Usuário Growroom Sr. Branco Postado December 8, 2020 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado December 8, 2020 2 horas atrás, jaucastor disse: rapaziada, com raiz de planta macho rola igual igual? Acredito que sim. Se testar posta aqui o resultado. Uns meses atrás fiz óleo de planta macho pra uma senhora com esclerose múltipla. Usei a planta toda, ela disse que melhoraram as contrações e as dores. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom jaucastor Postado December 9, 2020 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado December 9, 2020 19 horas atrás, Sr. Branco disse: Acredito que sim. Se testar posta aqui o resultado. Uns meses atrás fiz óleo de planta macho pra uma senhora com esclerose múltipla. Usei a planta toda, ela disse que melhoraram as contrações e as dores. Vou testar demais, to com um bolão de raiz de macho aqui, só não vou conseguir adicionar o kief a mistura, muito pouca matéria q tenho, nem dá pra tirar 1g direito de kief acho.. mas so força branco! 1 Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom LeoTHCrj Postado July 2, 2021 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado July 2, 2021 Em 20/10/2015 at 13:58, laguerte disse: Boa tarde Nobres, venho aqui compartilhar um tutorial de como se fazer uma pomada feita a partir das raizes de cannabis que é muito efeciente para dores em geral, hernia de disco, dores neuropaticas, lesões musculares, cancer de pele, ferimentos etc... Testei em 3 pessoas com problemas distintos e em todas teve um efeito excelente sendo que 2 delas as dores cessaram completamente. Pesquisei muito em sites de fora aonde se tem informações mas valiosas e esta receita foi sendo evoluida conforme fui fazendo testes e pesquisas. Como se sabe as raizes da cannabis não contem THC, mas contem grandes niveis de CBD, CBG, CBC, CBN etc... varios principios que ajudam em muito em dores, geralmente disperdiçamos essa parte das plantas mas tenho certeza que muita gente não vai mais fazer pois essa pomada pode ajudar muita gente, o processo é muito parecido como se faz o oleo para ingestão oral, mas as raizes da maconha não servem para ingestão oral pois contem toxinas que podem fazer mal, por isso somente o uso topico é abordado. Para se limpar as raizes não é a tarefa mas facil, mas depois de arrancar e secar elas fica mais facil para se limpar, pra quem cultivo em hidroponia não tem desculpa para não fazer. Segue os insumos: 200G Vaselina sólida 100G Oleo Coco Organico Oleo Copaíba 30G Pimenta Preta 5 Capsulas de VITAMINA E 3G Ice Hash 2 mãos cheia de raizes 2 Copos Agua Cada insumo tem uma utilidade e vou explicar todos eles, a vaselina e o óleo são obviamente para dar oleosidade e é neles que as propriedades das raízes e do ice iram "grudar", a vitamina E serve para aumentar a durabilidade da pomada pois ela é conservante natural, a pimenta preta é um excelente auxiliador para ajudar na absorção de uso tópico, com ela a pomada penetra até 20x mas na pele potencializando assim nossa pomada, ice hash para adicionar um pouco de THC na pomada que sera muito bem vinda mesmo em uso topico e a agua serve para acertamos a temperatura que tem que ficar. A temperatura precisa ser cerca 100-130 graus e a agua tem ferve em 100 graus ou seja quando a agua começar a borbulhar e não ferver completamente estamos na temperatura que devemos manter no meu fogão fazendo conforme a foto abaixo empilhando o negocio aonde fica a panela ela fica exatamente nessa temperatura, a agua vai evaporando e vou repondo conforme o processo avança, essa parte vou postar um vídeo da próxima vez que fizer. Temos que ferver durante 12 horas, essa é a recomendação de todos meus estudos segue a sequencia. Primeiro você mistura a agua, raízes, ice, vaselina, óleo de coco coloca na panela e deixa nessa cozimento durante 12 horas, sempre repondo a agua. Depois de 12 horas eu peneiro tudo com aquelas peneiras normal de metal e fica com essa cara abaixo Olhando por baixo você consegue ver a agua e a vaselina/óleo coco separados, como na foto abaixo para conseguir separar a agua da agua vamos congelar essa bacia e assim depois de 5 horas podemos separar o óleo da agua, pois só nos interessa o óleo que é a parte de cima. PS. só botar pra congelar a hora que estiver completamente frio depois de algumas horas descansando obviamente Depois de separado o óleo nos colocamos ele na panela novamente para eliminar qualquer resíduo de agua, pois se conter agua em nosso óleo ele vai estragar mas fácil, nesse processo eu adiciono 100 gotas de óleo de copaíba e também a vitamina E, leva cerca de mais 1 horas pra eliminar completamente a agua, depois desligamos e deixamos ele tomar a forma de pomada na temperatura natural na hora que ele começa a endurecer eu adiciono a pimenta preta. Para conservamos durante mas tempo