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  1. The Best Pot-Related Jobs In The Cannabis Industry By Angelica LeichtFri., Apr. 11 2014 at 8:00 AM Photo by Dank Depot via flickr Hey, so you know how pot is legal in some states, but totally not in Texas? Yeah, well, we're not only missing out on those fancy tax dollars, but we're also missing out on some serious business opportunities. When surveying the dismal unemployment numbers, it may seem a thing of the past, and you may be right -- for your state, anyway. But if you happen to reside in one of the states where pot is legal, job growth is actually a pretty common thing. You see, folks, when you stop policing an entire plant like cannabis, and allow for it to be legally bought and sold instead, this magical thing happens -- new businesses start to appear -- and new jobs spring forth all willy-nilly. Crazy, I know, but it happens. And those new businesses and new jobs are happening all over places like Colorado and Washington. Take, for instance, the grow shop. Don't know what that is? Well, it's the place where pot is legally cultivated, from seedling to massive plant. Those shops need folks to keep 'em running. Or how about the medical aspect of pot? Yep, you guessed it. Medical professionals are needed to diagnose and prescribe, and office staff goes hand in hand with that type of business. So you don't even have to be a medical doctor to land a job in medical marijuana; you just have to be able to set appointments or file paperwork. But as great as those jobs sound, there are even better ones to be had in the pot industry. Don't believe us? See below. But be careful; the word "budtender" may accidentally blow your mind. Photo by Neeta Lind via flickr Budtenders Oh, yes. The "budtender." So think bartender, but with bud, and a decidedly less-handsy crowd to deal with. The budtender knows all things bud, from what the strain's potency is to what to expect from the plant. The difference between the flowers, the concentration of the strain, or what an edible is; the budtender knows it all. They're like a walking encyclopedia of weed knowledge, the budtender, and they see the purchase through from start to finish in the dispensary, doing everything from answering questions about what it's like to be high to weighing the bud and passing it along to the happy customer. In a nutshell, the job of a budtender is a big ball of awesome. Cultivation Experts Are you a phytochemist? What about a biochemist? A horticulturist? No? Just a closet pot-grower with a serious green thumb? Well, come one, come all -- the legal pot industry is begging for folks who can work in the grow phase of the marijuana biz. You're especially important if you have a scientific background, but even if you're just wanting to bust into the pot business, there are jobs available for growers, trimmers and farm labor a'plenty. Side note: It's kind of awesome to think of all the Ag and farm kids from Texas heading up to Colorado or Washington in their boots, isn't it? Photo by Sids1 via flickr Delivery Agents Yeah, it's a weird concept for those of us in states where weed is still illegal, but in some states, you no longer have to buy your pot out of the back of some dude's van while looking over your shoulder. Delivery agents are needed to secure the transport of the very legal plants to and from wherever they're ending up -- presumably the dispensaries, the grow shops, or wherever else it's legal to deliver them to. In reality, we don't live in a state where we can legally drive around a carload of pot plants, so we have no clue where they go, or what you'd be doing other than driving, but it still sounds kind of super awesome, no? Photo by tanjila via flickr Weed Consultant This is a real, legit position offered by the awesome folks in Washington state, and it is what it sounds like: they need a well-educated stoner to educate lawmakers and elected officials on everything ganja-related. No, you're not hallucinating. The folks in charge of the state of Washington, who have presumably been abstaining from the underground supply of weed olde, need a lesson in the best practices to grow, dry, test, label, and package weed. Oh, and they also need to know how to get it into food products without it tasting awful. Turns out all those years of perfecting my pot brownie recipes were not in vain, mom. Go figure. Strain Reviewer Oh, man. The strain reviewer. This job sure is a real thing, despite it sounding too good to be true, and plenty of media outlets and Web sites are hiring pot reviewers to give their