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Dúvida Após Extração Do Siso , Pode Fumar ?
topic respondeu ao luccaslm de Canadense em Cannabis e a Saúde
... esse num sabe nada de nada... coitado -
Dúvida Após Extração Do Siso , Pode Fumar ?
topic respondeu ao luccaslm de Canadense em Cannabis e a Saúde
faz um leite -
http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/europe/120718/drug-decriminalization-portugal-addicts Drug decriminalization in Portugal decreases number of addicts After 11 years, the effectiveness of the policy has been measured.Samuel Blackstone, Business Insider July 18, 2012 16:50 A TV cameraman records the three-tons cocaine seizure on February 3, 2006 in Braga, northern Portugal. Many nations thinking about decriminalizing drugs may look to Portugal as an example. (Miguel Riopa /AFP/Getty Images) On July 1, 2001, Portugal decriminalized every imaginable drug, from marijuana, to cocaine, to heroin. Some thought Lisbon would become a drug tourist haven, others predicted usage rates among youths to surge. Eleven years later, it turns out they were both wrong. Over a decade has passed since Portugal changed its philosophy from labeling drug users as criminals to labeling them as people affected by a disease. This time lapse has allowed statistics to develop and in time, has made Portugal an example to follow. First, some clarification. Portugal's move to decriminalize does not mean people can carry around, use, and sell drugs free from police interference. That would be legalization. Rather, all drugs are "decriminalized," meaning drug possession, distribution, and use is still illegal. While distribution and trafficking is still a criminal offense, possession and use is moved out of criminal courts and into a special court where each offender's unique situation is judged by legal experts, psychologists, and social workers. Treatment and further action is decided in these courts, where addicts and drug use is treated as a public health service rather than referring it to the justice system (like the US), reports Fox News. The resulting effect: a drastic reduction in addicts, with Portuguese officials and reports highlighting that this number, at 100,000 before the new policy was enacted, has been halved in the following 10 years. Portugal's drug usage rates are now among the lowest of EU member states, according to the same report. One more outcome: a lot less sick people. Drug related diseases including STDs and overdoses have been reduced even more than usage rates, which experts believe is the result of the government offering treatment with no threat of legal ramifications to addicts. While this policy is by no means news, the statistics and figures, which take years to develop and subsequently depict the effects of the change, seem to be worth noting. In a country like America, which may take the philosophy of criminalization a bit far (more than half of America's federal inmates are in prison on drug convictions), other alternatives must, and to a small degree, are being discussed. For policymakers or people simply interested in this topic, cases like Portugal are a great place to start.
A Culpa E A Sindrome Amotivacional (Vamos Debater)
topic respondeu ao Fabrício BrasilC (olho) de Canadense em Comportamento
essa coisa é estoria pra mim... o que eu fui produtivo nesses ultimos dias ... ja resolvi altas paradas... -
cara... vai ver videos?? porra mané, eu vivo com rastas DIARIAMENTE, ambos Bobo Shantis, Nayabinghis e tb das 12 tribos de Judah da Guiyana até as Bahamas.. num vai ser um videozinho do Peter Tosh (que num era bosta nenhuma de lider rastafari, nem o Bob Marley por sinal... Seria como dizer que o atleta de cristo é lider dos crentes.) VC num sabe nada, e para de me encher o saco com mesnagens privadas falando do seu bilau que é coisa de viado, que como rasta vc deveria saber que eles abominam... VC é um nada que num sabe NADA de NADA. por mim, recadastra denovo, e vem no sapatinho... PQP esse GR tem cada dia mais gente ignorante... que num sabem postar na internet (maldita inclusão da internet) PO VIDEOZIHO DO PETER TOSH PRA ENSINAR SOBRE RASTAFARI???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! o manoel tá tirando. acordei revoltado só no meu quarteirão, tem literalmente 16 lojas do caribe, e 9 dessas 16 os donos são rastas... O cara de quem eu compro fumo rasta... vc conhece o away... parei aqui
unica coisa que é 0 cheiro é via oral...