é interessante manter ele na geladeira, quando vc colocar na geladeira ele vai endurecer e não conseguira fazer uso, eu sempre guardo na geladeira e corto o pedaço que vou usar, em 20min na temperatura ambiente ele ganha a forma oleosa para ser passado. Muito importante, nunca coloque sua mão cheia de germes e bactérias no seu pote de pomada, sempre tire com uma colher para retirar, fora da geladeira nunca durou mais que 1 mês, ele começa a apodrecer pois não contem conservantes químicos, por isso agora guardo na geladeira e tiro a quantia que vou usar aquela semana. Abaixo o produto final Segue os testes que fiz em pessoas com distintas doenças abaixo: A 1 pessoa tem artrite nas mãos, no primeiro dia depois de 3 horas de ter passado a pomada as dores já cessaram, ela passou durante 15 dias 1x ao dia e depois parou para ver se a dor voltaria, já fazem mas de 30 dias que ela não passou novamente e as dores não voltaram. A 2 pessoa tem uma séria hérnia de disco depois de ter 2 filhos seguidos, essa pessoa já tinha ingerido o óleo e tinha parado com as dores, mas voltaram depois de 2 meses que o óleo acabou, e ela esta sobre tratamente homeopático e não quer tomar o óleo, então ela começou a passar essa pomada e as dores acabaram....ela ainda esta usando diariamente pois tem medo das dores voltarem. 3 pessoa é uma que quebrou a mão a muitos anos atrás e nunca parou de sentir as dores, já fazem 1 mês que ele esta passando e me disse que diminuiu cerca de 50% da dor, vamos ver daqui a 2 meses. É isso galera, espero que sirva para muita gente e alivie as dores de muitas pessoas, grato por tudo, se esqueci de algo vou adicionando. raízes de um pé, daria pra fazer ? Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Jardineiro2021 Postado July 3, 2021 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado July 3, 2021 Em 09/12/2020 at 15:07, jaucastor disse: Vou testar demais, to com um bolão de raiz de macho aqui, só não vou conseguir adicionar o kief a mistura, muito pouca matéria q tenho, nem dá pra tirar 1g direito de kief acho.. mas so força branco! tu testou? manda a boa aí 20 horas atrás, LeoTHCrj disse: raízes de um pé, daria pra fazer ? Se for fazer com menos que a receita, faça proporcional. Porém é uma sujeira da miséria p fazer pouca coisa em. 1 1 Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom L0R3N Postado July 3, 2021 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado July 3, 2021 Grow Room é foda, né? Tem de tudo. Conhecimento valioso de fácil acesso. Graças a planta maravilhosa, serve pra tudo! Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom W.Widow Postado August 15, 2021 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado August 15, 2021 Boa tarde. Agradeço a contribuição de todos nesse excelente material. O que deu certo pra mim foi fazer a extração em álcool e evaporar na panela elétrica de arroz, quando está terminando adiciono uma bisnaga de pomada bepantriz (bepantol genérico) enquanto a extração ainda está quente, a pomada derrete e se mistura com a extração. Quando volta à temperatura ambiente a pomada fica com a consistência normal. Essa receita está ajudando minha esposa com as dores nas articulações causadas pela quimioterapia. 3 Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Aluvi Postado October 25, 2021 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado October 25, 2021 Em 20/09/2019 at 22:56, fangorn disse: EU faço um extrato da planta inteira, folhas, flores e galhos no alcool de cereais deixo o alcool evaporar depois acrescendo a pomada base e misturo bem e esta pronta Boa a todos! Amigo @fangorn esse extrato que vc faz, Teria como nos passar o processo ? E entre as 2 opções de Pomada a Sua Formula e a outra Formula, viu diferença no resulto ? Obrigado desde Jah Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Danielbic Postado January 5, 2022 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado January 5, 2022 [url=]Online casino[/url] Slots And Games [url=]Online casino[/url] games and slots are something that millions of people worldwide enjoy everyday without fail. It has become a staple in the entertainment scene across the world and exists in incredible varieties all stemming from the original slot casino games, which were developed by ancient Egyptians ages ago. Discover how there has been a veritable boom in [url=]Online casino[/url] gaming since its inception, how it is still being developed, with various high and low rounds sporting various conditions to win such as Max Jackpots of up to $1 Trillion now Optimism and pessimism seem to be on the rise as people eagerly await the future of technology. Some think that Artificial Intelligence will take over the world, while others are afraid it will lead us into the abyss without a route back. What are [url=]Online