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  1. Vapir NO2 ou Magic Flight Box???

    1. Mostrar comentários anteriores  %s mais
    2. mprado1


      Vou dar um confere por la!

      haahah! Tamo de volta!!

    3. Green Knight

      Green Knight

      Vapor no2 comprei to muito satisfeito

    4. mprado1


      eh vai ser o Vapir mesmo!

  2. Sobre a politica de drogas na Suecia...
  3. mprado1

    Raw Opium

    assisti! bem bom!! vale a pena ver!
  4. mprado1

    Raw Opium

    torrent: baixando.... pra ser qual e do filme!
  5. La vem outra!!
  6. Trip FM com Fernando Grostein Andrade Diretor de "Quebrando o Tabu" fala sobre polêmica em torno do documentário
  7. A CNBC ta fazendo uma enquete:
  8. NO WEEDPASS IN AMSTERDAM FOR THE NEXT 5 YEARS!!!! This is the translation of a letter sent to the coffeeshop unions in the Netherlands, I am proud to translate this good news.... Dear folks, The big news today is that the new Tolerance Policy will become active from July 1, 2011, and will be valid until June 30 2015(!). The AHOJG criteria are already avaiable on The good news is not much is going to change. The most important conclusion is that the AHOJG crtieria have not been complemented with the Weedpass and the Distance Criteria. Nothing changes in this area. The announced additions will not be part of the national regulations for coffeeshops. This means that all the evil measurements from The Hague, including weedpass and distance criteria, can only be implemented on a local level. This means the weedpass and the distance criteria will probably not make it in Amsterdam. These announced measurements, that would lead to a coffeeshop wipe-out in Amsterdam, can only be implemented through local legislation by the City Council. The City Council already spoke out against the weedpass and the distance criteria, like the Mayor, who will be held to execute and maintain the new Tolerance rulebook. This is also included in the Opiumlaw art. 31b. Especially the long term of the new Tolerance regulations stands out, 4 years going! This is a first, and appears to be a signal that The Hague decided that de introduction of the weedpass and the new distance criteria and everything else Justice Minister Opstelten comes up with is to be decided on by individual City Councils. The City Council has toe execute or deny new measurements. The Mayor has to uphold the rules in the end. This means in Amsterdam there will be no mayor changes. The 5 plant rule stays intact. I salute you, MR. Maurice Veldman, Legal rep. for the BCD and THC. Translation: Nol van Schaik.
  9. Via Dampkring Amsterdam: GOOOOOD NEWS for all smokers around the world who want to visit Amsterdam! The new criteria are as the same as before until 06-30-2015. SO NO WEEDPASS as long as the mayor of Amsterdam says so!
  10. mprado1

    Renato Malcher Na Tv Camara

    Segue o link:
  11. ''Amsterdam continua se opor a medida!''
  12. Medida totalmente estupida! so reforça o vendedores de rua! noticia em site holandes sobre o fato! so botar no google q traduz!
  13. Dia 12/04, terça-feira, às 18:00 hrs Campus UFF Comunicação (IACS) Política sobre drogas: uma discussão honesta Exibição do Filme “Cortina de Fumaça” com a presença do Diretor Rodrigo Mac Niven (www.cortinadefumaç - Dia 13/04, quarta-feira, às 18:00 hrs Faculda de Direito da UFF Debate sobre drogas e legalização André Nicolit, juíz, LEAP Brasil Silvia Ponte, Conselho de Prevenção às Drogas João Menezes, Neurocientista - Dia 14/04, quinta-feira, às 18:00 hrs Campus UFF História(Gragoatá) Palestra Proibição do que? Um debate sobre a legalização da maconha Renato Cinco, sociólogo, organizador do MLM (Movimento pela Legalização da Maconha); André Barros, advogado da Marcha da Maconha do Rio e organizador do MLM; Luiz Paulo Guanabara, membro da ong Psicotrópicos; Thiago Rodrigues, prof. Ciência Política da UFF.
  14. Amanha tem exibição do Cortina de Fumaça em Niteroi!
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