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Justamente BassHemp! Reinterando o Prof.Carlini(SIACaM) elaborei a pergunta. Obrigado.
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Eu questionaria,por qual motivo,não foi criado e regulamentado uma Agência Brasileira de Cannabis Medicinal? -Existe queixa unânime dos pesquisadores brasileiros, sobre quase total impossibilidade de realizar pesquisas com a planta e seus derivados, dado a uma burocracia paralisante.
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Do álbum Semente de cruza caseira(PREN xPREN)
Do álbum Semente de cruza caseira(PREN xPREN)
Do álbum Semente de cruza caseira(PREN xPREN)
Chega de Conformismo!!! Assinado!
E Ivy é um de apenas oito de pessoas nos Estados Unidos, que recebe a maconha medicinal legal da governo. A cada três meses, ela recebe cerca de 600 gramas de reconhecidamente marijuana fraca qualidade na forma de centenas de pré-laminadas juntas. Desde que recebeu sua primeira prescrição legal em 1988, o algo-50 Elvy incansavelmente se dedicou a viajar em todos os EUA, espalhando a boa notícia sobre os efeitos curativos benéficos da maconha. Elvy também é um cantor talentoso, e muitas vezes combina voz e música durante suas apresentações. Ela lançou um CD com suas canções e música intitulado "Verdade e amor são um." Eu entrevistei Elvy em novembro de 1995, na Fundação de Políticas de Drogas conferência em Santa Monica, com acompanhamento de entrevistas realizadas ao longo do telefone com Elvy em seus vários pit-stops em todo o EUA. Para entrar em contato Elvy ou para obter mais informações sobre seu CD, escreva Artista LV Den, PO Box 6076, Hollywood, Florida 33081. Telefone (954) 981-1225. Vamos começar com a sua condição médica. Por que você fuma maconha? Quando criança, eu tinha catarata congênita, que exigiu um monte de cirurgia. A cirurgia produziu uma grande quantidade de tecido de cicatriz, o que eventualmente resulta em infectados canais lacrimais. Meus dutos de segurar lágrimas demais contra a óptica nervo na parte de trás do meu olho. Isso pode e não causa cegueira permanente se continuar. Em 1975 eu descobri que eu tinha glaucoma, por isso, e em 1976 uma série de medicamentos estavam sendo prescritos para mim. Eles não eram de todo usar para mim, porque eu não podia lidar com os efeitos colaterais. Muitos deles deram me dores de cabeça enormes, outros fechei meus alunos que eu estava cego sem espera para o glaucoma de fazê-lo. Alguns medicamentos me fez olhar para o teto e quer fazer absolutamente nada. Eu tinha um emprego e filhos para levantar, de modo que era inaceitável. Finalmente, um médico que era muito compassivo assumiu a responsabilidade em sua própria mãos, e disse-me como um amigo que, se eu não começar a fumar maconha Gostaria de ficar cego. Conte-me sobre a primeira vez que fumou maconha. Quantos anos você, e que foi a sensação? Bem, vamos ver ... eu era 30. Parecia engraçado. A primeira vez que eu fumava Eu não sei como a inalar. Fiquei tentando absorver tudo sem qualquer ar, e foi direto para minha garganta. Eu pensei "Meu Deus, eu vou ter câncer de garganta em nenhum momento plana! "Eu era paranóico, porque eu tinha ouvido tantas coisas horríveis sobre a maconha. Quando eu encontrei um médico subterrânea, através de um cidadão que sabia, pois ele estava tratando muitos outros na nossa área, ele recomendou que eu comer brownies porque eu estava tão contrário ao tabagismo. Isso funcionou bem por quatro meses, e eu ainda tenho um aumento no trabalho. Meu médico achava que, com o tipo de documentação que tivemos, poderíamos ir para o centro de pesquisas da Universidade de Miami e persuadi-los me encontrar maconha legal. Mas eles não querem ouvir sobre isso, e em vez ofereceu uma cirurgia que na melhor das