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Primeiro cultivo! Prenseeds que nasceram com um possivel apoio divino kkkkk Aceito dicas galera!


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  • Usuário Growroom

Bom dia galera, grower newbie na area!

Ambas sementes vindas de prensado (do jaca), que foi lavado e "limpado". Coloquei elas num copo ate afundarem.

A primeira (a mais velha), joguei no copo com agua, assim que afundou, joguei no vaso (Enquanto plantava, falei com meu amigo que essa semente ia dar só flor fueda. Será que rolou um incentivo ai?). Saiu da terra fazem uns 4 dias e hoje tá assim. 

A segunda é UM PRESENTE, ela simplesmente apareceu na minha cadeira do pc, serio, quase uma semana dps de ter limpado o prensado e ter tirado as seeds. Assim que achei, coloquei ela num copo ate ela afundar (demorou umas 12h), assim que afundou, foi pro mesmo vaso da irmã mais velha. Hoje de manhã, tive essa surpresa maravilhosa!

Qualquer ajuda é bem vinda! Não sei qual é o substrato (vaso confiscado do meu pai), mas posso perguntar pro meu pai se pensar num bom motivo (ainda nao legalizei 100%). a ideia é cultivo outdoor ou out e indoor so em dias que não puder pegar sol/luz. Tenho espaço para out e in e apoio da esposa no cultivo.

Troco elas de vaso? deixo ai já que ta nascendo? Separo as duas? deixo no mesmo vaso? Algum suplemento necessario (so agua ate agr)? Rego de quanto em quanto tempo?


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WhatsApp Image 2021-09-01 at 13.57.18.jpeg

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  • Usuário Growroom
1 minuto atrás, nande disse:

mantém cada planta em seu respectivo vaso, pode pesquisar no forum sobre algumas receitas de fertilizantes organicos para complementar o substrato, rega quando tiver seco

Beleza, obrigado!

A ideia é ficar o mais "simples" possivel, não precisa ser a colheita com mais rendimento no mundo, só quero parar de comprar por agora.

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  • Usuário Growroom

Pra ficar no "mais" simples ainda precisa suprir o "mínimo" que a planta precisa.

Sem isso não vai chegar muito longe e ainda pode se frustar achando que o cultivo não é pra você.

Dá uma lida nisso daqui pra ter um norte do que e como pesquisar. Tem informação aqui no fórum pra tudo que precisa, tudo mesmo.

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  • Usuário Growroom
Is online [url=]Sports Betting[/url] easy, or do you struggle to find the [url=]Sports Betting[/url] sites and online casinos that can offer you the best offers? In this blog article, we are going to explore some of the best UK casino websites, as well as share our top pick for the best casino bonuses. If you don't watch a lot of TV, or aren't familiar with what goes on in the world of [url=]Sports Betting[/url] then this article is for you! Read all about the difference between pro and legal sports bettors, how to make more money on your bets, and which risk factors related to [url=]Sports Betting[/url] that you should avoid.

Tips on Online [url=]Sports Betting[/url]

Know the ropes for any casino to keep it legal and your winnings intact. The tips in this article cover some basic guidelines that will have you winning more on every wager. There's a lot to consider when betting online. This blog aims to help people with tips, advice and a breakdown of the most popular sports markets. Most importantly, tips are geared towards beginning bettors so that beginners will be able to jump in and begin winning (sometimes) their stake back on the first day.

What are the risks of [url=]Sports Betting[/url]?

There are risks associated with [url=]Sports Betting[/url] and always be aware of the rules and not just settle for the most obvious bet. Betting on sports seems like a great way to get instant gratification - but in reality it is incredibly risky. People assume that there are no risks in [url=]Sports Betting[/url] and become addicted to the rush when they win or lose large sums of money. There's a difference between satisfying your gambling addiction, and potentially ruining your life all because you want to believe it was impossible for you to lose.

How can I stay safe online?

The first article on online [url=]Sports Betting[/url] is a reminder of all the common sense qualities and precautions you need to know about online betting. The article covers security practices, risks and how to reduce your risk when placing bets online. It goes into detail on the major product types such as early close, parlays and third-rates. There are also some tips given on whether or not to bet in the first hour of a game, blackouts, soccer odds and other international sports events. If you would like to make a sports bet online, there are some steps to take in order to stay safe. It's important the bet doesn't go against your country's laws. You should also research the person in question and find out if they are licensed to run an organization that provides betting services. Truthfully, no one can predict where the event will be held and how long it will last. Once you place your bets, be careful so it doesn't end up costing you.

Benefits of online gambling

Online gambling has become an incredibly popular method of enjoying the game you love. For those involved in this industry, the days of braving shady bookies are behind them. They no longer have to wait for the line at their local sports bar to dwindle down before placing a bet. All it takes is a safe and secure internet connection on their computer or phone to choose from dozens of options without ever leaving their house. It can be difficult to decide whether [url=]Sports Betting[/url] is good for you or not, but understanding the implications could help you figure out if you want to take the plunge. Online gambling allows you to wager and bet without having to physically be present at a particular location, which makes it convenient in some cases. The benefits of online [url=]Sports Betting[/url] can include being able to make bets on sites that might be inaccessible if they were physically located outside Canada or the US, playing without costing a physical object, and increased odds when making wagers based on bonuses and other promos.

Casinos with a strong reputability

Casinos with a strong reputation are often trustworthy. Individuals who run casinos with a stellar repute understand that the success of the company depends on their credibility, which is why they take their responsibilities seriously and maintain their integrity. These casino sites have won trusted-level honors from credible organizations such as Trustworthy Gaming Alliance, International Gaming Institute and Gaming Laboratories International. [url=]Sports Betting[/url] websites offer several unique gambling options which have become popular in the online world. These gamblers are a sophisticated set of individuals who would never be seen wearing sweatsuits or sidling up next to slot machines in Las Vegas, much to their inconvenience.

Advice for beginners

A lot of people make the mistake of betting on sports games alone. This is a major no-no, as the right bet is actually an advanced one that involves some serious knowledge and research. Here, you will find dos and don't's to betting online, ways to find legit sportbooks etc. If you are new to this world, read this article in order to get started on your path today. [url=]Sports Betting[/url] can be intimidating for anybody that is not an experienced trader or a gambling specialist. It can be time-consuming and potentially risky if you don't know what you are doing. However, many people are taking an interest in online [url=]Sports Betting[/url] because it has become trendy recently and there is the added bonus of being able to participate from the comfort of their home.

Future trends in [url=]Sports Betting[/url]

Nowadays, with the rise of computer technology and better speed internet access and use, [url=]Sports Betting[/url] has dramatically changed over time. This lifestyle is getting more appealing to different demographics than ever before. [url=]Sports Betting[/url] takes a lot of research, which trust me they know! We'll see a lot of new innovations in the industry that make betting more enjoyable and easier. Companies will invest in [url=]Sports Betting[/url] at a high level, because it's important to make sure their future is safe- there are a few events that could take gambling from legal to illegal overnight. Keep an eye out for software (software providers) and service providers who will work with the government to keep online sports bets on the up-and-up.


For the latest on [url=]Sports Betting[/url], including more advice on betting with bitcoins, be sure to check back regularly.
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