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Medical Experts: Smoking Weed Is Better Than Thc Pills


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Medical Experts: Smoking Weed Is Better Than THC Pills

  • Medical Experts: Smoking Weed Is Better Than THC Pills
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Pills have become the standard in regards to how the majority of medicine is administered. But in the case of medical marijuana, most research finds it to be the least effective method.

While lawmakers battle it out on the subject of marijuana for medicinal use, patients across Canada and the United States are already being prescribed the psychoactive compound of drug -- THC -- in pills like Marinol and Cesamet, which are commonly used to treat symptoms of nausea and vomiting in cancer patients.

However, researchers say consuming marijuana in pill form is not nearly as effective for managing pain as smoking it. In fact, a study conducted last year by the New York State Psychiatric Institute found that Marinol acts considerably slower, taking an average of an hour to an hour-and-a-half to reach its peak. Meanwhile, the full effects of smoking a joint were experienced within fifteen minutes.

The study found that while smoking marijuana allowed patients almost immediate pain relief, the effects of Marinol lasted longer and got patients just as stoned as the smokers. Yet, researchers were quick to point out that smoking marijuana has its obvious advantages, specifically, the ability for patients to self-adjust their dosage by smoking more as needed for pain management -- a concept that is not as easy to do when using pills.

Medical experts agree that self-adjusting dosage with THC pills can be dangerous and problematic. They say that while rolling joints every few hours may be somewhat of an inconvenience for many patients, smoking is still the easiest and fastest way to reap the benefits of the reefer.

Mike Adams writes for stoners and smut enthusiasts in High Times, Playboy’s The Smoking Jacket and Hustler Magazine. You can follow him on Twitter @adamssoup and on Facebook/mikeadams73.

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  • Usuário Growroom

Isso com certeza, é o que eu sempre digo, tu prefere trocar frutas legumes e vegetais e começar a só consumir capsulas de vitaminas sintéticas, daqui a pouco seu figado ta um bagaço.
Natural mil vezes melhor que sintético, que só serve pra enriquecer mega empresários. Natural só tem uma parte ruim que é de graça. :harvest:

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  • Usuário Growroom

Isso com certeza, é o que eu sempre digo, tu prefere trocar frutas legumes e vegetais e começar a só consumir capsulas de vitaminas sintéticas, daqui a pouco seu figado ta um bagaço.

Natural mil vezes melhor que sintético, que só serve pra enriquecer mega empresários. Natural só tem uma parte ruim que é de graça. :harvest:

nao cara, a questao ai não é o caso de qual maneira de consumo faz mal a saude, e sim qual maneira produz melhores efeitos nos casos de pacientes com cancer, sem duvidas ingerir o thc é muito mais saudável para nosso corpo do que fumar cannabis, nossos pulmoes nao foram feitos para fumaça nenhuma, mas no caso desses pacientes fica mais facil de ajustar a dosagem, o efeito é muito mais rápido que se ingerido

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