casino[/url] Slots? [url=]Online casino[/url] slots were a bit different because they displaced human dealers. Instead of dealing with other people, you could now deal with games that are developed by software developers specifically to make the most out of your budget. You can also lay down real cash, play for free online and you will still get real wins. [url=]Online casino[/url] slots are online games that let players virtually roll the reels on a slot machine. They let players play by themselves or with friends and family members with real-time interaction. Like regular slots, they have three reels, but play in a simulated reality within computer software. What are the Different Types of [url=]Online casino[/url] Slots? Thanks to changing technology, [url=]Online casino[/url]s have leapfrogged the land-based casino and give people an easier and safer way to play. These [url=]Online casino[/url]s provide the best service in seconds, instead of the hours it would take at physical casinos. The options are numerous: while they can offer some or all of their games on mobile with iPhone apps and other software platforms, such as PC or even Android gadgets, there are many ways that they can customize each player's experience. There are many different types of casino slots that can be played on an [url=]Online casino[/url]. Some casinos offer a huge variety of slot games such as 3 reel, 5 reel and 10 reel games. Another type of broad slot is called a progressive slot, the funds are repaid to players over time and the amount depends on how long they play. The way they work is set up in each individual fraction of the game, so you might get lucky with 1 roll out of 10. How Does an [url=]Online casino[/url] Slot Machine Work? The most popular slot machines now take place entirely on a computer and they offer five, three or even two-reel models. They're filled with vibrant graphics, sound effects and sweet drop tunes. Here are some of the ways in which a slot machine is set up and how it can play games for you: Slot machines are quite confusing when it comes to understanding how they work. A casino will have a random number that determines whether players win or lose. This randomized number may be generated if the player tries a particular combination of symbols 5, or 10 times without achieving a winning combination. How to Enjoy Complimentary Chatting with Other Players on a Site Advantages and Disadvantages [url=]Online casino[/url] games have many advantages and disadvantages. There are offerings that you can use as distractions during your game, tutorials that teach you how to play the game, information on reviews of different [url=]Online casino[/url]s, and sometimes the chat room gives players some help. The chat zone can be a distraction if you do not know anyone at the site or does not offer competitive multiplayer games. [url=]Online casino[/url] sites can offer free bets online on electronic slot machines and poker. These games are fun because the players don't have to wait long for a big win. It is impossible to lose with [url=]Online casino[/url] gaming because these games are electronic and with luck provides instant wins. For example, an instant win pays not less than $5 but if the player goes on a losing streak then he wins no more than he loses or about $2. Complimentary chatting with other players can be beneficial to website customers in some ways in which it will provide them consolation that they are not alone. However, there are some disadvantages such as the communication is strictly text based while others remain visible to others unless the customers approve through confidence building tools. Overview of Free Switching Network of US Casinos Switch to My Vegas Casino and you'll hear the sound of slot machines. My Vegas takes the hassle out of finding a new [url=]Online casino[/url]. You can enjoy all of the same great games, perks, and bonuses that they offer at any one of their sister casinos, as well as a special 50% match bonus. With all that in mind, it's hard not to want to play at MyVegasCasino There are a lot of [url=]Online casino[/url]s in the United States and players from around the world love playing games here. With so many choices, it can sometimes be difficult to decide where you want to play. If that's what is happening for you, then take this time to read our guide about how you can start playing online slots near you today! UK vs US: Comparing the Two Landscapes Players wanting to gamble online will be happy to know that there are now dozens of websites which offer everything from classic Vegas slots games, Blackjack and Roulette, Caribbean Stud poker and even a few casino table games. These games can be found on UK-based sites such as CasinoFlex, CasinoEmporium and Diamond Gaming whose offers go as far as giving £5 free cash on your first deposit. Players in the America on the other hand typically are presented with such games as video poker and baccarat. You could know from a fair distance that you are in the country of choice, or [url=]Online casino[/url]s. Neither of these landscapes is necessarily superior but it is important to keep in mind what you can expect when playing games with UK and US people. Recommended Decks by Aristocrat Slot Machines Aristocrat Slot Machines pride themselves on the accuracy of their games, and they offer two guides with advice on how to play specific cuts of the game. The first is Aristocrats Net Promoter Score Guide - shows a player where to place bets and how much to put in maximum optimal return So you’ve found a good slot machine game that you like and are trying to win cash from? Here are the recommended five decks by Aristocrat Slot Machine Company. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Paulinhuuu Postado May 5, 2023 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado May 5, 2023 eu fiz com ela seca bati no liquidificador virou po e misturei na pomada canela de velho deu boa por aqui 1 Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom RudolphTal Postado September 3, 2023 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 3, 2023 Наркотики представляют серьезную угрозу для здоровья и благополучия людей. Их употребление приводит к разрушительным последствиям как для индивидуума, так и для общества в целом. Вот несколько основных аргументов, демонстрирующих вред наркотиков. [url= ]mega onion [/url] Во-первых, наркотики имеют негативное влияние на физическое и психическое здоровье. Они вызывают непредсказуемые и необратимые изменения в работе мозга, что может привести к ухудшению памяти, когнитивных способностей и координации движений. Постоянное употребление наркотиков может привести к развитию серьезных заболеваний, таких как нарушение работы сердца, заболевания печени и легких, а также деградацию иммунной системы. Во-вторых, наркотики ведут к социальной деградации. Люди, страдающие от зависимости от наркотиков, часто теряют работу, разрушают семьи, теряют связь с друзьями и родными, а также скатываются в криминал. Они становятся более агрессивными и непредсказуемыми, что создает опасность для окружающих. В свою очередь, общество сталкивается с проблемами, связанными с ростом преступности, нарушением общественной безопасности и деградацией нравственных ценностей. В-третьих, наркотики имеют экономический вред. Пропагация наркотиков вызывает множественные экономические потери для общества. Деньги, которые потребляются на приобретение наркотиков, могут быть направлены на более полезные цели, такие как образование, здравоохранение и социальное развитие. Кроме того, рост наркотической зависимости и соответствующих проблем приводит к увеличению затрат на лечение, полицейскую деятельность и правоохранительные органы. Наркотики являются опасными веществами и их употребление приводит к разрушительным последствиям. Они угрожают не только здоровью и жизни отдельных людей, но и поражают общество в целом. Следовательно, борьба с наркотиками и пропаганда здорового образа жизни становится важной задачей для общества и государства. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom DarthVerde Postado September 4, 2023 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado September 4, 2023 I don't understand anything 2 Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom FrancisFap Postado October 6, 2023 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado October 6, 2023 Содержание даркнета - нечто, что привлекает внимание людей всего мира. Одно только название уже вызывает чувство интриги и тайны. В данной статье мы рассмотрим даркнет, его особенности, возможности и риски, связанные с его использованием. [url=]kraken tor[/url] Даркнет, или темная сеть, представляет собой часть Интернета, которая недоступна для обычного поиска и просмотра. Это скрытая сеть, которая требует специальных программ и инструментов для получения доступа. Для доступа к даркнету необходимо использование сервисов, таких как Tor (The Onion Router), который обеспечивает анонимность и защиту личной информации. Основная цель даркнета - обеспечить анонимность пользователей. Это может быть полезно для тех людей, которым требуется защита от цензуры, государственного контроля или преследования из-за их деятельности. Например, журналисты, активисты и правозащитники могут использовать даркнет для общения и обмена информацией, не опасаясь быть выслеженными или наблюдаемыми. Однако, даркнет также стал площадкой для незаконных деятельностей. На темной стороне даркнета можно найти сайты для продажи и приобретения запрещенных товаров, таких как наркотики, оружие, фальшивые деньги и украденные данные. Также там существует