hipóteses oferecidas apenas uma chance de 30% de qualquer sucesso. Percebo agora que eu nunca estava cego por glaucoma, eu estava cego por ignorância. Ninguém em sã consciência teria feito a decisão que tomei se soubessem que a cannabis, a maconha, é um dos mais seguros, mais substâncias terapeuticamente ativas do planeta. Uma das razões que a AMA (Associação Médica Americana) originalmente se opuseram à maconha proibição era que eles sabiam que era um medicamento seguro para muitas pessoas. Ele foi especialmente recomendado para crianças e para pessoas mais velhas porque de seus não-viciantes qualidades. Mas eu não sabia de nada disso, então eu fui em doze anos de inferno, em que eu perdi de vista tanto que a depressão definir polegadas eu sofria de falta de sono, falta de apetite, e estava bebendo demais. Foi um pesadelo, um horror. Eu perdi o meu trabalho, e depois a depressão foi totalmente terrível, exceto para quando as pessoas me trouxe maconha. Quando o fizeram, assim, minhas pressões estavam sob controle. Eu dormia à noite, encontrei-me de comer, e de fato Foi quando eu descobri a música Elvy-escritor. Sempre que eu ia fumar maconha eu não iria ver este dia iminente da desgraça como faria com qualquer outro momento. Normalmente eu não poderia prever nada mas a cegueira permanente, porque agora eu não poderia nem pagar a maconha, que era a única coisa que funcionou. Então, você tinha que comprar seus primeiros fornecimentos de maconha a si mesmo? Oh, principalmente as pessoas trouxeram e que me deu, mas eu tinha que comprá-lo, às vezes. Nessa altura, foi consideravelmente menos caros do que que é hoje. Você poderia comprar uma onça de, digamos, Ouro colombiano no sul da Flórida, que é onde eu morava, por 30 dólares. Eu poderia obter outras variedades para 20 ou 15 dólares, mas, mesmo que fosse uma pressão sobre o orçamento de uma mãe solteira trabalhando tentando criar dois filhos. Depois eu tive que parar de trabalhar apenas não havia dinheiro suficiente para maconha. Tornei-me uma cobaia experimental por tudo o que era convencional e sendo testada. Uma das drogas, chamado Timolal, realmente funcionava para me por dois anos. A coisa mais incrível que eu descobri por mim no tempo foi que eu não passe por retirada de maconha. Fiquei tão feliz para encontrar uma resposta jurídica que eu nunca fui à procura de maconha, até que eu desenvolveram uma resistência ao Timolal. Timolal ainda é pouco eficaz, mas eu não estou tomando mais. Eu sou tentando um novo, mas irrita meu olho e eu não sei se eu quero permanecer nele. Isso durou até 1987, até que ficou totalmente cego em direito olho. No início dos anos 80 eu tinha tentado levar crescendo muito a sério. Eu só cresceu uma quantidade mínima no entanto, porque não só eu tem que se preocupar a lei, mas não havia um menino pouco selvagem ao lado de mim que achava que foi ótimo para pular a cerca e roubar minhas plantas. Ele poderia vendê-los e Eu não poderia transformá-lo, porque eu seria o único indo para a cadeia. Ele ainda se gaba aos seus amigos que ele era fornecedor para o bairro. O problema era que toda vez que ele roubou as minhas plantas eu fui para outro insucesso da cirurgia. Foi realmente horrível, e, finalmente, resultou em cegueira total. Eu não poderia dizer se era dia ou noite. Feche os olhos, pode dizer- se é luz em um quarto, ou não? Eu não podia. Foi como olhar para fora de seu nariz ou orelha. Eu estava correndo em cada peça de mobiliário e todos os parede na casa. O período de reajuste foi incrível, como até mesmo o pouco visão que eu costumava ter ajudou com equilíbrio. Foi ele se tornar cego que o levou a tornar-se mais politicamente ativo? Eu sabia que era hora de eu descobrir onde havia outros pessoas na minha situação, e que era hora de eu