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  1. September 30, 2013 - 11:00 From October 1, an adult caught smoking cannabis in Switzerland can escape formal legal proceedings by simply paying a fine. Reactions to the relaxed law, which brings the Swiss in line with other western nations, are divided. Thick sweet-smelling smoke spirals slowly upwards from a secluded courtyard in the Les Grottes neighbourhood not far from Geneva railway station. “Sure this change is a good thing,” says *Dani, a young cannabis smoker. “I’ve been caught by the police before and I had five grams on me – they thought I was a dealer. I know lots of people who’ve had similar problems.” Growing, consuming and dealing cannabis are all forbidden in Switzerland. But from Tuesday, like a simple traffic offence, anyone over 18 caught in possession of up to ten grams of cannabis will receive a CHF100 ($110) fine and not have it put on their criminal record. Supporters of the revision, which was approved by parliament a year ago, argue that liberalising the legislation and shifting from criminal offence to misdemeanour is a small but realistic approach to cannabis consumption. The change brings Switzerland in line with other European countries that tolerate dope smoking in small amounts (see map). Up to 500,000 people in Switzerland, which has a population of eight million, are believed to be occasional cannabis smokers, with officials noting a downward trend over the past decade. Dani is not totally happy, however. “Quite frankly I think it should have been legalised and controlled by the state. At least then there would be a lot less delinquency.” Trivialising drugs Opponents, meanwhile, say decriminalising cannabis is contrary to the will of the Swiss people. Five years ago Swiss voters threw out a government proposal to legalise the possession, consumption and controlled trade in cannabis. Four years earlier, parliament had refused to discuss the issue. On his lunch break in Geneva’s Cropettes park, *Jean-Philippe, a 45-year-old French statistician, said the new law was a step in the wrong direction. “Ten grams is a lot and CHF100 is not at all a deterrent. It will simply make consumption more common and trivialise the issue.” Varying attitudes towards cannabis and the new law were also found among people in Zurich. “It makes it too easy to possess drugs and not to be punished. Because I think marijuana can be a step into a career of drugs,” said Michael, 40, at the railway station. Health and drug experts, on the other hand, believe that relaxing the law is unlikely to have an impact on national cannabis consumption. Quite the contrary, they say, pointing to Portugal and the Netherlands, which have tolerant soft drugs policies and where consumption of cannabis has fallen among young people. Meanwhile, the Swiss debate continues; even former dope smokers are undecided. “Ten years ago I would have been in favour of legalising cannabis,” said Marie, who has two teenage boys. “But today we shouldn’t minimise the dangers. In the 1990s, skunk [a strain of cannabis] had a THC level [the main active chemical in the drug] of about five per cent and was already powerful – today it can reach 30 per cent. It’s almost like a hard drug.” Lighting up Around 180 million people use cannabis as a drug according to the UN World Drug Report (June 2013). In Switzerland 28 per cent of residents aged 15 and over said they had consumed cannabis once in their lives (versus 25% for the EU average). Some 5.1 per cent aged 15 and over said they had consumed cannabis once in the past 12 months. Consumption is highest among 15-24-year-olds: 17 per cent said they had tried cannabis once in the past 12 months. According to a Unicef report published in April 2013, 24 per cent of young children aged 15 said they had used cannabis in the past 12 months for the 2009-2010 period. This figure was the second highest after Canada, but down from 38 per cent in 2001-2002.
    2 points
  2. hahahaha....powpowpow tão aceitando imigrante latino =~'> hahahaha
    2 points
  3. Desculpem o flood, mas aqui vai a versão com a legenda 50% maior:
    2 points
  4. po mo da hora seu relato ja refleti e d vez em quando ainda reflito sobre esse assunto mas ainda não cheguei a uma conclusão entao continuo queimando tudo , eu moro na fronteira com o paraguai e nao tem nenhum ponto negativo para parar e pontos positivos para continuar tem mto , é facil acesso a buchas e haxixe e onde cultivar apesar de ser novato no cultivo mas com todos esses pontos positivos para continuar ainda para e penso e se eu parar como vai ser ? vai melhorar piorar ? e tbm tenho ansiedade é outra questao que fico em duvida.. ae eu fumo outro e troco d ideia a brisa é compensativa kk
    2 points
  5. Segue uns infográficos sobre o assunto e resolvi compartilhar
    1 point
  6. po galera topico nao é sobre gostos musicais é divulgacao do gr
    1 point
  7. Por algum motivo o avidemux não tá reconhecendo traços "-", hífen ou menos, e no vídeo ficou como "[]", então eu tirei todos esses símbolos e já to upando mais uma versão do vídeo legendado, também vou usar outro programa pra ver se fica com a legenda perfeita, quero que fique com qualidade boa mesmo. Dá trabalhinho mas vale a pena, esse documentário é demais, é emocionante...tem potencial pra mudar a mente de muita gente. Só um sociopata completo pra não se comover com a história dessa menininha ou com o velhinho no asilo israelense. Capaz até de muito político recusar "incentivos" pra votar contra a maconha medicinal só por ter visto esse documentário. Mais uma vez parabéns a todos que legendaram o vídeo, gastar tempo e esforço para criar esse tipo de conteúdo é prova de que existe altruísmo de verdade no mundo.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. .. num tamo aceitando, mas eles vem msm assim...
    1 point
  11. ai Raito nao foi deboche nao, é que desde o começo do tópico quem fica ofendido com o preço diz que vai fazer um igual ou melhor a grande questão é: vc pode fazer um vaporizador mas não venha dizer que vai fazer um "volcano" quem tem sabe que tudo ali foi feito com excelencia, tem engenharia, tem material nobre, todos os detalhes foram estudados a exaustão ele funciona, ele dura ja usei outros vaporizadores é como comparar um fiat147 com um audi gastei 1600 reais e não me arrependo, quando o utilizo e sinto o sabor maravilhoso da erva e sua onda cerebral e xapante sei que valeu cada centavo e pagaria até mais, pra mim na relação custo x beneficio o beneficio supera em muito os custos antes que pensem qualquer coisa nao sou filhim de papai, sou trabalhador e foi dificil pagar essa quantia mas VALEU A PENA
    1 point
  12. Eu acho que a tarefa agora é 'eliminar a enrolação' e editar o documentário para ter um 'mini-documentário' de uns 15 só com a história da Charlotte. O que acham?
    1 point
  13. Quem lembra de Changeman? E na moral, ficam falando de krokodil, mas tem droga muito pior aqui no Brasil, eu por exemplo prefiro injetar meio litro de krocodil na veia do pinto a ter que ficar ouvindo axé e pagode o dia inteiro.
    1 point
  14. Lembrei da minha infância com essa musica do Iran Costa, mas foi outra, de boa!!! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    1 point
  15. cormaya! que foto violenta que daria essa ai do video pausado hein! putzzzz!!! um vermelho profundo, cheio de resina! segura ai entao ___________________________________ 11 DIAS
    1 point
  16. Nebreiro & ThiaBo Obrigado pelas sugestões e dicas, vou ler neste momento e sim vou procurar um medico para me informar, manterei no fórum informações para vocês sobre esse caso durante o tempo que eu for descobrindo mais coisas.
    1 point
  17. Upado galera:
    1 point
  18. Wakka wakka Mas falando sério agora, o editor desse clipe merece um oscar. Alias um não: 12! Gênio!
    1 point
  19. com cannabis de boa qualidade quem vai querer saber de crack. os que ainda fumam essa porcaria (op. pessoal) devem ser pensados numa perpectiva de redução de danos.
