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  1. MALMO, Sweden — Copenhagen just got a lot closer to legalizing the sale of pot. If approved by the Danish parliament, next year the city could grant licenses to individual marijuana growers. City-owned shops would then sell their crop to the public. That prospect was deeply amusing to Israel, a burly dreadlocked Cuban in Christiania, the city’s self-declared “free town.” "I will grow it!" he said with excessive zeal. "I’ve got this big bag of seeds." Israel was sitting outside a cafe near Pusher Street, the area’s open-air cannabis market, rolling a succession of monster joints for the locals and tourists who drop by for a smoke. Copenhagen’s city municipality voted in recent weeks, 39 votes to 9, to empower its social affairs committee to draw up a detailed plan to legalize cannabis. If that plan is approved by Denmark’s new left-of-centre parliament next year, the city could become the first to legalize marijuana, rather than simply tolerate it, as police do in the Netherlands. “We are thinking of perhaps 30 to 40 public sales houses, where the people aren’t interested in selling you more, they’re interested in you,” Mikkel Warming, the mayor in charge of social affairs at Copenhagen City Council told GlobalPost. “Who is it better for youngsters to buy marijuana from? A drug pusher, who wants them to use more, who wants them to buy hard drugs, or a civil servant?” Judging by the good-natured way Israel joshed with one of the day’s customers — a teenager whom he appeared to have reduced to an incoherent, pale-faced stupor — he’s not exactly threatening. But the same cannot be said for the gangsters on Pusher Street, whose crew cuts and bulky jackets make them look more like nightclub bouncers. They are a far cry from the hippie idealists who founded Christiania in a disused army barracks 40 years ago. It is these people, the biker and immigrant gangs who manage the city’s drug supplies, that Warming wants to cut out. "People who use marijuana are paying money to criminals, mostly to gang members, and it’s a market that every year, is worth up to two billion Danish kroner ($350 million). That’s enough to fight for, which is why we’ve had a war between the gangs in Copenhagen," he said. More: Dutch ban foreigners from cannabis cafes That’s why he doesn’t want to institute a system where smoking marijuana is tolerated in cannabis cafes, but officially illegal, and therefore profitable for criminals to grow and import. Copenhagen effectively operated such a system in Christiania until 2004, when the police moved in and shut the district’s thriving cannabis cafes, forcing the trade into street stalls. And it still exists in the Netherlands today, although Dutch authorities are tightening up. “We don’t want an Amsterdam model," Warming said. "We want a way to make it legal to import or grow marijuana." The details still must be ironed out. But Warming imagines a system similar to the state-owned alcohol monopoly that operates in neighboring Sweden. The government would either grow marijuana itself or license growers, as already happens in countries that allow the drug to be used for medical purposes. The Danish parliament voted down a similar proposal submitted by Copenhagen City Council three years ago, but since then a new left-of-centre government has come in, giving it a better chance of getting through. In a sign of the changing times, some in the ruling Social Democratic party are beginning to support the idea. Lars Aslan Rasmussen, the party’s official spokesman on cannabis, believes it is only a matter of time. "If you look at Copenhagen city, at first it was only the Socialists, then it became the Red-Green Alliance, then it became the Social Democrats, and now we’ve got some of the Liberals," he said. "I think we are slowly getting there. Around the world, people are changing their opinions on this. The war on drugs, it didn’t really work." Many in his party disagree, not least Ole Haekkerup, the legal spokesman. "If we make it easier to get marijuana, we expect that more people would end up on hard drugs," he told Ekstra Bladet, a Danish newspaper, after the vote. The Danish Socialist People’s Party quietly dropped their support for legalization when they joined the Social Democrats’ coalition in June in the run up to September’s election. But support is nonetheless building. Lars Kragh Andersen, who was sacked as an assistant policeman earlier this year after refusing to arrest cannabis users, has become a prominent campaigner. The law student this week sent a statement to the Copenhagen police announcing that he had begun dealing small amounts of a cannabis from his home. To prove his point, he included a marijuana joint in the letter. Israel, seemingly oblivious to the possible loss of earnings, agrees that Warming's plan is the only sensible way to go. "The government created the gangs," he said. "They have to open up, because every drug in this town is legal, even if it’s not legal. You can find hash and cocaine on every street corner. Eighty percent of the population here in Copenhagen are smoking. But if I smoke some stuff, I’m a criminal."=
  2. Eu em... nem sei pra que incluir a mulher... num esquece que ela num é sangue mano... tu pode terminar e dar a louca na mina (pq todos sabemos que o sexo fragil a maioria das vezes é o sexo doido de grade) e te caguetar pq vc pois chifre nela.... ou algo parecido.... pra que contar??? faz escondido e pronto. EDIT: maconha num causa ataques cardiacos...
