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eu nunca soltei [o trago] ele zuou o Clinton que fumou, mas num tragou... ele tragou, mas num soltou...
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/04/gary-johnson-marijuana_n_994641.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009 Former New Mexico Governor and GOP presidential candidate Gary Johnson [url="http://www.outsideonline.com/templates/Outside_Print_Template?content=129494478"]told[/url] [i]Outside Magazine[/i] that legalizing marijuana was a popular political stance. "Pot smokers may be the largest untapped voting bloc in the country," he said. "A hundred million Americans have smoked marijuana. You think they want to be considered criminals?" Johnson is one of two better-known libertarian-leaning candidates in the GOP primary race, along with Texas Rep. Ron Paul. However, the former governor has found himself [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/20/gary-johnson-president-republican-debate_n_972511.html"]excluded[/url] from several debates and registers at only about one percent in national polls. Johnson has told several publications that he smoked marijuana. He [url="http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/meet-gary-johnson-ron-paul-2012_520775.html"]told [i]The Weekly Standard[/i][/url] that he smoked from 2005 to 2008 to alleviate pain after a paragliding accident in Hawaii. He [url="http://the420times.com/2011/06/the-420-times-exclusive-interview-with-gary-johnson/"]signaled to [i]The 420 Times[/i][/url] that he only smoked marijuana after pain pills didn't work, and that marijuana helped "tremendously." Previously, he [url="http://www.tnr.com/article/magazine/78543/Gary-johnson-2012-republican-candidate-new-mexico"]joked[/url] with [i]The New Republic[/i] about his younger days, saying, "I never exhaled." [/CODE] Type text or a website address or translate a document. Cancel [b] English to Portuguese translation[/b] O ex-governador do Novo México e candidato presidencial do Partido Republicano Gary Johnson disse a Outside Magazine que a legalização da maconha foi uma postura política popular. "Fumantes de maconha pode ser o maior bloco de votação inexplorado no país", disse ele. "Cem milhões de americanos fumaram maconha. Você acha que eles querem ser considerados criminosos?" Johnson é um dos dois mais conhecidos de tendência libertária candidatos na corrida GOP primária, junto com Texas Ron Paul. No entanto, o ex-governador encontrou-se excluídos dos debates e vários registros em apenas cerca de um por cento nas pesquisas nacionais. Johnson disse várias publicações que ele fumava maconha. Ele disse a The Weekly Standard que ele fumava 2005-2008 para aliviar a dor após um acidente de parapente no Havaí. Ele sinalizou para a 420 vezes que ele só fumava maconha depois de analgésicos não funcionou, e que a maconha ajudou "tremendamente". Anteriormente, ele brincou com o The New Republic sobre seus dias mais jovens, dizendo: "Eu nunca soltei."
po comprometer por cause da cannabis é penalty
nossa véi.. minha vida sem a maconha seria um desastre....
po.. me engana que eu gosto?
todos sabem q 1 copo de vinho por dia é benéfico pro coração
po, eu num posso editar, mas se um dos modera desse board puder, fica o aviso .... juro que eu achei que era gandía.... e não gândia. ... isso ae essa da apoptose da cannabis o povo parece que esquece. só pra num deixar duvida http://web.me.com/dbhill/cure/Home.html maconha cura cancer!
http://www.tokeofthetown.com/2011/09/czech_republic_moves_to_legalize_medical_marijuana.php The Czech Ministry of Health has said it will take marijuana off the list of banned substances and for the first time allow it to be prescribed as medicine by doctors. "By the end of this year we will submit to Parliament an amended law on addictive substances which will move marihuana from the list of banned substances to the list of those which can be prescribed," Deputy Health Minister Martin Plíšek said, reports Chris Johnstone at CzechPosition.com. The promised policy change comes after increasing evidence of marijuana's beneficial effects for those suffering from cancer, Parkinson's disease and other illnesses, CzechPosition reports. More and more Czechs are growing cannabis and resorting to home remedies due to the existing ban on its prescription, according to the site. The number of grow shops offering equipment used to cultivate cannabis has ballooned across the country over the past two years, with even small Czech towns boasting outlets selling sophisticated gear, Johnstone reports. <a href="http://www.tokeofthetown.com/2011/09/26/Plisek_1105033.jpeg" onclick="window.open('http://www.tokeofthetown.com/2011/09/26/Plisek_1105033.jpeg','popup','width=199,height=300,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,left=0,top=0'); return false">Leaders Vision Martin Plíšek, Ministry of Health: "By the end of this year we will submit to Parliament an amended law on addictive substances which will move marihuana from the list of banned substances to the list of those which can be prescribed" Several prominent members of the Czech government support the legalization of marijuana, including Miroslava Němcová, a Civic Democrat who is speaker of the lower chamber of Parliament, as well as top members of the Public Affairs party such as Chairman Radek John. Ministry experts are still working on the details of legalized sales of medicinal cannabis. Minister Plíšek said at a press conference on September 13 that he would prefer to see marijuana imported for Czech use, rather than creating a homegrown industry which might be "abused." "We must take steps to ensure that there is no massive abuse without a doctor's prescription," Plíšek said. The government officials will investigate models for distributing medical marijuana in the Czech Republic. The frequently cited example of Israel, which started allowing medical marijuana 12 years ago, involves the state licensing eight farms to grow cannabis with distribution to about 7,500 registered patients. Marijuana is the most popular drug in the Czech Republic; the nation already decriminalized possession of small amounts of pot for personal use and the cultivation of a limited number of plants at the start of 2010. But possession still remains punishable, with police able to impose spot fines. Germany responded by stepping up searches of Czech citizens at the border, and some observers predict that legalizing medical marijuana could fuel such tensions with the Czech Republic's neighboring countries in Europe.