sair. Meus filhos finalmente foram para a faculdade, então eu não tinha a temer a possibilidade de perder a custódia deles. Eu estava pronto para começar a fazer essas coisas, mas em vez disso, foi preso por cultivar, em março de 1988. Foi engraçado, porque eles não tinham um mandado de busca. Eu fiz não se torna mais fácil para eles para obter um, como eu tinha acabado de colhidas e da maconha estava na casa. Mas a coisa era, a planta era tão bonita que eu só não poderia retirá-la. Então, eu tinha um talvez três quartos de uma onça que eu achava que poderia crescer um pouco mais, se eu não puxar a planta fora do pote. Além disso, outra planta que estava começando a brotar, e dois de 6 polegadas mudas. E foi isso. Eu estava de frente para 5 anos de prisão ou multas $ 5000, ou ambos. Como você reagiu ao ser preso? I teve um pernoite na cadeia, que foi mais degradante. Eu imediatamente veio a público quando eu saí de lá. A primeira coisa que fiz foi contacte cada meio de comunicação que eu poderia coisa, e eu disse: "Você acha que isso é certo? Estou indo para ser julgados, porque eu não quero ficar cego. " Até agora eu estava consciente o suficiente para saber que a maconha não tinha me feito qualquer prejudicar, embora eu não saiba o que fez a mais ninguém. Eu sabia que eu certamente poderia lidar com isso, e que além de ter o glaucoma sob controle, eu era uma pessoa melhor, porque eu fumava maconha. Eu pensei que, sob a nossa Constituição, este país não tem a direito de exigir a cegueira de seus cidadãos. Não temos o direito para exigir esse tipo de crueldade. Isso é bárbaro! Eu fui a julgamento com o total apoio da minha comunidade. O juiz disse que eu teria que ter sido insano para não fazer o que eu precisava que fazer para salvar a minha visão. Ao sair da sala de audiências, que eu realmente senti que algo maravilhoso aconteceu. Não havia defesa para a maconha medicinal na Flórida, não há leis para proteger mim. Quando Marinol foi aprovado mudamos nossas leis para que os nossos cidadãos poderia gastar todo o seu dinheiro para produtos farmacêuticos, para este THC sintético. Embora seja o único ingrediente na planta que nos faz alto, ele não faz ter os canabinóides, que trabalham em conjunto. I foi absolvido usando uma defesa da necessidade médica. I foi representada por Norman Elliott Kent, da Flórida, Fort Lauderdale. Ele também teve alguns ajudar com Kevin Zeese que está com a Drug Policy Foundation. Robert Randall, que foi a primeira pessoa que já recebeu a maconha medicinal, também foi uma ajuda tremenda em minha defesa. Como é que você vai de um veredicto de não culpado de ter o governo enviar-lhe as articulações da prescrição? Essa é uma história interessante, porque assim que eu fui preso, Robert Randall e meus médicos e advogados tinha aplicado para o governo federal para mim tê-lo em caráter de emergência. Agora, este foi o meu médico perguntando isso, com doze anos de documentação atrás dele. Mas o governo ignorou totalmente, e de fato o meu médico estava mesmo com medo de que eles viriam depois dele, que seria um grave problema para ele. Eu não vou nem entrar nessa. Depois que eu fui absolvido, eles ainda não dê para mim, e assim eu continuei indo. Tomei completamente para as ondas de rádio, e meu advogado ameaçou processar o governo federal. Finalmente, há sete anos atrás, hoje, em 21 de outubro de 1988, eu recebi o meu primeira cigarros de maconha, cultivada através do governo da Universidade do Mississipi. É uma cepa de origem mexicana. Certamente não é a qualidade que eu cresci, e consequentemente eu tenho a fumar uma quantidade enorme de que, até dez cigarros por dia. Mas eu tenho dizer que melhorou um pouco, não é tão ruim quanto costumava ser quando Eu comecei.... Só para dar uma idéia!!! Abraços.