critical opinions on the bud being sold in their area. It's hard work, but someone's got to do it, we guess. Not only are there pot plants to review, but there are editors who are needed to be editing those reviews, and writers to, well, write stuff about the pot industry, too. Cannabis, savin' lives and journalism, one pot job at a time. Cannabis Marketing So, branding. Everything needs a brand, even pot. And there's a great need for cannabis campaign creators, who can help a strain or a dispensary develop a personal brand. This also seems like an awesome job. What better way to use your business sense than to parlay it into some Cheech and Chong skit that's set in an advertising agency? Well, that's how we picture cannabis branding going, anyway. There's also a need for account executives and advertising reps who can specialize in cannabis. So if you're in sales, you may want to think about transitioning over to the dark (green) side. Pot Chefs So, edibles. Edibles are super necessary for people who either can't or don't want to take part in the more traditional methods of inhaling pot. From the legalization has sprung a new industry, which focuses on the art of baking or creating high-end pot edibles. Pot delicacies are in high demand, and if you're a chef or baker with any interest in getting people stoned, you may want to head on down to where pot is legal. Cause chances are, they'll need your expertise. Tradutor BING Os melhores trabalhos relacionados com a erva na indústria da Cannabis Por Angelica LeichtFri., 11 de abril de 2014, às 08:00 Foto por Dank Depot via flickr Ei, então você sabe como a maconha é legal em alguns Estados, mas totalmente não no Texas? Sim, bem, nós estamos não só perder a esses impostos chique, mas também estamos perdendo algumas oportunidades de negócio sério. Quando examinando os números de desemprego dismal, pode parecer uma coisa do passado, e você pode estar certo..--para seu estado, de qualquer forma. Mas se acontecer de você residir em um dos Estados onde a maconha é legal, o crescimento do emprego é realmente uma coisa muito comum. Você vê, pessoal, quando você parar de policiamento uma planta inteira, como a cannabis e permitir para que possa ser legalmente comprado e vendido em vez disso, essa coisa mágica acontece..--novos negócios começam a aparecer..--e novos postos de trabalho da mola adiante tudo à toa. Loucura, eu sei, mas acontece. E essas novas empresas e novos postos de trabalho estão acontecendo em lugares como o Colorado e Washington. Tomemos, por exemplo, a loja crescer. Não sei o que é? Bem, é o lugar onde o pote é legalmente cultivada, de mudas de planta maciça. As lojas precisam de pessoal para mantê-los funcionando. Ou que tal o aspecto médico da maconha? Sim, você adivinhou-lo. Profissionais médicos são necessários para diagnosticar e prescrever, e o pessoal do escritório anda de mãos dadas com esse tipo de negócio. Então não precisa nem ser médico para conseguir um emprego em maconha medicinal; Você só tem que ser capaz de definir compromissos ou documentos de arquivo. Mas é tão grande como o som, há ainda aqueles trabalhos melhores na indústria de maconha. Não acredita em nós? Veja abaixo. Mas cuidado; a palavra "budtender" acidentalmente pode explodir sua mente. Foto por Neeta Lind via flickr Budtenders Oh sim. O "budtender". Barman para pensar, mas com o bud e uma decididamente menos-mão boba multidão para lidar com. O budtender sabe todas bud de coisas, de que potência do estirpe é para o que esperar da planta. A diferença entre as flores, a concentração de tensão, ou um comestível que é; o budtender sabe de tudo. Eles são como uma enciclopédia ambulante de conhecimento de ervas daninhas, o budtender, e eles vêem a compra do começo ao fim no dispensário, fazendo tudo de responder às perguntas sobre como é ser alto peso à nascença e transmiti-lo ao longo para o cliente feliz. Em poucas palavras, o trabalho de um budtender é uma grande bola de incrível. Especialistas de cultivo Você é um professor? Que tal um bioquímico? Um horticultor? Não? Só um armário pot-cultivador com um polegar verde grave? Bem, venha um, venha todos..--a indústria de maconha legal está implorando para pessoas que podem trabalhar na fase de crescimento do biz maconha. Você é especialmente importante se você tem uma formação científica, mas mesmo se você só está querendo invadir o negócio de maconha, há empregos disponíveis para os cultivadores, aparadores e a'plenty do trabalho de fazenda. Nota: é incrível pensar que de todas as crianças de Ag e fazenda da posição do Texas até Colorado ou Washington em suas botas, não é? Foto por Sids1 via flickr Agentes de entrega Sim, é um conceito estranho para aqueles de nós nos Estados onde a maconha é ilegal, mas em alguns Estados, já não tens de comprar sua maconha fora da parte traseira de alguns van do cara olhando sobre seu ombro. Os agentes de entrega são necessários para garantir o transporte das plantas muito legais a e de onde eles estão terminando..