http://www.islandcrisis.net/2011/02/marijuana-treat-brain-cancer/?utm_source=scribol&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=scribol Marijuana For Hard-To-Treat Brain Cancer Marijuana, commonly known as Gandia can be used to treat really advanced stage brain cancer according to a recent scientific study by scientists of the Complutense University, Spain. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is highly resistant to current anticancer treatments, which necessitates finding of new therapeutic strategies to improve the poor prognosis of patients suffering from this disease. It was discovered that Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is an active ingredient of marijuana as well as other cannabinoid receptor agonists, inhibits tumor growth in animal models of cancer, including glioma. This particular effect relies partly on the stimulation of autophagy-mediated apoptosis in tumor cells. Thus the combined administration of THC and temozolomide (TMZ; the benchmark agent for the management of GBM) produces a strong anti-tumoral action in glioma xenografts. This effect is also observed in tumors that are resistant to TMZ treatment. Administration of submaximal doses of THC and cannabidiol (CBD (a plant-derived cannabinoid that also induces glioma cell death through a mechanism of action different from that of THC) remarkably reduces the growth of glioma xenografts. Treatment with TMZ and submaximal doses of THC and CBD produces a strong antitumoral action in both TMZ-sensitive and TMZ-resistant tumors. Abovementioned findings by investigators at Complutense University in Spain prove that the combined administration of TMZ and cannabinoids could be thus therapeutically exploited for the management of GBM. The combined administration of THC and the pharmaceutical agent temozolomide (TMZ) therefore establishes strong anti-cancer activity in brain tumors which become resistant to conventional anti-cancer treatments. The authors of these investigations have accordingly derived that the administration of THC in combination with TMZ “enhanced autophagy” (programmed cell death) in malignant tissue. According to them, “The combined administration of THC, CBD, and TMZ remarkably reduced the growth of glioma xenografts … [and] produced a strong antitumoral action in both TMZ-sensitive and TMZ-resistant tumors. Altogether, our findings support that the combined administration of TMZ and cannabinoids could be therapeutically exploited for the management of GBM (gliobastoma multiforme).” Earlier in the year 2006 a study was published in the British Journal of Cancer. This study had reported that the intra-tumoural administration of THC is associated with reduced tumor cell proliferation in two out of nine human subjects with GBM (which is highly resistant to conventional anti-cancer treatments). Separate preclinical studies which assessed the anti-cancer activity of cannabinoids and endocannabinoids also show that these substances can inhibit the proliferation of various types of cancerous cells which includes breast carcinoma, prostate carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, gastric adenocarcinoma, skin carcinoma, leukemia cells, neuroblastoma, lung carcinoma, uterus carcinoma, thyroid epithelioma, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, cervical carcinoma, oral cancerbiliary tract cancer and lymphoma. These studies have proved beyond doubt that marijuana ingredient THC is set to play a major role in combating GBM that has already become resistant to conventional anti-cancer drugs. Indeed a ray of new hope for the cancer patients!
a chapação é parte da terapia, se tu busca chapação ta buscando terapia.
normalmente é o que eu digo... porem comidas gordurosas funfa legal... um talo de queijo, um picanha mal passada, uma pizza com bacon.... ui ui ui EDIT: po, ficar noiado com que os outro acham de vc é foda hein SEM MEDO DE SER FELIZ
Crise Na Classe Média Britânica Impulsiona Criação Doméstica De Maconha
topic respondeu ao CanabinolAction de Canadense em Notícias
a maioria de gringos que eu conheço que cultivam com LEDs é por causa desses "thermals" graças ateus que só a policia dos municipios aqui aos redores que tem helicopteros e usam thermals.. porem, eu, ja uso como calefação no inverno... -
Crise Na Classe Média Britânica Impulsiona Criação Doméstica De Maconha
topic respondeu ao CanabinolAction de Canadense em Notícias
o dinheiro cresce em arbustos -
Crise Na Classe Média Britânica Impulsiona Criação Doméstica De Maconha
topic respondeu ao CanabinolAction de Canadense em Notícias
depende do tamanho da cadeia e aonde vc está em relação ao grower... alem das coisas que tão rolando na cidade... macaco velho bate o olho e ja sabe... -
Crise Na Classe Média Britânica Impulsiona Criação Doméstica De Maconha
topic respondeu ao CanabinolAction de Canadense em Notícias
po... prensado aqui é coisa de nostalgia de rasta ou de nego que num aguenta green -
Cássia Kis Diz Que Já Tomou Chá De Cogumelo E Fumou Maconha
topic respondeu ao CanabinolAction de Canadense em Notícias
po ela apareceu na campanha da amamentação com as teta de fora... -
golden river: entra em contato com os consultores juridicos do GR que eles tão prontos pra ajudar...
pai de um brother meu criou esses cara ae... hahahaha muito doido o tio clive...