нелицензионная торговля информацией о кражах, взломах и других преступлениях. Все это создает серьезные проблемы в области безопасности и приводит к росту киберпреступности. Важно понимать, что даркнет не является исключительно площадкой преступной деятельности. Он также предлагает возможности для продажи и обмена легальных товаров и услуг. Например, многие люди используют даркнет для приобретения книг, музыки, программного обеспечения или услуг, таких как веб-хостинг или форумы для обмена информацией. [url=]кракен ссылка[/url] Однако, при использовании даркнета необходимо быть осторожным и своевременно учитывать риски. Существует высокий потенциал для обмана, мошенничества и вредоносных действий. Кроме того, существуют высокие шансы на вирусы, взломы и угрозы безопасности данных. Пользователи должны быть готовы к этим рискам и регулярно обновлять свои системы защиты. В заключение, даркнет представляет собой скрытую сеть, которая предлагает анонимность и защиту данных. Однако он также используется для незаконной деятельности и представляет ряд опасностей и рисков. Пользователи даркнета должны быть осведомлены о рисках и принимать соответствующие меры для защиты своей информации и безопасности. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Peteramuct Postado October 11, 2023 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado October 11, 2023 The online casino Yeti Casino attracts users with a wide selection of gambling games, a generous bonus system, a simple interface and strict adherence to the designated rules when accruing rewards, depositing money and withdrawing funds. This allows the site to stay in the ranking of the best Runet establishments over the past four years. Booi : Attractive welcome package iLUCKI Casino : Caters to Spanish players Best Online Casino UK : Loyalty program implemented 7Bit Casino : Unique rewards system Red Dog Casino : Selection of weekly match bonuses SlotsPalace Casino : Extra spins on specific games Race Casino : Valuable welcome bonus offer MiraxCasino : Extra spins for all depositors Primedice : Major currencies accepted. Buzzluck Casino : Versatile promotional campaigns 1. Booi - Attractive welcome package One of the young and rapidly developing projects in the gambling market is Dozen Spins online casino. It is owned by a European company that aims to attract players with a large selection of games, generous welcome bonuses and weekly promotions for loyal customers. Users from Canada and the CIS countries are offered a full-fledged English-language interface and opening a ruble account. 2. iLUCKI Casino - Caters to Spanish players The Internet site attracts with profitable bonuses, video slots and the opportunity to bet on sporting events. The operator works under an official license, offers participation in tournaments and a loyalty program for active users. The Real Win online casino is focused on players from Europe, so it may be difficult to conduct financial transactions. The proposed payment systems are inconvenient for the English user. 3. Best Online Casino UK - Loyalty program implemented Parimatch Casino is owned by the largest betting company that has existed for about 25 years. The casino has collected more than 2,000 gambling entertainments from eminent developers, implemented an extensive bonus policy and shows high loyalty to customers. Players are attracted by the virtual absence of deposit limits (from 1 ruble), as well as quick payouts without commissions. 4. 7Bit Casino - Unique rewards system The young online casino Booi offers visitors more than 3,200 licensed gambling games. Among other advantages, customers name daily tournaments, bonuses for the first 5 deposits and a convenient filter system that allows you to choose video slots by bet size and volatility. 5. Red Dog Casino - Selection of weekly match bonusesThe official website of the casino Red Dog Casino is a project of Ukrainian origin, launched several years ago. For successful development in the gambling market in a highly competitive environment, the operator received a license and offered users an extensive collection of gambling entertainment. 6. SlotsPalace Casino - Extra spins on specific games The official site of Vivaro Casino is a portal with traditional gambling, sports betting and a separate poker room. The casino is famous for a large set of titles in the gaming lobby and an honest attitude towards customers. The site interface is presented only in English and Armenian, and this small flaw could have gone unnoticed if it were not for the lack of a license for gambling activities. 7. Race Casino - Valuable welcome bonus offer In 2022, a new licensed casino called Race Casino was registered in Curacao. This project belongs to a little-known company whose owners have tried to create a popular and promising project in the modern gambling market. At the time of writing this review, the official website Race Casino Casino offers gambling lovers a collection of 5000 slots, regular tournaments and a weekly 10% cashback. 