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Elvy Musikka Glaucoma Federal Marijuana Patient
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Achei esse caso! Fonte:http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/1127.html E lvy is one of only eight people in the United States who receives legal medical marijuana from the government. Every three months she receives about 600 grams of admittedly poor quality marijuana in the form of hundreds of pre-rolled joints. Since receiving her first legal prescription in 1988, the fifty-something Elvy has tirelessly devoted herself to travelling across the US, spreading the good news about the beneficial healing effects of marijuana. Elvy is also an accomplished singer, and often combines speech and song during her presentations. She has released a CD of her songs and music entitled "Truth and Love are One." I interviewed Elvy in November of 1995, at the Drug Policy Foundation conference in Santa Monica, with follow-up interviews conducted over the telephone with Elvy at her various pit-stops across the USA. To contact Elvy or to get more information on her CD, write LV's Artist Den, PO Box 6076, Hollywood, Florida 33081. Telephone (954) 981-1225. Let's begin with your medical condition. Why do you smoke marijuana? As a child I had congenital cataracts which required a lot of surgery. The surgery produced a great deal of scar tissue, which eventually resulted in infected tear ducts. My ducts hold too many tears against the optic nerve at the back of my eye. This can and does cause permanent blindness if allowed to continue. In 1975 I found out that I had glaucoma because of this, and by 1976 a number of medications were being prescribed to me. They weren't of any use to me because I couldn't deal with the side-effects. Many of them gave me tremendous headaches, others closed my pupils so I was blinded without waiting for the glaucoma to do it. Some medications made me stare at the ceiling and want to do absolutely nothing. I had a job and children to raise, so that was unacceptable. Finally a doctor who was very compassionate took matters into his own hands, and told me as a friend that if I didn't start smoking marijuana I would go blind. Tell me about the first time you smoked marijuana. How old were you, and what did it feel like? Well, let's see...I was thirty. It felt funny. The first time I smoked I didn't know how to inhale. I kept trying to take it all in without any air, and it went right to my throat. I thought "My goodness, I'll have cancer of the throat in no time flat!" I was paranoid because I had heard so many horrible things about marijuana. When I did find an underground doctor, through a senior citizen who knew of him because he was treating many others in our area, he recommended that I eat brownies because I was so opposed to smoking. That worked well for four months, and I even got a raise at work. My doctor felt that, with the kind of documentation we had, we could go to the research centre for the University of Miami and persuade them to find me legal marijuana. But they didn't want to hear about it, and instead offered a surgery that at best offered only a 30% chance of any success. I realize now that I was never blinded by glaucoma, I was blinded by ignorance. No one in their right mind would have made the decision I made if they had known that cannabis, marijuana, is one of the safest, most therapeutically-active substances on this planet. One of the reasons that the AMA (American Medical Association) originally objected to marijuana prohibition was that they knew that it was a safe medicine for many people. It was particularly recommended for children and for older people because of its non-addictive qualities. But I didn't know any of this, so I went on for twelve years of hell, in which I lost so much sight that depression set in. I suffered from lack of sleep, lack of appetite, and was drinking too much. It was a nightmare, a horror. I lost my job, and then the depression was totally terrible, except for when people brought me marijuana. When they did, well, my pressures were under control. I slept at night, I found myself eating, and in fact that's when I discovered Elvy the song-writer. Whenever I would smoke marijuana I would not see this impending day of doom as I would any other time. Usually I couldn't foresee anything but permanent blindness, because now I couldn't even afford the marijuana, which was the only thing that worked. So, you had to buy your first supplies of marijuana yourself? Oh, mostly people brought them and gave it to me, but I did have to buy it sometimes. At that time it was considerably less expensive than it is today. You could buy an ounce of, say, Colombian Gold in South Florida, which is where I lived, for thirty dollars. I could get other varieties for twenty or fifteen dollars, but even that was a strain on the budget of a single working mother trying to raise two children. After I had to stop working there just wasn't enough money for marijuana. I became an experimental guinea pig for everything that was conventional and being tested. One of the drugs, called Timolal, actually did work