--presumivelmente os dispensários, as lojas de crescer, ou onde quer que é legal para entregá-los para. Na realidade, não vivemos em um estado onde podemos legalmente dirigir em torno de um carregamento de maconha, então temos nenhuma pista de onde eles vão, ou o que fazer além de dirigir, mas ainda soa meio super incrível, não? Foto por tanjila via flickr Consultor de erva Esta é uma posição real, legit oferecida pelo pessoal incrível no estado de Washington, e é o que parece: eles precisam de um stoner bem educado para educar os legisladores e eleitos sobre tudo relacionado a ganja. Não, você não está alucinando. O pessoal encarregado do estado de Washington, que têm presumivelmente foi abster-se de fornecimento subterrâneo de erva olde, precisa aprender as melhores práticas para crescer, secar, testar, rotular e pacote de erva. Ah, e eles também precisam saber como obtê-lo em produtos alimentares sem que sabor horrível. Acontece que todos esses anos de aperfeiçoar minhas receitas de brownie de maconha não foram em vão, mãe. Vai entender. Revisor de tensão Oh, cara. O revisor de estirpe. Este trabalho é uma coisa real, apesar de soar demasiado bom para ser verdade e muitos meios de comunicação e sites da Web estão contratando revisores de pote para dar suas opiniões críticas sobre o bud sendo vendido em sua área. É um trabalho duro, mas alguém tem que fazê-lo, podemos imaginar. Não só existem plantas de maconha para rever, mas existem editores que são necessários para editar os comentários, e escritores para, bem, escrevem coisas sobre a indústria da maconha, também. Cannabis, salvando vidas e jornalismo, trabalho de um pote de cada vez. Marketing de cannabis Então, branding. Tudo precisa de uma marca, mesmo pote. E há uma grande necessidade para os criadores de campanha de cannabis, que pode ajudar uma tensão ou um dispensário desenvolver uma marca pessoal. Esta também parece ser um ótimo trabalho. Que melhor maneira de usar seu senso de negócios do que to parlay-lo em alguma sátira Cheech e Chong que situa-se numa agência de publicidade? Bem, isso é como nós imagine cannabis branding vai, enfim. Há também uma necessidade de executivos de contas e representantes de publicidade que podem se especializar na cannabis. Então, se você está em vendas, você pode querer pensar sobre a transição para o lado negro (verde). Pote Chefs Então, comestíveis. Comestíveis são super necessárias para as pessoas que não podem ou não querem tomar parte nos métodos mais tradicionais de inalar a maconha. Desde a legalização, surgiu uma nova indústria, que incide sobre a arte do cozimento ou criando edibles pote high-end. Pote iguarias estão em alta demanda, e se você é um chef ou padeiro com algum interesse na obtenção de pessoas chapadas, você pode querer cabeça sobre até onde a maconha é legal. Causa mais provável é eles precisarão de sua perícia.
  2. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROAD TO LEGAL MARIJUANA COMMERCE [FEATURE] When Colorado voters last November gave the thumbs up to marijuana legalization, the celebrations came quickly, with overjoyed pot smokers triumphantly lighting up, even though the pot laws had yet to officially change. Indeed, in following the will of the voters, Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) within weeks announced that marijuana was no longer illegal in Colorado. But that was only the beginning. Amendment 64, the marijuana legalization initiative approved by the voters, didn't just legalize marijuana -- it also called on the state to come up with a regulatory regime for legal marijuana commerce. That process is now well underway, with the state legislature currently considering implementation legislation. The legislature is working on a framework crafted by a Hickenlooper-appointed Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force, which in mid-March released its Final Report with 58 discrete recommendations for the legislature to consider. The highlights included: The adult-use marijuana industry should be required to have common ownership from seed to sale. This vertical integration regulatory model means that cultivation, processing and manufacturing, and retail sales