    1 point
  20. Antes que entendam mal, foi na patroa...mas quem desfruta sou hehehe....
    1 point
  21. LIVIN’ LARGE AT THE CANNABIS CUP When the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam draws nigh, it’s like the night before Christmas for HIGH TIMES staffers. Many admit to not being able to sleep before making their way to the world’s coolest city. Over the past week, our editors have been posting a treasure trove of Cannabis Cup memories, photos, and recommendations so you can enjoy Amsterdam to its fullest. Right now, we’re finalizing our list of lecturers and panelists who will appear on our Expo stage. Like senior cultivation editor Danny Danko says, the Cannabis Cup is much like a Major League Baseball Fantasy Camp where fans play ball and mingle with stars of the game. Meet Arjan of the Green House, Derry of Barney’s, Soma of Soma Seeds, the DNA dudes, Milo from Big Buddha Seeds, and of course, the Sensi Seed legends, Ben and Alan Dronkers. Check out our archive of past Cups and get your tickets for the 26th annual Cannabis Cup now! ___________________ What's Your Favorite Cannabis Cup Memory? TUE OCT 1, 2013 The HIGH TIMES staff looks back at 25 years of Cannabis Cups in Amsterdam. Here are a collection of stand out moments. It's not too late to get your tickets for the 26th Cannabis Cup - head to for details! ____________________ 9 Great Places in Amsterdam (That Don't Sell Weed) FRI SEP 27, 2013 Amsterdam is full of pot – pretty much anybody should be able to find smoke as soon as they leave Centraal Station... but then what? Get your Cannabis Cup ticket, come to Europe and loiter at the spots that we frequent. Here is a list of some of the best non-pot spots in Amsterdam... 1) AmsterBike This is one of many bike rental spots in town – there may be one close to your hotel. Do yourself a favor and rent a bike as soon as you start your exploration. You will save enough on taxi fares to buy substantially more weed and hash. 2) Hemp Works Stock up on all the things that you didn't bring on the plane... papers, pipes, lighters, bongs. Hemp Works is also a great place to buy a warm jacket and get gifts for your friends who couldn't make it to the Cup. 3) Skatepark Amsterdam Bring your board... break something other than your mind on your trip to Europe (we hear Dutch hospitals are wonderful). This place is enormous, indoors and has a full service bar that you can ride your board right up to. 4) Borchland Golf Course Get in a round of golf – the second most "stoner-friendly" activity after smoking weed. 5) Satellite Sportscafé The International House of Dabcakes. Not the healthiest food in A'dam, but you can smoke hash at your table. This place has American sports on TV – sometimes you can have a dab and a pancake while watching NFL football at 2 in the morning... pure fantasy football fractalization heaven. 6) Wagamama This city can run you down – it can be hard to stay on top of your nutritional needs with all the late nights and partying. This place offers a delicious, affordable and healthy meal. 7) Whiskey Bar Many great nights here that no one can clearly remember. If you see a HIGH TIMES staffer here, we probably need help getting back to our hotel room. 8) Moulin Rouge It's naughty time. This place is the not-as-adult-as-you-think adult entertainment spot. The infamous live sex show in Amsterdam is not as hardcore as it seems – it's actually a lot of fun. This place is not for everyone, but you will be shocked and amazed... bring your friends. 9) Powders Laundrette Amsterdam is a dirty place, so make sure your suitcase is clean when you depart. This laundromat will take a suitcase full of dirty clothes off your hands and return a neatly packed suitcase full of clean clothes – all for a very reasonable price. There's a conveniently located coffeeshop across the street that you can chill at if you'd prefer to wash your own clothes. _________________ Amsterdam: The Cannabis Capital of Europe BY BOBBY BLACK · THU SEP 26, 2013 Amsterdam is truly one of the greatest party cities in the world, especially if you’re a pothead. Not only is it home to some of the best marijuana in the world, but it’s also the freest in its attitudes toward smoking pot. Personal amounts of marijuana can be purchased and imbibed in any of a hundred different coffeeshops. Keep in mind that outside of coffeeshops, smoking is still frowned upon, so it’s not a great idea to light up in the streets. Before lighting up in a bar, be sure to ask the bartender if they allow cannabis smoking - most of them don’t. If you take the train from Schiphol Airport – which is the cheapest, easiest way to get into town – you’ll arrive at Centraal Station at the north end of the city. From here, it’s just a short walk over to Haarlemmerstraat, where some of the city’s most prominent coffeeshops and restaurants reside. There, you can pick up some bud and breakfast at the Green House or Barney’s Uptown before heading to your hotel. Dam Square toward the north is basically the heart of the city, surrounded by concentric semi-circles of streets (straats) and canals (grachts) that spread out around it toward the south. Cutting almost straight down through the middle is the main shopping strip, Leidsestraat, which ends at the bustling Leidseplein Square, filled with some of the best bars, restaurants and stores. Along the way, you can veer off to visit some of the chillest coffeeshops in the city – among them, de Rokerij, de Dampkring and one of the several Green House locations. For some of the best hash in the city, in terms of both quality and variety, head southeast of the Dam to the Bluebird, which has two binders displaying tons of domestic and imported hashish. When the munchies hit, the Leidseplein has some great Indian, Thai and Italian restaurants, Argentinian steakhouses, killer falafel spots, as well as fast-food favorites like Burger King and Mickey D’s for the less adventurous. And if you want ketchup with your fries, you’ll have to ask for it – the Dutch eat theirs with mayo. If you’re feeling homesick, the Marriott and American hotels serve a traditional turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day (but make advance reservations!). For art lovers, there’s nothing more fun than chowing down on a space cake and hitting a museum, particularly the Van Gogh or the Rijksmuseum, where you can see the gigantic Dutch Masters paintings come to life before your eyes. There are also the less conventional museums devoted to hash, sex, erotica and torture, as well as the sobering Anne Frank House. One of the best things about the city is that it’s small enough that you can get just about anywhere on foot, so just pick up a map (preferably one from our Cannabis Cup Guide, which has the better coffeeshops marked) and start wandering around. Sure, you could rent a bicycle, but navigating the city’s busy, unfamiliar streets while high (and possibly drunk) is not very stoner-smart. After a long, hard day of getting high, you’ll be ready for some nightlife, and Amsterdam has something for everyone. For those into hip-hop, house and trance, there are happening dance clubs like Sinners in Heaven and Odeon. Those who lean more towards hard rock can hit dive bars like The Cave, Korsakoff or The Black and White. For live music, the Melkweg and Paradiso book major international acts, or you can check out some cool blues or jazz at Bourbon Street. If you’re in it for the long haul, there’s usually after-hours at the Dolphins café. And, of course, there’s always the infamous Red Light District, where the randy and curious stroll the streets ogling the semi-nude prostitutes standing in the windows. The weather in November is pretty chilly and rainy, so be prepared to bundle up. Sure, the weather there may be a bit nicer in the summer, but there’s just no substitute for that last week in November when the Cannabis Cup rolls into town. Coffeeshops prepare all year to impress the thousands of stoners who descend upon the city, rolling out the special offers and free samples – and HIGH TIMES throws one hell of a party, featuring big-name musical performances and a gala awards show. Now that marijuana is becoming legal in the US, I’m sure many of you are asking yourselves, “Why go all the way to Holland when I can get great weed right in Colorado or California?” The answer is history. For decades, as the Drug War has raged here at home and people have been thrown in prison simply for enjoying some herb, The Netherlands has stood as a shining example of tolerance and rationality, allowing tourists to buy and consume cannabis without fear or guilt. The advances being made here in America wouldn’t have been possible if they hadn’t shown the world how things could and should be. And many of the top strains we enjoy here in the US were originated by the “Dutch Master” breeders. Bottom line: making the pilgrimage to Amsterdam is something every true stoner should do at least once in their lifetime – and if you’re going to Amsterdam for the weed, there’s no better time to go than for the Cannabis Cup. As someone who’s been