for me for two years. The most amazing thing I discovered for myself at the time was that I didn't go through withdrawal from marijuana. I was so delighted to find a legal answer that I never went looking for marijuana, until I developed a resistance to Timolal. Timolal's still somewhat effective, but I'm not taking it anymore. I'm trying a new one, but it irritates my eye and I don't know if I want to stay on it. This went on until 1987, until I was left totally blind in the right eye. In the early 80s I had tried to take growing very seriously. I only grew a minimal amount however, because not only did I have to worry about the law, but there was a wild little boy next door to me who thought it was great to jump the fence and steal my plants. He could sell them and I couldn't turn him in because I'd be the one going to jail. He still brags to his friends that he was supplier for the neighbourhood. The problem was that every time he stole my plants I went in for another unsuccessful surgery. It was really horrible, and finally it resulted in total blindness. I couldn't tell if it was day or night. Close your eyes, can you tell if it's light in a room or not? I couldn't. It was like looking out of your nose or ear. I was running into every piece of furniture and every wall in that house. The readjustment period was amazing, as even the little sight I used to have had helped with equilibrium. Was it becoming blind that led you to become more politically active? I knew then that it was time for me to find out where there were other people in my situation, and that it was time for me to come out. My children were finally off to college, so I didn't have to dread the possibility of losing custody of them. I was ready to start doing these things, but instead I was arrested for growing, in March of 1988. It was kind of funny, because they didn't have a search warrant. I did not make it easy for them to get one, as I had just harvested and the marijuana was in the house. But the thing was, the plant was so pretty that I just couldn't pull it out. So I had a maybe three quarters of an ounce that I thought might grow a little more if I didn't pull the plant out of the pot. Plus another plant that was starting to bud, and 2 6-inch seedlings. That was it. I was facing 5 years in prison, or $5000 fines, or both. How did you respond to being arrested? I had an overnight stay in jail which was most degrading. I immediately went public when I got out of there. The first thing I did was contact every media outlet that I could thing of, and I said "Do you think this is right? I am going to be facing trial because I don't want to go blind." By now I was aware enough to know that marijuana had not done me any harm, although I didn't know what it did to anyone else. I knew that I could certainly handle it, and that on top of having the glaucoma under control, I was a better person because I smoked marijuana. I thought that under our constitution, this country does not have the right to demand blindness out of their citizens. We do not have the right to demand that kind of cruelty. That's barbaric! I went to trial with the complete support of my community. The judge said that I would have had to have been insane not to do whatever I needed to do to save my sight. Coming out of that courtroom I really felt that something wonderful had happened. There was no defense for medical marijuana in Florida, no laws to protect me. When Marinol was approved we changed our laws so that our citizens could spend all their money for pharmaceuticals, for this synthetic THC. Although it's the one ingredient in the plant that makes us high, it doesn't have the cannabinoids that work in conjunction. I was acquitted using a defense of medical necessity. I was represented by Norman Elliott Kent from Florida, Fort Lauderdale. He also had some help with Kevin Zeese who is with the Drug Policy Foundation. Robert Randall, who was the first person who ever received medical marijuana, was also a tremendous aid in my defense. How did you go from a verdict of not guilty to having the government send you prescription joints? That's an interesting story, because as soon as I was arrested, Robert Randall and my doctors and attorneys had applied to the federal government for me to have it on an emergency basis. Now this was my doctor asking this, with twelve years of documentation behind him. Yet the government totally ignored it, and in fact my doctor was even afraid that they would come after him, that it would be a serious problem for him. I'm not even going to go into that. After I was acquitted, they still wouldn't give it to me, so I kept going. I took completely to the airwaves, and my attorney threatened to sue the federal government. Finally, seven years ago today, on October 21st 1988, I received my first marijuana cigarettes, grown through the government at the University of Mississippi. It's a strain of Mexican origin. It's certainly not of the quality that I grew, and consequently I have to smoke a tremendous amount of it, up to ten joints a day. But I have to say it has improved a little, it's not as bad as it used to be when I started out. The