" do ácido pela primeira vez e quando ele olhou no relógio eram 4:20 da tarde, ai ele falou com o assistente dele sobre e disse que não se sentia normal e gostaria de ir pra casa, então os 2 foram de bike para casa de Albert pois não estavam la os carros algo assim, por isso também a história associada a BIKE no ácido OBS: Está tudo no livro dele "LSD my problem child" 4:20 = fogoo na babilônia hahahahah PAZ! Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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