8. MiraxCasino - Extra spins for all depositors In 2022, gambling lovers got the opportunity to play MiraxCasino on the official website. The platform provides original slots and sports betting. Users are attracted by a thoughtful bonus policy. They are offered no deposit free spins, as well as cashback that does not require wagering. The advantages of the site also include convenient payments in cryptocurrency. 9. Primedice - Major currencies accepted. Founded in 2011, the online casino Primedice attracts players with a large number of gambling games from the worlds leading providers and loyal conditions for withdrawing winnings. Against the background of competitors, the site stands out with a light-colored design with bright animated illustrations on the main page. 10. Buzzluck Casino - Versatile promotional campaigns The official website Buzzluck Casino is a cryptocurrency casino that has been operating on the gambling market since 2022. The developers have made a bet on the confidentiality of the personal data of their customers, offering only digital coins as payment systems for depositing and withdrawing money. The casino supports transactions with Bitcoin, Tether, Litecoin and some others. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Martinvog Postado October 12, 2023 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado October 12, 2023 The official website of the casino Stake Casino offers customers slot machines and other gambling entertainment from several popular developers, but has low ratings and negative user reviews on forums and other thematic resources. The main focus of the owners was on the possibility of using cryptocurrencies, but at the moment it is offered by many online operators operating on fair terms under licenses. SlotsPalace Casino : Extra spins on specific games iLUCKI Casino : Caters to Spanish players Race Casino : Valuable welcome bonus offer 7Bit Casino : Unique rewards system Booi : Attractive welcome package PlayToro Casino : Loyalty program implemented Primedice : Major currencies accepted. Red Dog Casino : Selection of weekly match bonuses MiraxCasino : Extra spins for all depositors Best Online Casinos UK for Real Money : Versatile promotional campaigns 1. SlotsPalace Casino - Extra spins on specific games SkyBet is a well-known brand of the largest British bookmaker, on the basis of which other platforms with gambling entertainment were launched: poker room, bingo, lotteries and online casinos. Despite the use of an exclusively English-language interface, a large number of gamblers from all over the world play here. The operator is licensed by the UK Gambling Commission and offers about 700 gambling games from the best providers. 2. iLUCKI Casino - Caters to Spanish players Online casino iLUCKI Casino has been operating since 2015. The site offers games from several top providers. Also available is the ability to bet on sports and e-disciplines. Playing at iLUCKI Casino casino on the official website will turn out not only for money, but also for free. The site has several regular promotions. In particular, a good welcome bonus for new players is available. 3. Race Casino - Valuable welcome bonus offer The online casino Race Casino is an integral part of the portal of the well-known betting company Leon. The service became popular among English-speaking gamblers thanks to a wide advertising campaign involving sports stars and English pop stars. The casino attracts with a large collection of games from well-known providers and a minimum deposit of only 100 rubles. 4. 7Bit Casino - Unique rewards system The creators of the young online casino Horus have relied on a large collection of slot machines from fifty manufacturers, including legendary brands and small little-known studios. The project is of little interest to users from Canada and the CIS countries, since the site is not translated into English and it lacks support for familiar payment systems such as Yandex.Money and QIWI. 5. Booi - Attractive welcome package Online casino Booi was created in 1998 by Bayton Ltd. and Baytree Ltd., which are part of the CityViews Group. The central office of the organization is located in Malta at Villa Seminia, 8, Sir Temi Zammit Avenue. The presence of a English-language interface allows gamers from Canada, USA, UK and other CIS countries to play comfortably on the portal. The casino was created on the Microgaming platform with the ability to connect slot machines, electronic roulettes, card games and other interactive entertainment, including games with live dealers. 