quality used to be very poor. But today, if I take it apart and put it in a bag and throw a little water on it, then let it sit for about fifteen minutes before I roll, then I can get it past my throat. Otherwise it's too harsh and dry. The results seem to be very effective. I have my glaucoma totally under control these days, and that's a very happy thought. Let me be sure I understand. You take the pre-rolled government joints that you get in your prescription container, and you break them open, take out the pot and to let it mositen and become more palatable... Yup! ...and then you re-roll it again afterwards. That seems pretty labour intensive. That's right. I have to do that to make the marijuana more effective. There is the matter of efficiency as well, because if I try to smoke them as they come, what I'm going to end up with is a lot of coughing, and the thing is going to burn before I take most of it in. They recommend that I humidify the joints, and they have all these procedures that sounded too complicated for me. I found that water in the bag works just fine. Do you have any idea as to why they are not able to supply you with higher quality marijuana? I would imagine that within two or three blocks from where we are right now we could pick up some pot that would be a lot better than what the government gives you. Absolutely! I don't know if the purpose is to make it ineffective, so any studies won't give results that they don't want to publish. One of the excuses I've heard is that they've got to put all this leaf in there because the machines that they use to roll were the ones made for cigarettes and they have to have it so they can roll easily. But I don't understand why I get seeds and stems. I have a tremendous amount of faith in the healing powers of hemp seed oil, and I'm not the only one, but it is not meant to be smoked into your lungs. Seed oils in your lungs is just not a good way to go! Has anyone received medical marijuana after you? I know there's 8 people in America who receive it, but I'm not sure where you were on that list. When I became a legal smoker, there were only two individuals in the United States who were receiving medical marijuana through the federal government. One of them was Robert Randall, my hero of all times, because he was the first one to go through a trial and prove that he would be blind without it. My case was widely publicized, and one of the the places it was printed was a woman's magazine that is nationwide, and that got two people on the list with me. One was a woman in Nebraska who had glaucoma and was going blind. She had no idea she would find relief for her glaucoma with marijuana, and we helped her get it. The other was a man in Iowa, George McMahon, who has a rare terminal illness, his bones literally deteriorate, and his pain is tremendous. So by 1990 we'd grown to five. We all went to the 20th anniversary of the NORML organization in Washington, DC. The list continued to grow, and I believe at one time there was 18 people on it, and they had approved 36 more. Those people had gone through all the hoops that we did, (FDA, DEA, and NIDA), and had been approved when the program was cancelled. Why was the program cancelled? They had a deluge of AIDS patients who found relief from their problems through cannabis, so they stopped the program in 1992. They made the statement that the AIDS patients would get high, and could then get careless and infect the rest of society. That was their official stance! It was Judge Bonner, the ex-head of the DEA, who stopped the program. I had the opportunity to debate him on LA Today, on President's Day of 1994. The public was asked to participate. It was a one-on-one debate about medical marijuana, and I took our side to a win of 90 to 10. How do you receive your marijuana from the government, especially while travelling? I have to go have a checkup. I then pick up a prescription, and go to a pharmacy where they have already sent it. I have to go home every 3 months at least. Then you receive a 3 month supply at a time? Yeah. At 10 joints a day, that's about 900 joints, the size of a big cigarette each. That's a lot of leaves there! Is there any restriction on where you're allowed to take your medication? Can you smoke a joint in public? When I received my medical marijuana from the government, the judge who had acquitted me was asked, "Where can Elvy smoke?" My attorney suggested wherever nicotine is permissible, and the judge agreed with him. Do you have problems with people who don't believe you when you tell them that you're allowed to smoke marijuana and that you want to smoke it in their restaurant? Well, I'm pretty sensitive to their problems, too, because I know what the laws are and the craziness that goes on. Usually if I want to smoke at a restaurant, as I will in a little while, I'll go in there, explain to the manager and show her my prescription. If she doesn't have a problem with that I will sit here, and if she does have a problem with it, then I'll just step right outside there and smoke it in the middle of the street. It's pretty ridiculous, that I sometimes have to do that. Have you ever visited