to more Cannabis Cups than just about anyone else on earth, I should know. For more information on the 26th HIGH TIMES Cannabis Cup, visit _____________________________ Marijuana Fantasy Camp BY DANNY DANKO · TUE SEP 24, 2013 When people ask me what Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam is really like, I tend to describe it as "Marijuana Fantasy Camp." If you're a fan of baseball, you can travel down to Florida and take the field with some current and former players from the Major Leagues and if you're a fan of weed, you can do the same this November in Holland. It's amazing to rub elbows and be able to pick the brains of the cannabis industry's best and brightest bud breeders. Talking strains with the people who created them can clear up many misconceptions. Each time I go I return with a ton of great growing info to share with our readers and podcast listeners. This year, I'll be hosting seminars with breeders such as Soma of Soma Sacred Seeds (pictured above), Simon from Serious Seeds, Milo from Big Buddha Seeds, Don and Aaron from DNA Genetics, Adam from TH Seeds and many more at our Expo location called Roest. Use promocode DANKO at THIS LINK for $25 off tickets to High Times 26th Annual Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam! ____________________________ A Stoner's Guide to the Cannabis Cup WED SEP 25, 2013 The 26th Annual Cannabis Cup festivities are coming, and the city’s many coffeeshops, bars, restaurants, museums and other attractions are eager to greet and serve you with courtesy, quality and the finest herbal refreshments available. It’s important to be aware that the Dutch coffeeshop scene is under severe political attack like never before. Incessant pressure from other countries (like the US, France and Sweden) and a rising conservative tide in the Dutch legislative body have left the shops more vulnerable today than at almost any time in history. The coffeeshop movement dates back to the late 1960s and has been officially tolerated since 1972, but the past several years have seen tightened regulation of the cannabis trade. Coffeeshops have been forced to choose between serving alcohol or cannabis products, so now buying a bud and a beer in the same place is entirely a thing of the past: There is absolutely no consumption of alcohol allowed in any operating coffeeshops. Next, the Dutch government mandated that there could be no advertising of the availability of cannabis products at any establishment. Even the ever-present cannabis menus at the shops must now be displayed facedown until the customer asks to examine them, or to see the buds of weed and blocks of hash on hand. And now, as part of an increasing trend across Europe, tobacco smoking is banned at restaurants, bars and all other public places -- and this includes coffeeshops where marijuana is still sold and smoked. The ban on smoking tobacco took effect on July 1, 2008, forcing coffeeshop patrons who wish to smoke a traditional spliff (the half-weed, half-tobacco joint that is very popular among Dutch and European smokers) to alter their usual habits. While this may seem like a nuisance to many coffeeshop visitors, it’s important to remember the law was enacted ostensibly to protect the workers from secondhand smoke. So please be aware that decriminalized public smoking is a privilege to be both enjoyed and respected while you’re in Amsterdam. It’s not a big thing to the Dutch citizenry, which looks upon marijuana smoking as an acceptable recreational activity best practiced in private or in designated public areas like the coffeeshops. Your stay will be most rewarding if you maintain a sense of decorum and respect the local customs wherever you go. A sad fact for American travelers is the severe disparity in the value of the US dollar with respect to the local currency, the euro. When you change your American money for euros, you will immediately lose 25 to 30 percent of your dollars. GETTING AROUND Amsterdam has a terrific public transportation system that can get you to just about any section of the city in a short time by tram, Metro (subway) or bus. You can purchase tickets from the conductor on board, but your best bet is to buy a strippenkaart at a tobacco or tourist shop for €6.40. The attendant on board each tram will stamp your strippenkaart for two strips or more, depending on the number of zones you need to travel through, and you can travel in those zones by tram, bus or subway in any direction for the next hour at no additional charge. Be aware that the trams and the Metro cease operation each night sometime between midnight and 12:30 a.m., so if you’re planning to catch the tram back to your hotel after an evening of entertainment or dining out, be sure to get to the tram stop right around midnight or catch a taxi home after that. The taxi is another good (though more costly) way to get around town. There are taxi stands located near most large hotels and big public places. Taxis aren’t allowed to cruise for passengers in Amsterdam like they do in many other cities, so you must call for a cab to pick you up (dial 020-677-7777, or ask the staff wherever you are to call one for you) or head for the first car in line at the nearest taxi stand. Bicycling is very popular in Amsterdam, and renting a bike is an excellent way to get around. Bike rentals tend to be reasonably priced, and locks are supplied as well. Don’t forget to use the locks or the bike is virtually guaranteed to be stolen: bike theft is one of the biggest categories of property crime in the Netherlands, so please don’t encourage this ugly tendency by buying a bike from someone on the street. There are three lanes in each direction for traffic on most major streets: one for cars, one for bikes and the center one for trams and taxis. The sidewalks and bicycle paths are sometimes separated only by a line on the edge of the pavement. Pay attention to where you’re walking or standing on the streets at all times, and never stand still in a bike path. And when you hear the insistent tinkling of bicycle bells, get out of the way! If you get caught in a bike path and get hit by a bike, it’s still your fault. Finally, there is always the intense pleasure of walking around this beautiful city. Fully half of the coffeeshops competing in the Cannabis Cup this year can be found on a leisurely stroll in the area between Centraal Station and Dam Square. The rest are located nearby on Haarlemmerstraat (just west of Centraal Station), in the Spui (just below Dam Square), or in and around the Leidseplein and Rembrandtplein, with only a couple of others in outlying areas beyond walking distance. MUSEUMS Amsterdam is the City of Museums. There are 33 museums located within the city limits, and those are just the ones that are regularly open to the public. Most are art museums -- Amsterdam has historically been home to many incredible artists, including Rembrandt and van Gogh, who both have their own museums -- but there are also several different science museums, as well as museums for media, photography, architecture, religion, shipbuilding and history. The renowned Rijksmuseum, the legendary treasure-house of the Netherlands, tops the list of the city’s cultural institutions, which also includes the Amsterdam Historical Museum, the Anne Frank House, Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, the Botanical Gardens and the Artis Zoo. There’s even a Cannabis Museum and a Sex Museum. Go to for complete information. DINING OUT Amsterdam is full of restaurants that offer just about everything to please your palate. The Leidseplein is a particularly fertile area, but the entire City Centrum boasts several fine breakfast spots and countless restaurants offering Indian, Afghan, Indonesian, Chinese, Thai, Argentine, Mexican, Turkish, Middle Eastern, Japanese, American, British and, of course, traditional Dutch food. A special tip: For steak and spareribs lovers, De Klos on Kerkstraat near the Leidsestraat (just a few steps from the Dolphins) is waiting for you with the stuff you like. For vegetarians, there are great places like Deshima Proeflokaal (Weteringschans 65), Golden Temple (Uitrechtsestraat 126), De Bolhoed (Prinsengracht 60-62) and De Waaghals (Frans Halsstraat 29). There are also lots and lots of fast-food joints, pizzerias and snack bars, from the Automat-style packaged sandwiches at FEBO to the myriad falafel and shawarma stands to the inevitable Burger King and McDonald’s franchises. Domino’s has invaded the city too, so the entire area is covered for pizza delivery. Get the phone number for the nearest one from the front desk at your hotel, where you can generally expect to find an entire selection of delivery menus from local restaurants available for your perusal. If you’d rather eat in your hotel room and save money, take a trip to the closest Albert Heijn supermarket. They have takeaway meals as well as all of the basic supermarket items. Less pricey is the Dirk van de Brock chain, offering almost everything you can get at Albert Heijn but at somewhat cheaper prices. There are also smaller neighborhood