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Tudo que Canadense postou

  1. ... bro... eu quebrei o dente.... até a raiz... ai deu uma infecçãozinha...
  2. atrapalha se tiver que fazer um teste antidoping
  3. essas maconhas s˜eo genéticamente modificada, assim como eu sou uma modificação/combinação genética da minha mãe e meu pai... cada uma viu...
  4. po sinceramente, num entendi por que cara??? Galera tem que sair do armario, senão a coisa num anda...
  5. pra que disfarçar??? afinal, vc paga ela, ou ela te paga?
  6. põe um link ae pra nois véi bicho... eu ainda num me comformo que isso se chama bruxismo...
  8. Dentista medo

    1. Mostrar comentários anteriores  %s mais
    2. Mr. Grower

      Mr. Grower

      tudo macho aqui! hahahaha

    3. Zika Hemp

      Zika Hemp

      Eu vou adivinhar, Canadense é são paulino?

    4. Canadense


      hahaha... po, agora, sem dente, virei corinthiano...

  9. Estou no dentista nesse exato momento Tou nervoso mas nem tanto Vou arrancar e por um implante aí no Brasil Pq aqui é salgado
  10. mano.. esse weedpass os proprios holandeses tavam rindo.... imagina tu ter que registrar pra fumar maconha? que é isso.. isso dae faz um controle orwelliano de quanto nego fuma, quando, e o que ele fuma...
  11. Sedation Dentistry’s Newest Fad: Marijuana-Assisted Dentistry April 1, 2009 By Julie Frey View Comments Dental anxiety keeps millions of people from seeing the dentist as often as they should. Our sources indicate that sedation dentistry will soon offer a new way of relieving dental fear: medical marijuana. With the Obama administration signaling an increased tolerance of medicinal marijuana, early reports suggest that California may add dental anxiety to the list of disorders that can legally be treated with medical marijuana. One San Francisco dentist who wished to remain anonymous has been quietly offering marijuana-assisted sedation dentistry to his patients since last November. He claims his dental practice profits have increased by over 50% in less than six months. "Patient acceptance has been astonishing," said the marijuana sedation dentist. "We've been getting lots of new patient referrals, and patients are enthusiastically following through with their treatment plans. My patients are getting more dental care than ever before." A pioneer in the field is Humboldt Anesthesia Products, located in northern California. Said Faye Kinhaym, the company's spokesperson, "We've bred a new strain just for dental patients. Dental zonk is a purplish indica that works quickly to reduce anxiety. It also leaves the mouth extra-dry, so dentists can do their job without worrying about excess saliva. Patients report this dental cannabis very effective. In fact, many were eager to return soon for more dental treatment." "Plus, we're willing to offer bulk discounts to any dentists who are interested. In these tough times, I think they will find it really increases their cash flow." Anita Hittnough, 22, is a resident of Berkeley, California, and an ardent supporter of dentist cannabis. "My dental anxiety was affecting my whole life. Sometimes I'd be so worried about the dentist that I couldn't even relax at parties. I tried nitrous oxide, but laughing gas isn't really my thing. The marijuana prescription I got from my dentist has really helped!
  12. mano esse som prefiro melhor que o original... mas a letra tem tudo haver com o som original... esses cara sao foda...
  13. eu fumo pq eu tou cuma dor de dente do caralho e pra ver um cirurgião dental antes da 2ª vai me custar 3000 dola.... segunda eu vejo um cara 300 dola... ai vou pro braza e faço uma implante
  14. maconha num é pra todos.... tchau
  15. Ta mais pra max schreck EDIT: hahahahha alguem da uma agua pro renato.... ele ta fazendo a minha boca ficar seca..
  16. mmuita grana que isso movimenta... os cara tinha que dar uma bela reformada nas façades...
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