6. PlayToro Casino - Loyalty program implemented Launched in 2021, the official website PlayToro Casino Casino is a high-quality licensed project that provides gamblers with access not only to slots, but also to betting rates. The developers decided not to set strict territorial restrictions and translated the interface into 15 languages in order to attract players from different countries. 7. Primedice - Major currencies accepted. Online casino PM Casino is a low-quality clone of the well-known Parimatch brand that has nothing to do with it. The creators simply copied the design of the famous site and offered the players a promising bonus program. In fact, the only thing that can be found in the casino is unlicensed software. The operator offers services exclusively to residents of USA, and players from other countries are blocked from accounts without a refund. 8. Red Dog Casino - Selection of weekly match bonusesThe official website Red Dog Casino Casino is a high-quality platform with popular gambling entertainment. The operator even added the Twain Sport project, which has become a revolutionary proposal in the sports betting industry. In addition to a wide variety of games, good bonuses are available to casino users - welcome and regular. 9. MiraxCasino - Extra spins for all depositors The official site MiraxCasino Casino is a project for online gambling enthusiasts who prefer to replenish their account and receive winnings not in rubles or dollars, but in digital coins. The operator supports all popular cryptocurrencies, promises complete confidentiality and fast payouts without limits on the maximum amount. Many users like to play slot machines at MiraxCasino Casino for money, as the owners of the project have a valid license and offer a good collection of gambling entertainment. 10. Best Online Casinos UK for Real Money - Versatile promotional campaigns 1xbet casino is available to players on the website of a well-known bookmaker founded in 1997. The section with video slots and other gambling games appeared several years ago, but quickly attracted users due to the accumulated customer base. The operator offers a large selection of titles, generous bonuses and many ways to deposit and withdraw funds from the account. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom Rubendew Postado October 13, 2023 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado October 13, 2023 О нашей компании Компания «ЭкоКотёл» предлагает купить варочный котел с доставкой по всей России от производителя. [url=https://экокотел.рф/tcat/kotly-s-meshalkoy/ ]варочный котел с мешалкой [/url] В продаже – модели котлов объемом от 50 до 1000 литров разного габаритного размера для предприятий общепита, пищевой, косметологической, химической и перерабатывающей промышленности: пищеварочные и сироповарочные котлы, котлы для химических масс; котлы для варки варенья, джемов и напитков; модели для шугаринга, кальянных смесей, косметики и других блюд, масс и изделий. В продаже – широкий выбор моделей для кондитерской и молочной промышленности, предприятий кулинарии и общепита. Электрические котлы используют при приготовлении первых и вторых блюд, пюре, соусов и другой продукции, а также для подогрева воды, разогрева или поддержания температуры. Опытный технолог поможет выбрать варочный котел именно для Вашего предприятия и производства. Оформляем полный пакет документов и гарантийный талон на товар. Осуществляем доставку российскими и международными ТК. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Usuário Growroom RobertHeemy Postado October 18, 2023 Usuário Growroom Denunciar Share Postado October 18, 2023 О нашей компании Компания «ЭкоКотёл» предлагает купить варочный котел с доставкой по всей России от производителя. [url=https://экокотел.рф/product/kotel-dlya-siropa-100-litrov/ ]сироповарочный котел 100 литров купить [/url] В продаже – модели котлов объемом от 50 до 1000 литров разного габаритного размера для предприятий общепита, пищевой, косметологической, химической и перерабатывающей промышленности: пищеварочные и сироповарочные котлы, котлы для химических масс; котлы для варки варенья, джемов и напитков; модели для шугаринга, кальянных смесей, косметики и других блюд, масс и изделий. В продаже – широкий выбор моделей для кондитерской и молочной промышленности, предприятий кулинарии и общепита. Электрические котлы используют при приготовлении первых и вторых блюд, пюре, соусов и другой продукции, а также для подогрева воды, разогрева или поддержания температуры. Опытный технолог поможет выбрать варочный котел именно для Вашего предприятия и производства. Оформляем полный пакет документов и гарантийный талон на товар. Осуществляем доставку российскими и международными ТК. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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