markets everywhere you go. Grocery stores tend to close by 8pm, and most are closed all day Sunday too. After 8pm, you can find various snack bars and avondwinkels (night shops) that are usually open till around 1 am; after that, you’re looking at the stuff in the vending machines in your hotel lobby. A little prior planning can keep you hip deep in the quality foodstuffs of your choice without having to travel around at all hours. SHOPPING They say that Amsterdam offers shopping opportunities galore, from high-end, designer-label boutiques to several excellent Old World street markets and literally everything in between. An elongated shopping street, the Nieuwendijk, runs between the Damrak and Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal and continues below Dam Square as the Kalverstraat; it features an incredible selection of shops of every description. At the southern end of the city, in the area called the Pijp, you will find the Albert Cuypmarkt, one of Amsterdam’s oldest and best-known open-air markets. There’s another big open-air market at Waterlooplein and a world-famous flower market not far from Dam Square, as well as a great used book market on the Spui every Friday. Serious shoppers say that the best bargains in town can be found at the smaller marketplaces dotting the city -- and even if you’re not in buying mode, you can observe all kinds of interesting people and products at these colorful places. There are also some amazing little shops in the city’s many neighborhoods. You can find almost anything that you can imagine here in Amsterdam. For some of the world’s oldest kind of shopping, there’s the legendary Red Light District, a unique phenomenon that gives the concept of window-shopping a whole new dimension. Prostitution is legal and regulated by the government, and the attractive ladies who offer their personal charms for sale display their wares in the red-neon-lit windows that front their working quarters. Amsterdam is a center for diamond sales, with an abundance of jewelry stores and diamond centers that also offer tours of their facilities, where you can see stones being graded, cut, polished and mounted. You can get some really interesting deals at these places, but be sure to shop around if you’re planning to make a serious purchase. One of the best shopping experiences in Amsterdam, believe it or not, is the mall at Schiphol Airport. There’s an incredible selection of places to shop (duty-free), and you can pick up all of your last-minute gifts and souvenirs for your loved ones at home before you catch your flight back to the States. THE STONER'S GUIDE TO DUTCH CUSTOMS The Cannabis Cup draws people from around the world to celebrate the spiritual, medical, industrial and recreational uses of cannabis. While in Amsterdam, please remember that the arguments for marijuana legalization become stronger when Cannabis Cup participants conduct themselves in a respectful and responsible manner. A quick etiquette lesson in Dutch customs may help you to more fully enjoy your stay in this beautiful and tolerant city. Be polite! Europeans are more formal than Americans. Remember to say “please” and “thank you.” Almost everyone in the Netherlands speaks English, so just say, “English, please,” and most will be happy to oblige. People in general are kind and willing to help, so if you need directions or other assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. Public cannabis use is generally not acceptable in Dutch society. While marijuana smoking is tolerated by the government, smokers are wise to restrict their consumption to designated coffeeshops and private homes. Judges must be discreet out of consideration for nonsmokers and the local customs. Unless you’re in a coffeeshop or your own hotel room, always ask permission before lighting up. Also, do not smoke cannabis in your hotel lobby or corridors. At the cannabis coffeeshops, marijuana and hashish are sold either behind the bar or at a separate window. Most shops provide a written menu, but due to government prohibition of any sort of advertising of cannabis products, you will usually have to ask to see the menu or to be shown samples. Many shops also provide free rolling papers and little strips of cardboard for making filter tips. A few coffeeshops provide pipes, bongs and/or vaporizers for customer use. Coffeeshops are places to hang out, offering a living-room-away-from-home atmosphere where you may feel free to read, write, play games, talk to friends or meet strangers while enjoying a beverage and a relaxed smoke. Whatever their selection, it’s considered polite to eat or drink something while at the coffeeshop. In the tourist district (the Red Light/Dam Square area), some shops require that you purchase something in order to sit down. Be patient. Even as you hurry from shop to shop for the Cup, be aware that Dutch service is unhurried and personal. Many Americans talk too loudly and are overly impatient by Dutch standards, so be cool and show your respect for the staff and other clientele. While the coffeeshops automatically run a tab if you don’t pay as you’re served, it’s easier to pay as you go during the busy Cannabis Cup period. Bear in mind also that in Holland, it’s considered rude for the server to present a bill before it is asked for. Your patience will be greatly appreciated, especially since the Cup brings more people to some coffeeshops in a day than they normally serve in a week. A final word of warning: If you want to eat the cannabis concoctions called space cakes, be careful -- it can take an hour to feel the effects on an empty stomach, up to two hours if you’ve already eaten a meal. The effects last much longer and are more intense than from smoking cannabis. Panic reactions are common, even with regular users. Space cakes used to be more prevalent in Holland, but the Dutch government got tired of tourists getting too high and now views edible cannabis as virtually a hard drug. ____________________ Cannabis Cup: The Joy of Judging BY DAN SKYE · THU SEP 19, 2013 RSS Unlike our Cannabis Cups held in the US, the Amsterdam Cannabis Cup truly provides those who make the trip with an authentic judging experience. Stateside, attendees are able to sample the entries submitted by the regional dispensaries in the Cannabis Cup competition. However, they don’t vote. Instead, panels of industry experts, with legal accreditation to use cannabis, determine the quality of cannabis products. But in Amsterdam it’s a different story. Due to the tolerant attitudes of the Dutch, the world is free to sample the fruits of the city’s cannabis scene. At the HIGH TIMES Cannabis Cup, coffeeshops enter their top samples of buds and hashish in the competition. Then, judges engage in what’s known as the “coffeeshop crawl” where they hike into the high country. During the last two days of the Cannabis Ciup Expo, judges are then able to vote for the best Neder (Dutch) hash, best imported hash, and, of course, the top strain they sampled at those coffeeshops. As in all of our American Cups, all judges vote for best product and bestv booth of the Expo, as well as best glass smokeware. If there’s a better place to be during Thanksgiving week than soaking up the ambience of a coffeeshop in Amsterdam, we haven’t found it. Of course, we’re not looking that hard either. We’re perfectly cool being high in this Old World city, brimming with history and home to the some of the best cannabis in the world. We’re looking forward to seeing you there in November! Visit the Cannabis Cup website! ______________________ Amsterdam: The Cannabis Capital of Europe BY BOBBY BLACK · THU SEP 26, 2013 Amsterdam is truly one of the greatest party cities in the world, especially if you’re a pothead. Not only is it home to some of the best marijuana in the world, but it’s also the freest in its attitudes toward smoking pot. Personal amounts of marijuana can be purchased and imbibed in any of a hundred different coffeeshops. Keep in mind that outside of coffeeshops, smoking is still frowned upon, so it’s not a great idea to light up in the streets. Before lighting up in a bar, be sure to ask the bartender if they allow cannabis smoking - most of them don’t. If you take the train from Schiphol Airport – which is the cheapest, easiest way to get into town – you’ll arrive at Centraal Station at the north end of the city. From here, it’s just a short walk over to Haarlemmerstraat, where some of the city’s most prominent coffeeshops and restaurants reside. There, you can pick up some bud and breakfast at the Green House or Barney’s Uptown before heading to your hotel. Dam Square toward the north is basically the heart of the city, surrounded by concentric semi-circles of streets (straats) and canals (grachts) that spread out around it toward the south. Cutting almost straight down through the middle is the main shopping strip, Leidsestraat, which ends at the bustling Leidseplein Square, filled with some of the best bars, restaurants and stores. Along the way, you can veer off to visit some of the chillest coffeeshops in the city – among