Canada? Yes, yes. I have toured America several times, and I was lucky enough to have entered Canada to visit Vancouver in the fall of 1993. We had a very nice vehicle, and it appeared that we had money to spend. I never thought of hiding my marijuana, but I didn't declare it. I had a full month's supply because I was on tour and I couldn't very well leave it at a hotel somewhere else, it could get stolen or cause other problems. Everything went well for us and I spoke at a local university. The next year we had financial problems, and we had a van that showed that its owners are not rich, like we're not going to have the money they want tourists to spend. I had left most of my marijuana at an attorney's office in Seattle with documentation so he wouldn't end up in trouble, and I took strictly a two day supply, because our engagements in British Columbia were to last two days. I was treated very poorly by the Canadian authorities, as if I were a criminal. They saw the paperwork and they saw my prescription, yet they called the cigarettes I had in my prescription bottle "drugs" and they called my bottles "paraphernalia." It was a very terrible scene. They confiscated the van because it was carrying me and my drugs and my paraphernalia, and we were barred entry into Canada. I sincerely feel that I am owed an apology from the authorities in Canada. I also heard that you weren't treated very well by the authorities in Gainseville at a rally last December. I was in Gainesville because there was a motion to have marijuana laws overturned in Florida. The person who was filing the suit was trying to show the different aspects of cannabis, so he had called in Lynn Osbourne to testify about religious use, Jack Herer for historical information, and John Morgan and myself for the medical aspects. There was a rally organized for the same time, but the city had denied the organizers a permit. So they had taken their request to the court of appeals, and had been told that it was their constitutional right to hold a rally, and that the police could only be there to protect people. I brought my marijuana with me, both as proof of who I was, and for medicinal use. Every two hours or so I had to go outside and smoke, and as I mentioned I am allowed to smoke wherever you can smoke tobacco. Nobody at the rally was smoking since they had been told that the police would arrest anyone who tried. People had eaten brownies beforehand, and were sitting in circles talking. The police officers who were there just walked through the people as if they weren't there. I felt that this was very rude. When it was my turn to speak I decided to begin my speech with a song, "The War on Us." Normally I speak first and then sing later on, but I just felt like I should begin with the the song. During the instrumental break I lit one of my marijuana cigarettes, and the police stormed the stage to stop me. I didn't even see them coming since I have no vision in my right eye. After the initial jolt came and I realized what was happening I actually smiled, because I knew that they were in the wrong. I asked them "what are you doing?" They knew I was a legal smoker, and I had my prescription label, but they argued with me. One of the attorneys who was onstage with me had to get my paperwork from my bag. I happened to have letters from my marijuana supplier, plus a letter from my attorney. They tried to accuse me of having created these documents, but I told them "you know I'm legal, so what are you going to charge me with?" I only had 4.5 grams on me, and I asked them if they knew that I am allowed to carry a month's supply, over 200 grams at a time? But they arrested me and took me away from the rally. They held me until 11pm, about eight hours. I'll have to sue them now, but since the state of Florida needs a real education, it could be a good opportunity to give them one. What do you see for the future - are you an optimist? I am a total optimist. I feel that the only enemy we really have is ignorance, and I think that with your wonderful magazine, and with the other interviews that are being done around the country, with people speaking openly, we are fighting and defeating that ignorance. When you have arrested 10 million of your citizens, there has got to be 10 million stories there that are screaming to be heard! As we bury the darkness of ignorance with the light of truth, there's going to be no opposition. People have a brain, they have to think for themselves. You can't call yourself a Christian when you have no compassion for sending innocent people to jail. You can't do that and say you're following the teachings of a master, and that we should love one another. And especially, to destroy the beautiful planet you've been given. For what? To help some greedy people who couldn't care less what happens to you? Personally, I think marijuana is legal in the United States. It's too bad the officials haven't gotten the word yet. finis
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Obrigado pela orientação Thiabo! Pensando melhor,até para adesão do tratamento Hemp oil,seria o ideal. Abraço.
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