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tenho uma mascara tatuada na perna tbem mas eh o Barong na parte de tras e Hanya na parte da frente. BARONG EH NOIX
hj em dia eh "Grapetti quem fuma nao esquece" Sera que rola a Grapetti com os amigos ainda??? PArabens ai TIO , essa planta ficou famosa de norte a sul
hahahhaha ai PHD eu se fosse vc tomaria cuidado abraco pros grower de feh e pros comedia , eu soh lamento.
Falar que a MARCHA DA MACONHA nao eh necessaria eh nao saber nem um pouko da historia das marchas e como ela comecou no Brasil. Falar que a legalizacao da maconha nao eh o caminho certo tbem discordo totalmente. E tambem nao sei porque a conotacao com futebol? Aqui nos manifestamos em prol da santa maria , sempre foi assim desde o inicio e nao vai mudar ateh o final . Realmente nao entendi oque voce quer com este post. O sonho de todos aqui eh a legalizacao ninguem vai mudar de ativista canabico para ativista fome zero. Cada um com seu ativismo. Abraco enfumacado pros growers de feh ps . to muito chapado aqui vou ler de novo pra ver se eh isso mesmo que entendi.
dalhe irmao!!!!! bora voltar pro barco abracos
super skunk,caribe e chronic(made In X-tyle)flora
topic respondeu ao x-tyle de jahgrower em Galeria de Fotos
Caralho o X-tyle eh foda. Por onde andas maluko???? Vale o UP abracos -
Tem um texto da CANNA que eu postei na outra pagina e este estudo eh mais recente. Abracos
Li nos estudos que fizeram que nao eh muito bom overdose na musica. Tipo 3 hrs por dia com as luzes ligadas ta bom. Abracos
Aeroporto Internacional De Oakland Autoriza Pacientes A Viajar Com Cannabis
topic respondeu ao bWd de jahgrower em Cannabis Medicinal
Cara cada vez mais eu penso em sair daqui da Australia e ir morar na Califa ... E acho que isso vai ser mais cedo que imagino hehehehe Abracos -
Aqui tem um texto da CANNA em ingles sobre o assunto. TRADUTORES FIQUEM A VONTADE D. Kroeze MSc. CANNA Research Music and Plants? A few years ago, scientists at the University of California, San Diego in the United States discovered a signal mechanism that controls a plant's stomata. The two cells that form the stoma consist of specialised cells (guard cells) that are tuned to the resonant frequency of calcium. When exposed to this frequency the stomata close. However, if the frequency is not exactly right the cells will open again within an hour. This happens even if the concentration of calcium is so high that the stomata would normally close. Experiments showed that exposure to high tones was more or less directly responsible for increased gas exchange, and not just after an hour. Music increases growth When specific music, high tones or bird song cause the plant to vibrate, but not at the exact frequency for calcium resonance, the stomata will open after a lapse of time, even though the plant would keep them closed under normal circumstances. Tests have shown that a precise leaf fertiliser, tuned to the plant will have more effect on the development and growth of the plant if its stomata are wide open. Which is logical, because plants absorb leaf fertiliser via their stomata. Combinations of frequency and leaf fertiliser are available for many different crops. But there are still some catches to this method. If the stomata are forced to remain open the plant will not be able to control the amount of water lost via transpiration and so it risks dehydration. So exposing your plant to music for more than 3 hours a day could endanger its health. Don’t overdose on music There could also be negative effect on your favourite plants if the volume or frequency are too high. But this cannot yet be explained based on the opening and closing of the stomata. The negative influence of a too high a frequency could possibly be explained using a technique known shell resonance. Shell resonance Besides resonance, which causes stomata to open under the influence of music or specific tones, there is another technique that might be able to explain the effects of music on our plants. This technique is known as shell resonance and it stimulates or inhibits the synthesis of proteins in plants. Various tones have a role to play here. The theory behind this that proteins, which consist of amino acids, are synthesized in tune to the vibration. Each amino acid should have its own frequency and therefore, each protein its own range of frequencies. So theoretically, the correct sequence of tones should stimulate the creation of proteins by resonance. The influence of resonance in the human body is also the subject of research. Transcutaneous ElectroNeural Stimulation or TENS is a technique that utilises a specific frequency to stimulate the generation of specific substances in the body. For example, a frequency of 10 Hz is thought to stimulate the creation of the neurotransmitter serotonin (the same frequency as α-waves). And guess what? Serotonin is an amino acid. The reason that different tones could be such