them, de Rokerij, de Dampkring and one of the several Green House locations. For some of the best hash in the city, in terms of both quality and variety, head southeast of the Dam to the Bluebird, which has two binders displaying tons of domestic and imported hashish. When the munchies hit, the Leidseplein has some great Indian, Thai and Italian restaurants, Argentinian steakhouses, killer falafel spots, as well as fast-food favorites like Burger King and Mickey D’s for the less adventurous. And if you want ketchup with your fries, you’ll have to ask for it – the Dutch eat theirs with mayo. If you’re feeling homesick, the Marriott and American hotels serve a traditional turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day (but make advance reservations!). For art lovers, there’s nothing more fun than chowing down on a space cake and hitting a museum, particularly the Van Gogh or the Rijksmuseum, where you can see the gigantic Dutch Masters paintings come to life before your eyes. There are also the less conventional museums devoted to hash, sex, erotica and torture, as well as the sobering Anne Frank House. One of the best things about the city is that it’s small enough that you can get just about anywhere on foot, so just pick up a map (preferably one from our Cannabis Cup Guide, which has the better coffeeshops marked) and start wandering around. Sure, you could rent a bicycle, but navigating the city’s busy, unfamiliar streets while high (and possibly drunk) is not very stoner-smart. After a long, hard day of getting high, you’ll be ready for some nightlife, and Amsterdam has something for everyone. For those into hip-hop, house and trance, there are happening dance clubs like Sinners in Heaven and Odeon. Those who lean more towards hard rock can hit dive bars like The Cave, Korsakoff or The Black and White. For live music, the Melkweg and Paradiso book major international acts, or you can check out some cool blues or jazz at Bourbon Street. If you’re in it for the long haul, there’s usually after-hours at the Dolphins café. And, of course, there’s always the infamous Red Light District, where the randy and curious stroll the streets ogling the semi-nude prostitutes standing in the windows. The weather in November is pretty chilly and rainy, so be prepared to bundle up. Sure, the weather there may be a bit nicer in the summer, but there’s just no substitute for that last week in November when the Cannabis Cup rolls into town. Coffeeshops prepare all year to impress the thousands of stoners who descend upon the city, rolling out the special offers and free samples – and HIGH TIMES throws one hell of a party, featuring big-name musical performances and a gala awards show. Now that marijuana is becoming legal in the US, I’m sure many of you are asking yourselves, “Why go all the way to Holland when I can get great weed right in Colorado or California?” The answer is history. For decades, as the Drug War has raged here at home and people have been thrown in prison simply for enjoying some herb, The Netherlands has stood as a shining example of tolerance and rationality, allowing tourists to buy and consume cannabis without fear or guilt. The advances being made here in America wouldn’t have been possible if they hadn’t shown the world how things could and should be. And many of the top strains we enjoy here in the US were originated by the “Dutch Master” breeders. Bottom line: making the pilgrimage to Amsterdam is something every true stoner should do at least once in their lifetime – and if you’re going to Amsterdam for the weed, there’s no better time to go than for the Cannabis Cup. As someone who’s been to more Cannabis Cups than just about anyone else on earth, I should know. For more information on the 26th HIGH TIMES Cannabis Cup, visit _____________ Cannabis Cup Amsterdam: The Legendary Leaf-Blower BY DAN SKYE · FRI SEP 20, 2013 Every year at the HIGH TIMES Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam the companies who host booths at the weeklong Expo outdo themselves in their attempts to impress judges. Super-size vapor bags are the norm at most booths but two years ago, the Green House coffeeshop took things a few sizes bigger, floating a mammoth vapor balloon at the Expo allowing hordes of attendees to sample their entry, Hawaiian Snow. But perhaps no company can equal the deeds of T.H.Seeds. For years, T.H.Seeds has gone to great lengths to promote their brand, mounting raucous, stoner-themed fashion shows to showcase its Hoodlamb line of clothing. But in 2005, seeking to promote their strain entry at the 18th Cup, T.H.Seeds converted a leaf-blower into a gasoline-powered, super-pipe. Really! Adam Dunn, one of T.H.Seeds' top dudes, loaded the giant bowl on the top of the blower with a quarter-pound of Kushage – their entry which took third place in the sativa category. Then he lit the buds, and flipped the switch. The result was a high-powered surge of smoke that suffused the room in a matter of seconds. Naturally, judges took turns stepping in front of the smoke stream to inhale huge hits. Every year at the HIGH TIMES Cannabis Cup something highly wonderful happens. Come to the 26th Cannabis Cup in November and treat yourself to a bowl of memories. Check out photos of the legendary leaf-blower below and visit! Adam Dunn fills the bowl of the leaf-blower with a quarter-pound of Kushage. The big bowl is lit. A flame flares momentarily prior to turning on the power. Gentlemen, start your engines! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Which is better? Rubber turkey at Thanksgiving or a high-handed smack in the face? Now we know what the philosopher Kahil Gibran meant when he wrote: "For what is it to die, but to stand in the sun and melt into the wind." _______________ Timeline: 25 Years of HIGH TIMES Amsterdam Cannabis Cup BY BOBBY BLACK · FRI SEP 20, 2013 This year HIGH TIMES will be celebrating its 26th year hosting the Amsterdam Cannabis Cup, where every attendee has the opportunity to vote for their favorite strain and companies who host booths at the week-long Expo outdo each other in their attempts to impress judges. It's a party the likes of which few people have seen. And if there is ever a moment when, as an attendee, you just can't possibly smoke one more joint (come on, it's happened to everybody), look around -- you're in AMSTERDAM! Go see the sights (and they are gorgeous). Anyway, we thought that the 26th year of HT's Cannabis Cup was the perfect time to map out the past 25 years. Some of the info is missing -- mostly because we don't remember everything -- but most of its there, so enjoy: 1988 -- 1st Cannabis Cup Judges: Three (Steve Hager, Dr. Indoors, photographer) Entrants: Super Sativa Seed Club, Sensi Seed Club, Nevil’s Seed Bank, Cultivators’ Choice Winners: Cultivators’ Choice -- Skunk #1 1989 -- 2nd Cannabis Cup Judges: Six Entrants: Super Sativa Seed Club, Sensi Seed Club, Nevil’s Seed Bank, Cultivators’ Choice Winners: Nevil’s Seed Bank -- Early Pearl/Skunk #1 x Northern Lights #5/Haze 1990 -- 3rd Cannabis Cup Judges: Included Furry Freak Brothers artists Gilbert Shelton and Paul Mavrides, founders of the Dutch Provo activist movement Winners: Nevil’s Seed Bank -- Northern Lights #5 Artist: Gilbert Shelton and Paul Mavrides Memorable moments: first Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Thom Harris 1991 -- 4th Cannabis Cup Judges: Included Simon Vinkenoog and Rodger Belknap Entrants: Coffeeshops replace seed companies Winners: Free City - Skunk 1992 -- 5th Cannabis Cup Judges: included Elvy Musikka and Dr. Eric Fromberg Entrants: return of the seed companies: Sensi Seed Bank, Homegrown Fantasy, Bluebird, others Winners: Haze x Skunk #1 -- Homegrown Fantasy Memorable moments: Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Elvy Musikka 1993 -- 6th Cannabis Cup Judges: 50; celebrity judges included Gatewood Galbraith, Jack Herer, Paul Krassner and Sebastian Bach Entrants: Dutch Passion, NHV, Nirvana and Sensi Seed Bank, 22 coffeeshops Winners: Sensi Seed Bank -- Haze x Northern Lights #5 Memorable moments: event open to the public for first time; Robin Ludwig creates the first Cannabis Cup trophies, Green House enters for first time; Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Gatewood Galbraith 1994 -- 7th Cannabis Cup Judges: 700 judges; celebrity judges included Soma, Chris Conrad, Jack Herer and Enuff Z’Nuff Entrants: Sensi Seed Bank, Cerebral Seeds, Positronics, 15 coffeeshops Winners: Sensi Seed Bank -- Jack Herer Artist: Kenny Scharf Memorable moments: evening ceremonies move to Melkweg; article about Cup appears in The New York Times Magazine; Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Jack Herer 1995 -- 8th Cannabis Cup Theme: Rainbow Family Judges: 1,500 judges; celebrity judges include Stephen and Ina May Gaskin, Alex and Allyson Grey, Ed Rosenthal and Chef RA Entrants: 21 coffeeshops; five seed companies, two entries from US, one from Canada, one from Switzerland Winners: White Widow -- Green House wins four Cups; Sensi Seed Bank wins Seed Company Cup; Bluebird wins the Hash Cup. Artist: Alex Grey Memorable moments: event takes on a theme for the first time; Green House wins Cannabis Cup for first time; Morley Safer attends and produces a feature for 60 Minutes 1996 -- 9th Cannabis Cup Theme: Native American Judges: Celebrity judges include Dennis Peron, Mel Frank, John Trudell, Mila, Felipe Chavez and Eagle Bill. Winners: White Russian -- De Dampkring (won four Cups total) Artist: Jeff Wood 1997 -- 10th Cannabis Cup Theme: Reggae / Rasta Judges: celebrity judges include Rita Marley, Ras Menelik, Rocker T, Robin Ludwig, Mountain Girl, the HIGH TIMES staff Winners: Peace Maker - De Dampkring; Homegrown Fantasy wins the Seed Company Cup Memorable moments: Counterculture Hall of Fame is introduced, with Bob Marley becoming the first inductee 1998 -- 11th Cannabis Cup Theme: Jazz Judges: John Sinclair Winners: Green House -- Super Silver Haze Artist: Banks Clayton Memorable moments: inductions of Louis Armstrong and Mezz Mezzrow into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; De Dampkring pulls out, declaring the event had become too commercial 1999 -- 12th Cannabis Cup Theme: The Beats Judges: Celebrity judges included Robert Anton Wilson, Carolyn Cassady, John Cassady, Paul Krassner Winners: Green House -- Super Silver Haze Artist: Sweetbryar Ludwig Performers: Fishbone, Culture, Kottonmouth Kings Memorable moments: Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady, Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs are inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; Seed Company Cup is split into two categories (sativa and indica) 2000 -- 13th Cannabis Cup Theme: Goddess Judges: Cannabis Castaways (HT reality show stars chosen by Steve Hager) Winners: Blueberry from the Noon; Kali Mist from Serious Seeds for sativa and Blueberry from Dutch Passion for indica. Artist: Steve Marcus Performers: Patti Smith, Upright Citizens Brigade, Jefferson Starship, Galactic Memorable moments: Ina May Gaskin becomes the first living inductee into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; Cannabis Cup is decided by six Cannabis Castaways instead of public judges; Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Keith Stroup 2001 -- 14th Cannabis Cup Winners: Barney’s Breakfast Bar -- Sweet Tooth Performers: 311, Steel Pulse Memorable moments: Paul Krassner is inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; event scaled down due to 9/11 tragedy; Barney’s wins Cup for first time; Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Vivian McPeak 2002 -- 15th Cannabis Cup Theme: Peace Winners: Barney’s -- Morning Glory; Mother’s Finest from Sensi Seed Bank won the Sativa; Hog from THSeeds won the Indica. Performers: Fishbone, Steel Pulse Memorable moments: Bob Dylan and Joan Baez inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; Cup founder Steve Hager is arrested for possessing too much pot; first Cannabis Cup DVD is released 2003 -- 16th Cannabis Cup Theme: Conspiracy Winners: Hawaiian Snow - Green House; White Haze from White Label Seeds won the Sativa; and MK-ULTRA from THSeeds won the Indica. : Performers: George Clinton Memorable moments: Jack Herer is inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Mike and Valerie Corral 2004 -- 17th Cannabis Cup Winners: Barney’s - Amnesia Haze Artist: Jeff Wood Memorable moments: Stephen Gaskin inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; Freedom Fighter of the Year given to Eddy Lepp; Canadian seed companies (Reeferman Seeds and BC Bud Depot) enter for first time and win Indica and Sativa Cups 2005 -- 18th Cannabis Cup Theme: Native American Winners: Barney’s -- Willie Nelson; The Indica Cup was won by Lavender from Soma Seeds, and DNA took the Sativa Cup with Martian Mean Green. Artist: Jeff Wood Performers: Patti Smith, John Trudell Memorable moments: John Trudell is inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; Alex White Plume is named Freedom Fighter of the Year 2006 -- 19th Cannabis Cup Winners: Green House - Arjan’s Ultra Haze #1; Kiwi Seeds won the Sativa Cup with Mako Haze, Big Buddha Seeds won the Indica Cup with Big Buddha Cheese. Artist: Alex Grey Performers: Kottonmouth Kings and Muck Sticky Memorable moments: Garrick Beck and Barry “Plunker” Adams are inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; Bobby Black arrested for distributing weed; Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Richard Lee 2007—20th Cannabis Cup Theme: Comedy Judges: Tommy Chong Winners: G-13 Haze -- Barney’s wins Cannabis Cup, Hash Cup and Nederhash Cup; The Sativa Cup was won by Apothecary Seed's Kia Kush, while the Indica Cup was won by Amnesia Seed's Top Dog. Artist: Jeff Wood Performers: Tommy Chong, Redman, Moe, Pyrx Memorable moments: Expo, Opening Ceremonies and Awards Show all moved to the PowerZone; 20th anniversary DVD is released; a tarot deck featuring the High Times staff and Cup celebs; Cheech and Chong inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Tommy Chong 2008 -- 21st Cannabis Cup Winners: Super Lemon Haze -- Green House Performers: Andrew Tosh, Kimani Marley, Cenci Wailer Memorable moments: Peter Tosh is inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; 2009 -- 22nd Cannabis Cup Theme: Smugglers Winners: Super Lemon Haze -- Green House Artist: Steve Marcus Performers: Slightly Stoopid, Dilated Peoples, Easy Star All-Stars, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Jefferson Starship, David Peel Memorable moments: HT founder Tom Forcade is inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Rick Simpson 2010 -- 23rd Cannabis Cup Theme: Hip-Hop Winners: Tangerine Dream -- Barney’s Artist: Dome Performers: Kid Cudi, Dilated Peoples, Devin the Dude, DJ Muggs, Del the Funky Homosapien, Curren$y Memorable moments: Coke LaRock is inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame 2011 -- 24th Cannabis Cup Theme: Psychedelic Judges: Michael and Carol Randall, Travis Ashbrook of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love Winners: Liberty Haze -- Barney’s Artist: Punchgut Performers: B-Real, B.O.B, Winstrong, Dilated Peoples, DJ Logic Memorable moments: Expo moves to new venue Borchland and is raided by Dutch police; Debbie Goldsberry is named Freedom Fighter of the Year; “Farmer” John Griggs is inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame; Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Debby Goldsberry 2012 -- 25th Cannabis Cup Winners: Green House -- Flower Bomb Kush Artist: Billy Perkins Performers: Ghostface Killa, MF Doom, Styles P, Fun Loving Criminals Memorable moments: expo moves to new venue Roest; computerized voting instituted for first time; a judge vomits on stage after being called up to perform as ODB with Ghostface Killa; Freedom Fighter of the Year award given to Mason Tvert Link para mais fotos: Abraços e já já tamo lá!
    1 point
  22. FINALMENTE, DEPOIS DE MUITO ATRASO... TERMINADO! Vou poupá-los das razões da demora. O importante é que ficou pronto! A legenda toda está mais abaixo, no quadro de spoiler. Basta abrir, copiar e colar em um arquivo de bloco de texto, salvando com sufixo '.SRT'. Notem que a sincronia foi feita em cima de um arquivo postado pelo Juniaum aqui, upado pelo One Shot Grow no Youtube. Alguns de vocês - como eu - baixaram o vídeo, que estava com uma qualidade excelente. Infelizmente ele NÃO está mais disponível online. Se, por um acaso, o vídeo usado para ser subido no canal do Growroom e, eventualmente, nos depositários de arquivos da vida não for o do One Shot Grow, será necessário ressincronizar. Para quem sabe fazer, é fácil. Já estou deixando, daqui para diante, na mão de vocês, meus caros growers experientes. Foi um prazer trabalhar com vocês. Peço compreensão pela demora, mas acho que fizemos um bom trabalho. Confiram aí:
    1 point
  23. po irmão, realmente nao sei qual seu problema, mas tente ir em algum ritual que comungue a ayahuasca (santo daime ou uniao do vegetal) que eu acho dificil nao bater... siga em frente nessa jornada enteógena =)
    1 point
  24. Saude em primeiro lugar...
    1 point
  25. Monstro: JPM: Você poderia falar um pouco sobre seu período em Londres? Jards Macalé: Eu fui pra lá convidado a fazer um disco com Caetano Veloso. Ele me convidou pessoalmente por telefone. Eu já não aguentava o Brasil naquele nível que estava e aceitei ir para colaborar com ele. E o cotidiano era normal: a gente passava o dia inteiro tocando, cantando, nos divertindo por ali, passeando nos parques, tomando muito ácido aqui, muito ácido lá, fumando haxixe. E aí, lá fomos nós, trabalhando, produzindo, criando até chegar ao que vocês ouviram em Transa (1972). JPM: Um grande debate hoje é sobre a legalização da maconha. Como você se posiciona nele? JM: Sou favorável à legalização da maconha. Agora, sou favorável também à proibição da bebida e o tabaco. Contra o álcool e o tabaco e a favor da maconha. JPM: Como você vê as drogas como elemento inspirador para a arte? JM: A arte talvez sensibilize algumas drogas, mas eu não acho que inspirações e expirações dependam delas. Não acho mesmo. Você é sua própria droga. E tenho dito.
