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Tudo que sektornba postou

  1. Tem. Temos q impor um controle de qualidade nessa merda de país. Estes merdas tem q saber e fazer valer a merda da LEI. A merda da imprensa devia PAGAR CARO por noticiar uma merda dessa. PQP! Qt merda!
  2. Tenho q confessar... Tenho um quase inveja e mt saudade de queimar um green. Sempre q leio alguem falando isso, me dá um aperto no coração, pois chego em casa e tem o pote de prenpren me esperando. 2011 chega logo!
  3. Nao é bem assim tb né. Eu nunca ouvi alguem dizer "Deus é Americano!" Brincadeiras a parte, mais para alguem digno, com bons valores, estudo, dedicação e doutrina aqui é tão bom quanto lá. Um dia o Brasil chega lá. Agora zoando o país dos Yankees... Como resolvem os terremotos, furacões, tufões, ataques terroristas e como mudar a imagem de um povo marcado pelo capitalismo a qqr preço?
  4. " Segundo o código penal brasileiro, "fumar maconha" não caracteriza crime, ao contrário de "adquirir", "guardar", "ter em depósito", "transportar" e/ou "trazer consigo" a droga. " Entao é crime ter, guardar e transoportar? Onde ta escrito isso? Fala sério. Que imprensa de merda essa nossa. Nao tem controle de qualidade para estes merdas q escrevem isso? Uma frase dessa e logo embaixo o artigo 28. comédia!
  5. SObre cash crop: " In agriculture, a cash crop is a crop which is grown for profit. The term is used to differentiate from subsistence crops, which are those fed to the producer's own livestock (TOS client) or grown as food for the producer's family. In earlier times cash crops were usually only a small (but vital) part of a farm's total yield, while today, especially in the developed countries, almost all crops are mainly grown for cash. In non-developed nations, cash crops are usually crops which attract demand in more developed nations, and hence have some export value. In many tropical and subtropical areas, jute, coffee, cocoa, sugar cane, bananas, oranges and cotton are common cash crops. In cooler areas, grain crops, oil-yielding crops and some vegetables and herbs are predominate; an example of this is the United States, where corn, wheat, soybean are the predominant cash crops. Tobacco has historically been a cash crop, though with increased pressures from anti-tobacco activists, it has declined in popularity[citation needed]; the largest profiters from tobacco today tend to be governments[citation needed], which in many places add taxes that more than double the cost of tobacco products. Coca, poppies and cannabis are other popular black-market cash crops, the prevalence of which varies. In the United States cannabis is considered by some to be the most valuable cash crop.[1] Prices for major cash crops are set in commodity markets with global scope, with some local variation (called basis) based on freight costs and local supply and demand balance. A consequence of this is that a nation, region, or individual producer relying on such a crop may suffer low prices should a bumper crop elsewhere lead to excess supply on the global markets. This system is criticized by traditional farmers. Coffee is a major part of this. Issues involving subsidies and trade barriers on such crops have become controversial in discussions of globalization. Many developing nations take the position that the current international trade system is unfair because it has caused tariffs to be lowered in industrial goods while allowing for high tariffs and agricultural subsidies for agricultural goods. This makes it difficult for a developing nation to export its goods overseas, and forces developing nations to compete with imported goods which are exported from developed nations at artificially low prices. The practice of exporting at artificially low prices is known as dumping, and is illegal in most nations. Controversy over this issue led to the collapse of the Cancún trade talks in 2003, when the Group of 22 refused to consider agenda items proposed by the European Union unless the issue of agricultural subsidies were addressed. Agribusiness, with its high-capital-investment and industrial-scale agricultural practices, very often skews production towards cash crops and away from anything that is consumed locally or which cannot be preserved, shipped and sold abroad. When used in conjunction with practices which seek to maximize crop yield and which favor monoculture, increasing reliance on cash crops is seen by some to have adverse, long term environmental consequences. The prevalence of cash crops also makes ethical consumerism difficult, as production practices cannot easily be determined and removed. While there are many advantages to cash cropping, it may also result in the farmers of these cash crops, as well as their families, finding themselves unable to eat due to a lack of diverse production. Additionally, the heavy focus on exports that comes along with cash cropping may result in a shortage of locally available food, making the price of food significantly higher for the farming families, as well as other locals. Retrieved from Nepru Working paper #80, The Nambian Economic Policy Research Unit. Hopolang Phororo." Fonte
  6. sektornba

    Cash Crop
  7. Esta sim Pure HEMP. Tem uma msg agora dizendo q estao com instabilidade. Devem usar Micro$oft por la! heahea

  8. Tb quero tirar tremendomatagal.

    1. tremendomatagal


      Apeta o sinalzinho de ' - ' (menos) do lado do balaozinho, como o Seamus67 disse. é nois.

    2. Reefer_Madness


      galera, é só deletar as notificações em "my settings> your notifications".

  9. Polícia, pq nao invade a Rocinha, Complexo do Alemão, Vidigal, Manguinhos e as outras 1000 favelas q existem no RJ? Porcos fardados coniventes com o crime organizado e contra os GROWERS!

    1. duduhemp22


      é verdade ... mas growers não pode vender nada !

  10. Bora fazer barulho entao. No lance do Pedrada fizemos maior baderna ( pelo menos eu fiz ). Vamos propagar as atrocidades cometidas pela polícia idiota!
  11. Krai. 8 plants para 20 dias? Vou ter q colher umas 200 então! PQP

  12. Q bad isso. Novamente eu pergunto: onde e como reclamar das barbaridades que a polícia faz?
  13. Eu ja rodei com alguns amigos no RJ e comprei a erva de volta dos porcos fardados por 30 reais. Tenho vergonha disso.
  14. Poxa, o moderador de notícias nao gosta de mim. Posto noticias direto lá e ele NUNCA as aprova! WTF

  15. Pure Hemp, se a Polícia se envolver vao querer te meter no 33. Imprima a lei do sisnad ( artigo 28 ) e cole em varios lugares ai. Se a polícia chegar, ensine sobre esta lei antes deles entrarem!

    1. Reefer_Madness


      Essa parada sektornba!!! tenho o art. 28 colado no meu grow junto com a cartilha cultive teus direitos growroom.

  16. Boa sano. Votem e faça campanha para os demais senadores dai. Não vote no DEMOstenes.
  17. Esse ai nunca queimou um do GREEN, só do GRAY.
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