must be under common ownership. During the first year of licensing, only entities with valid medical marijuana licenses should be able to obtain licenses to grow, process and sell adult-use cannabis. A new Marijuana Enforcement Division in the Department of Revenue would be funded by General Fund revenue for the next five years and would provide the necessary regulatory oversight of all marijuana industries in Colorado. Refer a ballot initiative to voters this November for a 15% excise tax, with the first $40 million of excise tax proceeds going to the state's school construction fund as outlined in Amendment 64, and a "marijuana sales tax" to create funding sources to cover the costs of regulating the industry, implementing consumer safeguards and establishing youth prevention and treatment programs. Only Colorado residents should be allowed to hold licenses to grow, process and sell adult-use cannabis. But sales to both residents and visitors to the state should be permitted, with stricter quantity limits for visitors. All types of marijuana sold from adult use cannabis retail facilities should be in child-proof packaging and have warning labels that detail tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) potency and list all pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and solvents used in cultivation or processing. Other recommendations included not allowing pot smoking in bars or other facilities impacted by the state's anti-smoking laws, barring "open containers" of marijuana in vehicles, and requiring people with children at home to keep their marijuana gardens secure. "This is a very comprehensive report, developed in a rapid timeframe, that lays the groundwork for the establishment of a robust regulatory framework, with adequate funding for marijuana industry oversight and enforcement, consumer protection and prevention and treatment programs for young people," said Task Force co-chair and governor's legal counsel Jack Finlaw. "The Task Force recommendations will now need to be perfected through the legislative process and rulemakings by various state agencies." While there is some quibbling over the various recommendations and some concerns about what the legislature might do, Amendment 64 proponent (and now Marijuana Policy Project communications director) Mason Tvert said things were going pretty much as expected. "The goal is to establish regulated retail stores that provide marijuana to adults, and we are steadily moving toward that," he said. "There are obviously lots of details to be worked out, and lots of different opinions on those details, but overall, we're moving in the direction of accomplishing our goal. There is debate over vertical integration, whether sales should be restricted to non-residents, the levels of sales tax -- these are all important issues, but overall things are going well, and we're well on our way to having a system of regulated marijuana cultivation and sales in Colorado." Now, the Task Force recommendations are before a joint legislative committee charged with turning them into regulatory legislation. The committee had hoped to be done by the end of March, but progress has been slow, and the new deadline date is next week. If the committee meets that deadline, that will give the legislature as a whole exactly one month to craft and pass enabling legislation before the session ends. The politicians are doing what they are supposed to do, said Tvert. There have been no real attempts to sabotage the will of the voters, and legislators are trying with good faith to implement Amendment 64. "Generally, elected officials have been responsive," he said. "There have been some proposals for restrictions, but overall, they are moving forward to pass this. There is really nothing else they can do. For most Coloradans, this is going exactly as planned. For people in the industry, for advocates, for elected officials, there are lots of details being debated and it can feel like there's a lot of drama, but overall, everything's happening as it's supposed to." The clock is ticking in Colorado. The voters have already voted to legalize marijuana. Either the legislature passes regulations to implement it -- and quite possibly puts anticipated taxes on the ballot, as required by state law for any new taxes -- and Colorado has legal, taxed and regulated marijuana commerce, or it simply has legal marijuana possession with no taxes and no regulations. The threat of the latter should be enough to ensure the success of the former. Fonte:
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