    1 point
  26. Dom .... Via Jah .... meneirrriiisssiiimo
    1 point
  27. Dreadlocos, independente do "stablishment", "exploração de mão de obra semi-escrava", "teoria da mais valia" ,"conversa do capitalismo" existem marcas que agregam valor a sua linha, pelo alto grau técnico no processo produtivo e qualidade de material empregado. Ademais, a empresa não é , pelo que é reconhecida pelo mercado mundial, uma exploradora infantil ou utiliza submatérias-primas chinesas . é uma marca de excelência. Entendo que um fusca ou uma ferrari são "apenas meios de transporte" em sua atividade fim, a qualidade e o desempenho - que agregam o status à marca - estão além da comparação simplória. Apertando em seda, palha de milho. guardanapo de papel, no fim, tudo é" maconha para a mente" ... mas eu queria ter um Volcano e não me envergonho disso. Poderia ser mais barato. para minha realidade de "golzinho 2001"? Poderia, mas, certas linhas extrapolam julgamentos de monetização mais simples, pois estão vários degraus acima no quesito QUALIDADE INDISCUTÍVEL. Prova inconteste é que o Volcano lidera com folga o mercado A+ e é o mais caro vaporizador. É o mais caro porque é o melhor? a meu ver, SIM; é o melhor porque é o mais caro? NÃO, porque a concorrência ainda não mostrou ser capaz fazer nada melhor a um valor mais acessível. Relembro... minha visão,meus conceitos, minhas referências sobre o tema, ok? :-) Abraço!
    1 point
  28. Agora na escuridão o mundo parece parar de girar Cinzas onde os corpos deles estão queimando Os porcos de guerra não têm mais o poder A mão de Deus marcou a hora Dia do julgamento, Deus está chamando Os porcos de guerra estão de joelhos, rastejando Implorando perdão por seus pecados satã está rindo e espalhando suas asas Oh Senhor yeah! ALL RIGHT, LETS GO!! 14 dias - COME ON!!!
    1 point
  29. com o grow montado e a espera de duas encomendas. Acho que vou deixar no grow, minha carteira de trabalho, diploma, cópia do imposto de renda, uma declaração registrada em cartório que o cultivo é exclusivamente para consumo próprio e cópia de jurisprudências que dizem que a importação de sementes e o cultivo não são tráfico, notas fiscais dos materiais e equipamentos que comprei para o cultivo para comprovar os impostos que gerei e também a conta de energia para provar que não tem gato aqui....e não vou nem pensar em comprar uma balança de precisão....sem me esquecer de não deixar dinheiro em espécie em casa, mal tratar a natureza jogando todos os sacos plásticos de supermercado no lixo e quem sabe até, deixar impresso tbm a lista dos procurados pela polícia dizendo: "Vão atrás desses bandidos e não me encham o saco!" Porra, muito foda isso! Acho muito provável que o cara seja solto, mas olha a dor de cabeça que essa cara vai passar. Sorte ao irmão e à todos nós!
    1 point
  30. Meio estranha essa notícia, sempre ouvi dizer que a PF manda intimação sobre seeds interceptadas. Essa notícia vai fazer muito grower que ta esperando seed desmontar o grow.. foda! Se interceptaram e investigaram, porque não mandar só a intimação? Já não foi constatado que o cara é engenheiro, se é usuário porque fazer esse showzinho? Fuck the police!
    1 point
  31. basicamente nos tamo pagano nego p investiga e prende engenhero plantano cannabis , enquanto isso o Daniel Dantas ta sentado na cobertura dele em copacabana tomano um whisky com o Gilmar Mendes enquanto ri da nossa cara ... eu so muito contrario a ideia q maioria tem de sair daqui , ir p uruguay , holanda , etc ... mas nessas hrs eu fico na duvida se vale a pena continuar em um lugar aonde esse tipo de merda acontece , muito triste e olha isso ae mesmo madman pq se geral compro na RQS e ninguem recebeu pode te rolado merda , olha isso rapido e ja se adianta mano pq com esse assunto todo cuidado e pouco
    1 point
  32. É isso aí madman, nego pede semente relaxado não sei como mais, virou roleta russa cultivar no Brasil.
    1 point
  33. Cara, essa materia me preocupou demais, isso ai tem que ser averiguado por alguem por favor... se é verdade mesmo ou se é mancada da midia.. Tá parecendo que é daqui de casa ou CC. Alguém da corregedoria poderia falar se existem mais casos como esse de interceptação e a casa caiu? Precisa saber se já chegaram com mandato, se foi X9 ou se auto-convidaram mesmo... Tá falando que foi trabalho de inteligencia (burra). "Engenheiro Civil é preso por cultivo de maconha em Chapecó Polícia flagrou cultivo de nove pés de maconha na residência. Remessa de sementes da planta vinda da Europa foi interceptada. A investigação começou quando a polícia interceptou uma remessa de sementes de maconha encaminhada pelos Correios vinda da Europa"
    1 point
  34. Devíamos estar produzindo conteúdo e agregando contribuições a nosso favor, e nos empoderando nesse processo. Como poderíamos bolar uma forma de votar Comissões e Assuntos em Pauta? O growroom permite usuários quaisquer fazerem enquetes, ou que outra forma poderiamos usar pra compor essa coordenação de esforços? Porque o que fiz fui a síntese do discurso coletivo, e sugestões do que penso eu ser o assunto em pauta e a comissão correta para fazermos a coisa avançar. Acredito que a PL do growroom só vai funcionar se tivermos um TIME que vai, de forma voluntária como ja tem feito, organizar todas contribuições relevantes a cada comissão e assunto em pauta.
    1 point
  35. É foda este costume, pelo menos consegui me livrar dele. Um truta meu chamava de "careta da vitória", quem fuma desde as leis antigas já sabe o porque.
    1 point
  36. Parei faz 1 ano e meio, fumei cigarro durante uns 8 a 10 anos... primeiro ano gudang... dps marlboro light, dps vermelho.. cheguei a 1 maço e meio por dia, mas nos últimos anos só tabaco orgânico enrolado em smoking com filtro. E é isso mesmo, muito difícil, um vício que consome o ser humano o tempo todo. Quanto mais vc fuma, mais vc quer fumar... e hoje eu só tenho uma coisa a dizer sobre qualquer tipo de tabaco: CREDO!! QUE NOJO!!! Os fumantes que me perdoem, mas não gosto nem de passar perto da fumaça... saio de perto dos meus amigos qdo tão fumando... desvio das pessoas na rua... E se fumarem na minha casa (no quintal) eu fecho todas as janelas pra não entrar nenhum pouquinho da fumaça... Sou ex-fumante do pior tipo mesmo, do mais chato de todos... e isso é um grande alívio na minha vida!
    1 point
  37. Eh bão memo, alias uma disputa antiga entre eu e um brother meu eh que eu acho que fumar o catranco depois do beck da uma leve careteada e ele acha que pelo contrario da uma acentuada na brisa do banza. Faz quinze anos que debatemos sobre isso mas sem chegar a uma conclusao final.