  3. .. o mais louco é os boleiro.... deus faz os milagres pra eles, mas os molequinho na africa ele deixa eles morrer de fome.... só um adendo, hj, lá na africa, vai morrer 30 000 de crianças, será que elas num rezaram o suficiente, ou deus num gosta eles??? EDIT: Agora, a discussão do big bang... tem uns cientista que tão achanndo que o nosso universo é um holograma... o bagulho é doido... poe no google, hologram universe... bagulho é doidio
  4. ... meu, acho que o unica coisa que a maconha fez foi quando o cara tava escrevendo a biblia O cara fumou, escreveu, e criou uma estoria tão fabulosa, que o povo achou que era verdade.... ai deu no que deu...
  5. se vc num tiver uma base cientifica pra falar isso alem do aconteceu comigo, pode parar por ai... tu num pode associar uma coisa a outra assim... isso num é ciencia... proxima coisa tu vai acrditar será em deus pelo msm motivo, era só o que faltava. eu hein...
  6. Já que pulou pra fantasia/ficção... Umas das minhas fabulas preferida é desses dois... Só um adendo, Cristo prometeu o fim das pessoas más... Thor prometeu o fim dos gigantes de gelo... Eu num vejo nenhum gigante de gelo por ai... Agora, gente má.............................................. Outra boa é as dos Sumérios... Mas Art Adams nunca desenho sobre eles... entonces fica nessa...
  7. ... pelo menos andar muito ele num vai querer... se pa nem precisa fazer a lavagem... valeu pelas boas galera... parece que ele ja ta meio voltando ao normal...
  8. tinha esse poster na parede quando muleke...
  9. era só o que faltava, o dog pegar gosto pela coisa... Tava msm preocupado por causa do chocolate que pra cães é veneno... mas parece que tudo bem... as bolachas em sí era de gingibre, so o recheio de chocolate...
  10. po, eu achava que a maconha dava priapismo...
  11. GALERA!!! Valeu pelos boas vibes... tu tudo bem, ele ta BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM louco visivelmente... quietinho quietinho deitado... acho que o cabelo ta certo... vou botar um Bob.... po então, eu fui perceber só depois cara, tipo depois de 45 minutos... Graças ATeus, o chocolate num fez nada (Eu tava preocupado mais com isso) Meu ontem levei le pra sair... no metro no caminho da casa da gata... coitado num deu bola pra niguem, só queria ficar levando carinho... agora tou esperando a larica bater... LOLOLOL Doberman de 45kg...
  12. Meu cachorro, comeu (sem querer) meia cookie com rechieo de chocolate Meu maior medo era o chocolate, mas a receita era com menos de 1/8 do recheio de cacau. Agora, uma cookie derruba pessoas de 80 KG sem experiencia facil... coitado do meu dog, ingeriu faz 9 hrs, e ele ta muito louco.... roncando com a lingua de fora... acho q o perigo do chocolate ja passou... será? po, fui mijar, com um game novo e uns percocet na cabeça (TEC-#5 por causa de um acidente recente) e rolou isso... puta dor na conciencia pq foi mancada minha total... se eu puder fazer algo por ele por favor me falem.... agua e comida ele ta com avonts... até botei um queijo pra ele comer pra absorver um pouco de gordura... tou cum salami de javali, acho que vou comer um pedaço e da pra ele.......