- 31 replies
Se Iniciando Na Gastronomia Cannabica? Coloque Suas Dúvidas Aqui!
topic respondeu ao verdegulho de Canadense em Culinária
... fico imaginando umas planta dando uns teco e noiando.... EDIT: maconha é mulher né??? então dando uns teco e dando.... nossa tou fudendo com o topico... entã0 jaques tou fudendo com a parada... -
Se Iniciando Na Gastronomia Cannabica? Coloque Suas Dúvidas Aqui!
topic respondeu ao verdegulho de Canadense em Culinária
mas como assim??? num fe por causa do cheiro??? mas e as plantas??? elas num cheiram??? pq se elas num cheiram no pé, num vai cheirar em lugar algum... -
até parece que funciona
eu nunca entendi pq sempre vem embalada assim.... será que eles acham que ta hermeticamente vedada???
Porno Hashish - Hash Importado & Outros
topic respondeu ao HallucinatE de Canadense em Galeria de Fotos
melhor hassh q eu fumei sempre são os fresh made.... as chapações varia de strain p ra strain, mas os sabores de fresh hash num tem igual mesmo um finger hash dilissa... -
hahahaha acabei de toma um
é isso é na costa lesta....
num sei se vc sabe que crack foi originalmente estabelecido aqui do lado... 10 hrinha de carro... nos inicio dos anos 80 (fim dos 70) a CIA inventou crack http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Webb Nova Iorque e Los Angeles era nos anos 80, a msm coisa que s grandes centros Brasileiros de hj... Uma das coisas que ajudou a mudar foi (obviamente) educação, e a legalização do aborto... Tudo isso é amplamente discutido no livro freakanomics. onde tem pó, tem crack... ... sempre falei que demora uns anos pras coisas chegaram ai no barzyl... .. com heroinas num tem problemas... ... essas coisas o que a galera mais abusa aqui é oxy... e não essa droga inventada e inexistente que tu escuta no jornal... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxycodone mas herô é mais na costa oeste
era so o q me faltava, pedreiro guardando pedra pra depois... to pra ver....
realmente, nunca fui pra argentina, mas os argentinos que conheço son todos putos
a mas espanhol é um zé povinho nojento né??? meio que uma argentina daz oropa Eu num entendo nada sobre vistos... nunca tive que tirar um na minha vida..
ã??? onde vc aprendeu isso??? por que vc ta totalmente enganado.... (cobra morta) Rastafari é quem cre na segunda vinda de cristo na forma de Ras Tafari tb conhecido pelo nome Haile Selassie I (pau mostrado)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haile_Selassie_I num ha definição na sua cabecinha, por q os proprio rasta (verdadeiros) são ultra conservadores e ortodóxos.
mas ae que ta... por isso q maconha é boa pra tratar disfunção de syndrome pos-trauma
po atleta num é humano então???
para de comer só por q vc acha que ta com fome, geralmente um copo de agua satisfaz...
http://www.scientifi...emory-mechanism Mechanism Glial cells, not neurons, are responsible for marijuana-induced forgetfulness Image: RICCARDO CASSIANI-INGONI Photo Researchers, Inc. Until recently, most scientists believed that neurons were the all-important brain cells controlling mental functions and that the surrounding glial cells were little more than neuron supporters and “glue.” Now research published in March in Cell reveals that astrocytes, a type of glia, have a principal role in working memory. And the scientists made the discovery by getting mice stoned. Marijuana impairs working memory—the short-term memory we use to hold on to and process thoughts. Think of the classic stoner who, midsentence, forgets the point he was making. Although such stupor might give recreational users the giggles, people using the drug for medical reasons might prefer to maintain their cognitive capacity. To study how marijuana impairs working memory, Giovanni Marsicano of the University of Bordeaux in France and his colleagues removed cannabinoid receptors—proteins that respond to marijuana's psychoactive ingredient THC—from neurons in mice. These mice, it turned out, were just as forgetful as regular mice when given THC: they were equally poor at memorizing the position of a hidden platform in a water pool. When the receptors were removed from astrocytes, however, the mice could find the platform just fine while on THC. The results suggest that the role of glia in mental activity has been overlooked. Although research in recent years has revealed that glia are implicated in many unconscious processes and diseases [see “The Hidden Brain,” by R. Douglas Fields; Scientific American Mind, May/June 2011], this is one of the first studies to suggest that glia play a key role in conscious thought. “It's very likely that astrocytes have many more functions than we thought,” Marsicano says. “Certainly their role in cognition is now being revealed.” Unlike THC's effect on memory, its pain-relieving property appears to work through neurons. In theory, therefore, it might be possible to design THC-type drugs that target neurons—but not glia—and offer pain relief without the forgetfulness.