    1 point
  38. É sério irmão. Pode pesquisar na Internet. Cerca de 80% da população mundial tem carência desse mineral VALIOSÍSSIMO!! É ele que regula a comunicação entre os neurotransmissores. Mas porque meu médico nao sabe disso? Pergunte a qualquer amigo que fez medicina se nutrição é algo estudado a fundo na faculdade ou se é algo tido como 'secundário'. A industria farma tem uma influencia absurda na formação da grade dos futuros médicos. O maior concorrente da industria famracêutica é uma nutrição funcional, a nutrigemônica uma nova linha de estudo em nutrição é sensacional, mas seus avanços foram parados por esforços das farmas. Eu gastava 150 reais com remedios pra ansiedade e depressão irmaõ, tirando a PORRA do rivotril diário pra me sentir 'bem'. E agora, tomo saquinhos de magnésio que custam 5 reais. Não posso prometer a cura a ninguém, mas já vi amigos que tnham fóbia social se curarem após eu falar pra eles tentarem o cloreto de magnésio. O que noto pelas minhas observações é que normalmente quem se cura é quem não teve nenhum tipo trauma psicológico na vida (como era meu caso). Já quem teve traumas nas infância, acho ue o cloreto só ameniza, mas não cura. E não é salamargo, é cloreto de magnésio. Senão me engano o salamargo é sulfato de magnésio não?
    1 point
  39. Talvez seja este o tópico mais importante para quem não tem como plantar e convive com a realidade escura do prensadão. Amônia faz mal para o organismo de uma forma geral, principalmente acelerando o coração o que me deixa em uma bad trip danada de que vou infartar. Sugiro aos apresados secar com o secador da sua mãe ou da sua namorada pois o ar é quente e rola mais rápido. Vou fazer isto hoje pela primeira vez, espero eliminar os radicais livres, amônia e todas impurezas do prensadão paraguaio para acabar com minhas bad trips. Depois posto sobre o que rolou.
    1 point
  40. eu fazia direto o pren, mas agora melhor fazer oleo e depois taco no leite... EDIT: pra falar verdade, eu faço oleo e ponho em capsulas de gelatina. ae, uma ou duas capsulas tou passando bem.
    1 point
  41. ja fumei e vaporizei do green e do prensado.. ja peguei prensado cheroso e ja lavei prensado podre e se precisar lavo de novo cada um se adapta a sua realidade
    1 point
  42. Gostei muito do relato do brother HAUJOB ai...Me fez ver algo parecido que aconteceu na minha familia. Vou tentar resumir: tenho 28 anos. Fumo há mais ou menos 11 anos. Tenho tambem um irmao com cerca de 42 anos. Esse cara fuma maconha desde os 16~17. Num tempo onde ele dizia: "eu fumava na rua, ninguem nem desconfiava que akilo era maconha..." De uns tempos pra cá, as pessoas que o rodeavam (principalmente a familia) notaram que o bixo estava ficando "bola". Se arrumava pra sair, tomar um sorteve, entrava no carro e perguntava: " Estamos indo pra onde mesmo?" Por pressao da esposa ele resolvou dar um tempo. Ficou uns meses sem fumar, dps voltou com menos frequencia e fuma ate hoje. Pra mim é fato que a o corpo humano sem a maconha (e qualquer outra substancia que ele nao "nasceu" precisando podem fazer mal ao individuo, pois de qualquer maneira, por menos que sejam os males, estao botando fumaça pra dentro do teu pulmão). É o que eu acho. Devemos ressaltar tambem, que o importante é o cara estar feliz, fumando 1 kilo por dia, ou 1 grama por ano. Não importa. Tem mt neguinho aki que se tem 18 anos ou mais, aparenta ter MUITO MENOS QUE ISSO. Nao quero citar nomes, pra nao começar as discussoes sem pé nem cabeça que ja vi varios aqui começar, sem motivo algum. Temos que respeitar a vontade e os direitos das pessoas. Do maconheiro que fuma baseados de 50g, da mulher que gosta de outra mulher, do cara que é gay e "empresta" a bundinha dele, do noiado que gosta de fumar pedra...e por ai vai...Cada um sabe o que é melhor pra sua vida. Acredito que ninguem daki deu baseados pra o Haujob mt menos o disse o que ele deve ou nao deixar de fazer. Hoje, eu vejo a maconha como algo positivo em minha vida atualmente, principalmente para diminuir minha ansiedade (me considero um cara super ansioso!). Fumo em media 2 baseados por dia, mas ja xeguei a fumar sim basedo de 50g (nao sozinho, claro), isso fez parte da minha adolescencia e de meus amigos que conviveram e convivem ate hoje. O fato de ser muito ou pouco, depende do seu acesso, eu acho. Aqui no NE por exemplo, 50g de maconha custa R$60,00 (do fumo "soltinho", como dizem ai pelo Sul/Sudeste, com belotas que xegam a ter ate o tamanho de um ante-braço, mt melhor e mais barato que qualquer prensado que exista. Com essa quantidade atualmente passo umas 2 ou 3 semanas no maximo, e fumo geralmente a noite quando volto do trabalho, e nos finais de semana fumo mais ainda. E se eu ficasse sem ela hoje, sinceramente nao saberia o que fazer pra ocupar o tmepo que dedido a maconha (tanto no cultivo, como no uso). Eu quero sim um dia parar de fumar, nao agora...mas pretendo parar sim. Me dedicar a outras coisas. Enfim, devemos refletir (mesmo que chapados) sobre o que o maluco contou, e ver se de repente, nao estamos fazendo uso errado dessa erva sagrada. Parabens Haujob pelas palavras. Parabens ao moderador BIGCUNHA, que mesmo com toda moral que ele tem, foi um dos mais humildes aqui entre outros que independentemente de fumar maconha ou não respeitaram as palavras do maluco ai. E para os que "zuaram" com o depoimento do cara, se enxerguem pois o mundo nao gira ao redor de vocês. Abraços.
    1 point
  43. Ae haujob! Eu também parei ( Embora depois que eu parei, uns meses atrás eu andei queimando umas pontas... mas foi coisa esporádica de uma viagem Mas o fato é que não há mais apego a estados mentais diferenciados... nem a maconha nem a mais nada (tb não bebo). Fumei por uns 11 anos e entendo perfeitamente o que você diz com alienação de sempre estar pensando que aquele momento poderia ser melhor se tivesse sob efeito canábico. E embora a maioria dos posts aqui seja de apoio, fico impressionado com alguns que tacam pedra, no meu tópico foi a mesma coisa, um infeliz até disse que eu tava falando aquilo pra aparecer. Sei lá... nego reclama da discriminação, mas sem perceber discrimina também. O fato é que na vida temos de ser livres... se cannabis virou uma prisão pra você se liberte! Muito sucesso nessa nova etapa!
    1 point
  44. O peso que vc tirou das costas , como relatou , era culpa. Uns sentem , outros naum. Aos que sentem e naum conseguem lidar com isto , melhor parar msm.
    1 point
  45. kkkkkk porra mano tu gostava tanto de maconha que até chupava o back antes de fumar kkkk
    1 point
  46. Legal, eu também to querendo parar, já diminui o uso e agora to querendo parar em definitivo, a maconha foi uma das melhores coisas que aconteceu na minha vida, mais tem uma hora que simplesmente as coisas que nos faziam bem antes, já não tem o mesmo efeito. Abraço e Boa sorte!
    1 point
  47. Acho louvável a decisão de parar, mas minha linha de raciocínio é a seguinte: fumo uns 5 baseados por dia, como o efeito de cada baseado dura umas 2 horas, temos 10 horas de chapação somados mais umas 8/9 horas de sono, concluo que só sobra 6/5horas de lucidez total, que é quando vou fazer algum trabalho que necessite de raciocínio lógico e tal. Em outras palavras o que eu quero dizer é que eu amo minha erva e acho difícil eu parar um dia, e vá na paz, brother! Se um dia eu tomar essa decisão também serei um TIOZÃO LEGALIZE!! hauhuahua
    1 point
  48. Fala Trentino. Cara, maconha e musculação tudo de bom. Mas eu prefiro fumar depois do treino pq é a boa dar aquela relaxada total. Sem falar que dá um upgrade na onda... acho que deve ser pq vc malha e ativa a circulação, a respiração, aí quando vc fuma bate melhor, quase como aquele primeiro baseado depois de acordar. Mas quando eu fumo antes eu fico com sono durante o treino. As vezes dependendo da onda eu fico naquela luta mental querendo ir embora e não fazer a série completa....
    1 point
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