  13. na boa, unico lugar que rolou de eu ver uma plantation de cara assim foi na cannabis college em amsterdam... que nada mais é que um growroom com um 1kW.... sem vega, no centro de DAM.... tipo, foi duca quando eu num sabia... mas no ano seguinte ja tava com 6 colheitas debaixo do braço e meu bro queria ver... puta gasto de tempo e dinheiro agora, se tu ta querendo chegar chegando e ver mega grows sem conhecer nem ciclano nem beltrano, boa sorte.... tu NUNCA vai conseguir... eu falo isso por que tou nesse barco, e NUNCA traia ninguem pro meu grow sem conhecer faz um tempão.... no mais boa sorte... quando tu montar o teu EPIC mega grow ai no braza me chama pra eu conhecer...
  14. po mano... tu abriu um topico falando que tu num tem culhão isso???? bancando o bonzão da bala chita, teu primeiro erro foi casar aos 24 anos... tu nem é homem ainda vai querer uma mulher falando o que tu tem e num tem que fazer..... sei lá.. talvez eu sou daz antiga... tipo, 1700.... casamento é só pra equacionar bens e olhe lá.... pra que se fixar em um muié só? e mais, uma que te proibe de fazer as coisas??? aos 17 anos, eu puis pro universo, mulher, família e maconha, quem reclamar do outro, RUA... avisei pra minha familia, agora pra xoxotas, nunca... se elas são contra melhor saber logo de cara.... e num avisei à maconha pq ela me ama incondicionalmente (como a minha mãe) E PNCP..... a vida é simples... vcs é que complicam isso eu falo com meus 32 anos.. e vejo que num funciona mais isso... casamentos é coisa do passado... mas talvez isso só será reconhecido daqui ao uns 200 anos... CONCLUSÃO tu é mais maconheiro do que marido (como eu) mande ela tomar no cu se tu acha msm que vai passar a vida inteira com ela, MANDE ELA TOMAR NO CU E AGUENTAR TUA PLANTAÇÃO.... me da uma raiva quando umas mulézinha acha que vai conseguir mudar umas das minha diretrizes de vida.... FUCKING CUNTS the lot....
  15. num sabia quem era... mas eu adoro esse velho...
  16. mas perai, se consumir é legal, comprar ilegal... entonces, plantar pra consumo proprio é legal?
  17. http://stopthedrugwa...say_legalize_ma Four of Vancouver's last five former mayors called this week for end of marijuana prohibition, saying anti-pot policies have failed to reduce marijuana's availability and that prohibition has fueled violence in British Columbia communities. Thursday evening, current Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson joined his predecessors, adding his voice to the call. Free the weed, say Vancouver mayors (Image: the author).In an open letter released Wednesday, former mayors Mike Harcourt (1980-1986), Philip Owen (1993-2002), Larry Campbell (2002-2005), and Sam Sullivan (2005-2008) called on the province's politicians to legalize and regulate pot in BC. The letter was released by Stop the Violence BC, which just last month published a report outlining the links between pot prohibition and organized crime and violence and calling for a regulated, public health approach to marijuana. "Marijuana prohibition is – without question – a failed policy," the former mayors wrote. "It is creating violent, gang-related crime in our communities and fear among our citizens, and adding financial costs for all levels of government at a time when we can least afford them. Politicians cannot ignore the status quo any longer; they must develop and deliver alternative marijuana policies that avoid the social and criminal harms that stem directly from cannabis prohibition." The ex-mayors' intervention comes as the Canadian federal government of Conservative Prime Minister Steven Harper is attempting to push through a crime bill that would, among other things, impose mandatory minimum prison sentences for growing as few as five plants. But that's not a popular position in British Columbia, where a recent Angus Reid poll had support for taxing and regulating marijuana at 69%. It is past time for elected officials to get on board the marijuana reform bandwagon, the ex-mayor's said. "Clearly, elected officials are out of step with their public on marijuana prohibition," they wrote. "It is time that elected officials enter the debate and deliver specific proposals to address the easy availability of cannabis to youth and the organized crime concerns stemming directly from cannabis prohibition." One elected official who has heeded that call is current Vancouver Mayor Robertson. In a tweet sent out Thursday evening, Robertson said, "Good to see 4 Vancouver ex-mayors calling for end of cannabis prohibition. I agree, we need to be smart and tax/regulate." In British Columbia, at least, the wall of silence by elected officials around legalizing marijuana has been breached. Whether that will lead to BC retaking its spot in the vanguard of pot law reform worldwide remains to be seen, but it's a good start. Vancouver, BC Canada
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