an influence on plants is because of hormones, such as auxin which is one of the substances responsible for cell extension and fruit formation, only consist of two amino acids. Allowing the plant to vibrate just long enough at the frequencies of these two amino acids should increase the production of the desirable plant hormones thus resulting in bigger shoots. Music could also have an influence on seed germination. A publication in the ‘journal of alternative and complementary medicine’ describes a experiment in which music resulted in a higher germination percentage (P < 0.002) and in faster germination (P < 0.000002). By the way, it appears that sound did not have any significant effect on germination. So it seems here that multiple frequencies are significant and because germination is all about hormones, it is very probable that shell resonance has a role to play here. Plants Prefer Classical Music.. . A possible explanation for plants reacting positively to classical music and not to heavy metal, is that purer tones are used in classical music, while heavy metal is full of guitar effects such as distortion and overdrive which we certainly cannot consider as pure tones! Green Ears Even though techniques to encourage plant growth have been around since the time immemorial, the art itself is dying and present-day growers only have a fraction of the knowledge of their forefathers. Yet, at the moment it is not exactly clear how music influences the development and growth of plants, but more and more is being discovered about resonancephysics and we are closer than ever to solid scientific proof and theories in this area. Maybe, in twenty year's time people will laugh if you say that plants don't have ears! Eh isso ai rapazeada , e tem cara que fala que eu sou maluko por deixar umas horinhas diarias de Bach e Mozart pra minhas criancas. Abracos
Papo Com O Dogoargentino - Policial Militar
topic respondeu ao dogoargentino de jahgrower em Ativismo - Cannabis Livre
Primeiro post aqui... A galera metendo pau no dogo , poh eu acho de grande valia ter um policial militar como user do GR. Mesmo sabendo que jah passei alguns dos piores momentos da minha vida na mao de policiais. E esse lance dos caras do LEAP eh muito maneiro , vc deveria procurar saber mais a respeito. Abracos -
Prazer Mandacaru Belo camarao que ta segurando na foto heim!!!!!! Parabens pela sua atitude de mostrar a cara e explicar pra rapazeada oque eh a TDAH . Espero que a cannabis continue te ajudando assim como ela faz comigo no meu quadro clinico. Grande abraco enfumacado Jah Guide us
Tava dando uma olhada na pagina dos caras da NORML , e ta ateh o video lah ... poh sensacional isso dai... Eu vou eh voltar pro meu sitio onde eu nasci q a hora eh agora. []`s
Caralho heim BAS!!!! Que honra cara ,pqp tamo na NORML!!! Parabens ai irmao ta com os contato .. Ah muleke ninguem segura mais...
ae!!!!!!!! colheu oque plantou isso eh maravilhoso ,agora vem a paciencia da secagem e cura !!!! parabens
por aqui rolou tbem!!! uma boa videoteca cannabica valeu ai pela dica mano...
Acho q temos q esperar pelo menos ateh segunda semana de janeiro , ateh lah da tempo dos caras voltarem a trampar. O alma ou a rapazeada q ta cuidando da logistica sabem quem pagou e nao recebeu. Final de ano eh foda mesmo. Abracos
Acho q temos q esperar pelo menos ateh segunda semana de janeiro , ateh lah da tempo dos caras voltarem a trampar. O alma ou a rapazeada q ta cuidando da logistica sabem quem pagou e nao recebeu. Final de ano eh foda mesmo. Abracos
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Dalhe irmao!!! Belas plantas Feliz natal e que vc apareca mais pelos boards de cultivo em 2010!!!!hehehehhe Grande abraco pra familia
4:20 da manha ,to aqui no meu quarto ao som dos exaustores queimando o boa noite e passei por este topico. Muita coisa passa pela mente neste momento , o Growroom realmente sempre foi nosso espaco para crescer e este espaco esta se tornando cada vez maior . Eu soh tenho a agradecer a esta comunidade que me tirou do contato com o trafico em 2004 de la pra ca ja se passaram 5 anos de muita ganja boa . Parabens aos grandes professores e ativistas do GR . E nunca poderemos esquecer de mandar as positive vibrations para o dois grandes mestres e martires do GR DonkeyDicke Lowrider que infelizmente sofreram muito pela nossa causa. Feliz 2010 pra todos nos!!! Keep with the good work
UP Macerai o hemp e seus contos Cyberpunks Onde anda vc e seus contos cannabicos????? Grande abraco
Poh ateh nosso grande professor (DonkeyDick)passou por aqui pra deixar suas palavras , infelizmente ele assim como o LOW foram presos antes da nova lei... c tivesse acontecido hj com certeza a historia deles teria sido diferente . Tamo junto tio , bom velo por aqui denovo. Parabens ao coletivo Growroom por mais esta vitoria !!!!! Agora eh ajudar nosso colega Alexandre lah no sul. Jah will never let us down Grande abraco pros growers de feh